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Added by: Project Cyrodiil
Alignment: Kingdom of Anvil
Region: Strident Coast

Almsivi Intervention:

Divine Intervention:


Lacorius Estate
Adrik's Farm

Thresvy is a modest fishing village on the Abecean Sea governed by the Kingdom of Anvil. The appointed Reeve here is Sigorn Lacorius. Pessius Vrocha runs the local inn, named The Blind Watchtower. Weara Galdan runs the Chapel of Persisting Sustenance - dedicated to Akatosh. Fishing is the main industry here, but the Reeve also operates a large aliyew brewery attached to her manor.


The town was constructed 180 years ago in the aftermath of the Camoran Usurper's invasion, when his forces burned the old Reman-era town of Old Thraswatch to the ground. Today, the main threats to the town come from the pirates that plague the shipping routes of the Abecean.

Getting There and AroundEdit

Thresvy can be reached by foot from either Anvil and Brina Cross by following the Gold Road towards the opposite city and then taking the turn-off road a short distance north of the Sidri-Ashak runestone, north of Linadasael and west of Salinen. The town can also be traveled to via boat from either Anvil or Charach.

The settlement of Salthearth can be found by following the Gold Road towards Brina Cross, then turning north onto a road north of Salinen; Talgiana Orchard and several other smaller farms can be found by instead continuing along the Gold Road towards Brina Cross. The village of Marav can be reached by following the Gold Road towards Anvil and then turning left onto a dirt road a short distance past Lindasael, after crossing a bridge.

Places of Interest Around ThresvyEdit

East of the town, along the road, can be found the crypt of the local Lacorius family and a shrine to St. Periv. The Wavemoth Legion Fort and it's lighthouse can be found south of the town. Southeast of the town, on the eastern slope of a hill, is Darach Barrow. To the north stands the tower of Old Thraswatch, and northeast of that lies Pale Bay Cave in a small cove along the coast.

Further east of the town lies the Strident Floodlands; the ruins of Lindasael and Salinen can be found along the southwestern and northern shores, respectively, of this wetland.

The road leading north out of town passes the ruins of Garlas Malatar and Beldaburo on it's way to Sutch. East of those ruins, just off the coast, lies the ruins of Mischarstette.

Related QuestsEdit

Kingdom of AnvilEdit

  • Voiceless Harmony: Slay a dreugh queen whose brood is plaguing the coasts of Colovia.



Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Adrik the Unseen   Nord Farmer 6 92 68 50 30 Outside (-123,-49)
Agrippa Lacorius   Imperial Noble Kingdom of Anvil Retainer(Retainer) 3 52 86 100 30 Lacorius Estate: Manor
Beluil Jaloch   Wood Elf Commoner 4 53 86 50 30 Lacorius Estate: Distillery
Covia Delestria   Imperial Cook 4 45 80 50 30 Lacorius Estate: Manor
Dulsus Ulmutus   Imperial Commoner 4 45 80 50 30 Lacorius Estate: Distillery
Iratia Vadich   Imperial Commoner 1 45 80 100 30 Vadich Residence
Jasipa   Redguard Commoner 4 45 80 50 30 Lacorius Estate: Distillery
Manni   Redguard Shipmaster 6 74 92 50 30 Outside (-124,-49) Transport (boat)
Merania Chaldrava   Imperial Caretaker 1 45 80 100 30 Lacorius Estate: Manor
Miku   Redguard Fisherman 3 68 64 100 30 Miku's House
Nilius Noma   Imperial Agent 12 97 104 90 30 Lacorius Estate: Distillery
Pessius Vrocha   Imperial Publican 6 66 116 100 30 The Blind Watchtower Rents Bed
Pollux Vadich   Imperial Fisherman 6 74 92 50 30 The Blind Watchtower
Riralis Jaloch   Wood Elf Fisherman 4 59 84 50 30 Outside (-124,-49)
Sigorn Lacorius   Imperial Knight Kingdom of Anvil Reeve(Reeve) 12 125 104 100 30 Lacorius Estate: Distillery
Somi Ormach   Imperial Priest Order of Itinerant Priests Novice(Novice) 6 61 94 100 30 The Blind Watchtower
Thin-Thread   Argonian Fisherman 5 70 86 50 30 Outside (-124,-49)
Tunarin Jaloch   Wood Elf Fisherman 4 59 84 50 30 Outside (-124,-49)
Weara Galdan   Imperial Priest Service Great Faiths Adept(Adept) 3 48 86 100 30 Chapel of Persisting Sustenance Priest, Spell Merchant Spellmaker
Zanthus   Redguard Merchant 14 136 122 90 30 Outside (-123,-49)


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