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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Akaterina Hadrach

< Mod / Morrowind: Project Tamriel: Project Cyrodiil: People(Redirected from Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Akaterina Hadrach (queen))
Akaterina Hadrach (PC_m1_AkaterinaHadrach,
PC_m1_AkaterinaPrisoner, PC_m1_AkaterinaQueen)
Home City Anvil
Location Garden Quarter, Hadrach Manor
Goldstone, Great Hall (After Battle for Goldstone)
Goldstone, Dungeons (After Prevent the Coup)
Race Imperial Gender Female
Level 22 Class Knight
Other Information
Health 253 Magicka 126
Alarm 80 Fight 30
Follower During Battle for Goldstone
Faction(s) West Navy 6(Commander)
Kingdom of Anvil (Queen Regent), (After Battle for Goldstone}
Akaterina Hadrach

Akaterina Hadrach is an Imperial Knight and a commander in the West Navy. Her family is an illustrious one, and Akaterina can be found in the family manor in Anvil.

In times past, the Hadrachs competed convincingly for the throne of the Kingdom of Anvil, yet a coup attempt by Akaterina's father, Mykol Hadrach, saw it enter a decline. Akaterina sees Admiral Hasi as in part responsible for this event, and during Last Salute to the Admiral, will order his death.

The ambitious Herrius Thimistrel sees Akaterina as a likely new marshal:

"She is a veteran of the West Navy; skillful, strong, and angry. I can understand her position. After all, her father is rotting in Goldstone's cells as we speak, forced to grovel before the throne for the so-called treason of doing what is right. What mercy does the Queen show to dissenters! Perhaps she will be a Marshal in my new Kingdom. No doubt a better fit to stand sentinel on the coasts than seethe in an empty manor, gathering dust with her family's name." - Herrius Thimistrel on Akaterina Hadrach

During Battle for Goldstone, Akaterina will fight alongside you, seeking the deposition of Queen Millona Conomorus. On success (in both the martial push and in the following royal auction), she will ascend to the kingdom's throne following Herrius' disappearance. She may also be your enemy if you pick Millona's side, and can be encountered then during Prevent the Coup as one of the three co-conspirators gathering their forces at Mischarstette. You will fight against her here, and kill her unless you kill Herrius Thimistrel first. In that latter case, Akaterina will surrender and will later appear in the Goldstone dungeons.

Starts QuestsEdit

Kingdom of AnvilEdit


Related QuestsEdit

Kingdom of AnvilEdit


Akaterina Hadrach as Queen of Anvil...
... and as a prisoner in its dungeons.