This page summarizes all of the merchants available in Skyrim.
The amount listed under "Gold" is the base amount of gold that the merchant has available to purchase items from the player. Merchants will generally have 3-40 gold more than listed, because their personal pocket change is added to the merchant-specific gold. Gold is reset each time the merchant's inventory is reset or every 48 hours. Merchant gold can be increased in several ways:
- The Master Trader perk increases nearly all merchants' gold by 1000. The merchants who have more gold are all identified in the notes of the following tables.
- The Investor perk allows you to invest 500 gold in certain merchants, after which that merchant will permanently have 500 more gold available. Some merchants are bugged -- they have the dialogue allowing you to pay them 500 gold, but doing so does not result in any permanent change in the merchant's available gold. These merchants are not checked in the "Invest" column in the following tables, but instead the bug is noted on the individual merchant page. Investing in a merchant improves that merchant's disposition towards you, which can count towards becoming a Thane in the relevant Hold, if you are on the appropriate quest to help members of that hold.
The merchandise column provides information on what type of merchandise each merchant will buy and sell. In those cases where merchants are not in a typical category, full details are provided on the specific item types they will buy and sell. However, for most merchants, one of the following categories is provided:
Merchant Type | Buys and Sells | Notes |
Apothecaries | Alchemy-related merchandise: Animal Parts, Food, Ingredients, Poisons, Potions, Raw Food, Recipes | |
Blacksmiths | Animal Hides, Armor, Arrows, Ore/Ingots, Tools, Weapons | |
Fences | Any items | These are only available to people who have joined the Thieves Guild. Each fence has a particular quest that must be completed to make them available. Fences originally only have 1000 merchant gold, but that can be increased to 1500, 2250, 3000, and then ultimately 4000 gold by upgrading the guild. They are the only merchants who will purchase stolen goods, unless the Fence perk is unlocked.
Note: Fences cannot be invested in, but are affected by the Master Trader perk |
General Goods | Will buy any items and sell a variety of items, usually of lower value than more specific merchant types. | |
Hunters | Food, Ingredients | |
Innkeepers | Food, Raw Food | Innkeepers can never be invested in. |
Jewelers | Gems; Jewelry; Ore/Ingots; Tools | Jewelers can never be invested in, and the Master Trader perk does not affect their gold amount. |
Spell vendors | They will both buy and sell magic-related merchandise, including spell tomes, soul gems, enchanted clothing, and the like. Additionally, they will buy jewelry, regular clothing (but not armor), books, scrolls, staves, and Daedric artifacts. |
If the Merchant perk is unlocked, all merchants will purchase all types of items. The perk also makes some additional items available for purchase. All vendors will sell you items from their personal inventory, possibly including food, lockpicks, and gems. They will also sell you any bugged items that are in their merchant chests. Most notably, apothecary merchants will sell a dozen ingredients that normally they are unable to sell.
Note that outside of Hunters, Peddlers, and Skooma Dealers, merchants rely on merchant chests for their merchandise, and the chest contains whatever Leveled_Lists it was assigned; this is the primary reason Investor and Master Trader only sometimes work, because both rely on the relevant chest containing Perk-based gold. Hence, while the merchant types listed here can be generally relied upon to determine what a merchant will buy from you, they should be regarded as guidelines, not rules, for what the merchant will sell you - for example, this is why the Skyforge chest contains unique items for sale no other merchant sells, even though it is listed as a "Blacksmith" below.
Whenever two merchants are listed together in the following tables, it means that the two merchants share the same merchant chest. Therefore, the merchants will always provide the exact same list of items, and share the same merchant gold. If one of the people is listed in parentheses, that person only takes over the store if the first person dies. Investing in a store with two merchants, or with successive merchants, will increase the available amount of gold for all merchants, but may only improve the disposition of one (this is particularly noticeable at Radiant Raiment with the Altmer sisters Endarie and Taarie.)
If you are married then your spouse will open a store, whose merchant chest is located inside the home where your spouse lives. If your spouse is on the list below, then they will continue to sell the same type of items. Otherwise, your spouse will become a general goods trader.
Merchant Name | Store Name | Merchandise | Gold | Invest | Master |
Ambarys Rendar | New Gnisis Cornerclub | Innkeeper | 100 | ||
Aval Atheron | Marketplace Stall | General | 750 | ||
Elda Early-Dawn (Nils) | Candlehearth Hall | Innkeeper | 100 | ||
Hillevi Cruel-Sea | Marketplace Stall | Innkeeper | 50 | ||
Niranye | Niranye's House | Fence | 1000-4000 | ||
Marketplace Stall | General | 750 | |||
Nurelion (Quintus Navale) | The White Phial | Apothecary | 500 | ||
Oengul War-Anvil (Hermir Strong-Heart) | Blacksmith Quarters | Blacksmith | 1000 | ||
Revyn Sadri | Sadri's Used Wares | General | 750 | ||
Wuunferth the Unliving | Palace of the Kings | Spells | 500 |
Outside TownsEdit
Merchant Name | Store Name | Town | Merchandise | Gold | Invest | Master |
Bolar | at Mauhulakh's Longhouse | Narzulbur | Apothecary | 500 | ||
Dushnamub | at Mauhulakh's Longhouse | Narzulbur | Blacksmith | 400 | ||
Iddra | Braidwood Inn | Kynesgrove | Innkeeper | 100 |
Falkreath HoldEdit
Merchant Name | Store Name | Merchandise | Gold | Invest | Master |
Babette | in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary | Apothecary (also buys Tools) | 500 | ||
Solaf | Gray Pine Goods | General; sells Blue Mage Robes | 750 | ||
Lod | Lod's House | Blacksmith | 1000 | ( ) | |
Valga Vinicia | Dead Man's Drink | Innkeeper | 100 | ||
Zaria | Grave Concoctions | Apothecary | 500 | ( ) |
- Lod and Zaria are investable now with the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch. Please check whether they are investable in Legendary Edition or with no patch.
Merchant Name | Store Name | Merchandise | Gold | Invest | Master |
Addvar (Greta) | Marketplace Stall | Innkeeper | 50 | ||
Angeline Morrard (Vivienne Onis) | Angeline's Aromatics | Apothecary | 500 | ( )† | |
Beirand | Solitude Blacksmith | Blacksmith | 1000 | ||
Corpulus Vinius | The Winking Skeever | Innkeeper | 100 | ||
Endarie; Taarie | Radiant Raiment | Clothing, Jewelry | 750 | ||
Evette San | Marketplace Stall | Innkeeper | 50 | ||
Fihada (Jawanan) | Fletcher | Armor, Arrows, Tools, Weapons | 750 | ( )† | |
Gulum-Ei | The Winking Skeever | Fence | 1000-4000 | ||
Jala | Marketplace Stall | Innkeeper | 50 | ||
Sayma | Bits and Pieces | General | 750 | ||
Sybille Stentor (Melaran) | Blue Palace | Spells | 500 |
- This is fixed by the Unofficial Skyrim Patch (both Legendary and Special Edition versions).
- You can use the console command
set PerkInvestorSolitudeApothecary to 0
to invest in Angeline's store.
- This is fixed by the Unofficial Skyrim Patch (both Legendary and Special Edition versions).
- No easy fix from the console exists.[verification needed — but maybe there's a combination of commands that works?]
Other LocationsEdit
Merchant Name | Store Place | Town | Merchandise | Gold | Invest | Master | Notes |
Faida | Four Shields Tavern | Dragon Bridge | Innkeeper | 100 | |||
Feran SadriDG | Volkihar Keep | Apothecary | 500 | Hostile to non-vampires | |||
HestlaDG | Volkihar Keep | Blacksmith | 1000 | Hostile to non-vampires | |||
RonthilDG | Volkihar Keep | General | 750 | Hostile to non-vampires |
Merchant Name | Store Name | Merchandise | Gold | Invest | Master | Notes |
Falion | Falion's House | Spells; sells 1 Black Soul Gem | 500 | ( ) | Cures vampirism | |
Jonna | Moorside Inn | Innkeeper | 100 | |||
Lami | Thaumaturgist's Hut | Apothecary | 500 |
- Falion is investable with the most recent Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.
The PaleEdit
Merchant Name | Store Name | Merchandise | Gold | Invest | Master |
Frida | The Mortar and Pestle | Apothecary | 500 | ||
Thoring (Karita) | Windpeak Inn | Innkeeper | 100 | ||
Madena | The White Hall | Spells | 500 | ||
Rustleif; Seren | Rustleif's House | Blacksmith | 1000 |
Other LocationsEdit
Merchant Name | Store Name | Merchandise | Gold | Invest | Master |
Agrane PeryvalCC | Camp north of Windward Ruins | (?) | 750 | ||
Hadring | Nightgate Inn | Innkeeper | 100 |
The ReachEdit
Merchant Name | Store Name | Merchandise | Gold | Invest | Master |
Anton Virane | in Understone Keep | Innkeeper | 100 | ||
Bothela (Muiri) | The Hag's Cure | Apothecary | 500 | ||
Calcelmo | in Understone Keep | Spells | 500 | ||
Kleppr (Frabbi) | Silver-Blood Inn | Innkeeper | 100 | ||
Endon | Endon's House or in Silver-Blood Inn |
Fence | 1000-4000 | ||
Ghorza gra-Bagol (Tacitus Sallustius) | at the forge near The Hag's Cure or in Understone Keep |
Blacksmith | 1000 | ( )† | |
Hogni Red-Arm | Marketplace Stall | Innkeeper | 50 | ||
Kerah | Marketplace Stall | Jeweler | 50 | ||
Lisbet (Imedhnain) | Arnleif and Sons Trading Company | General | 750 | ||
Moth gro-Bagol | in Understone Keep | Blacksmith | 500 | † |
- Both bugs are fixed by the current version of the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.
- You can use the console command
set PerkInvestorMarkarthBlacksmith to 0
to invest in both blacksmiths.
- You can use the console command
Other LocationsEdit
Merchant Name | Store Place | Town | Merchandise | Gold | Invest | Master |
Gharol | at Burguk's Longhouse | Dushnikh Yal | Blacksmith | 400 | ||
Eydis (Leontius Salvius) | Old Hroldan Inn | Innkeeper | 100 | |||
Murbul | at Burguk's Longhouse | Dushnikh Yal | Apothecary | 500 | ||
Sharamph | at Larak's Longhouse | Mor Khazgur | Apothecary | 500 | ||
Shuftharz | at Larak's Longhouse | Mor Khazgur | Blacksmith | 400 |
The RiftEdit
Merchant Name | Store Name | Merchandise | Gold | Invest | Master |
Arnskar Ember-Master | The Ragged Flagon | Blacksmith | 1000 | ||
Balimund (Asbjorn Fire-Tamer) | The Scorched Hammer | Blacksmith | 1000 | ||
Bersi Honey-Hand (Drifa) | Pawned Prawn | General | 750 | ||
Brand-Shei | Marketplace Stall | General | 750 | ||
Vekel the Man (Dirge) | The Ragged Flagon | Innkeeper | 100 | ||
Elgrim; Hafjorg | Elgrim's Elixirs | Apothecary | 500 | ||
Grelka | Marketplace Stall | General | 750 | ||
Herluin Lothaire | The Ragged Flagon | Apothecary | 500 | ||
Ungrien | Black-Briar Meadery | Innkeeper | 100 | ||
Keerava; Talen-Jei | The Bee and Barb | Innkeeper | 100 | ||
Madesi | Marketplace Stall | Jeweler | 750 | ||
Marise Aravel | Marketplace Stall | General | 50 | ||
Syndus | The Ragged Flagon | Blacksmith | 1000 | ||
Tonilia | The Ragged Flagon | Fence | 1000-4000 | ||
Vanryth Gatharian | The Ragged Flagon | Blacksmith | 1000 | ||
Wylandriah | in Mistveil Keep | Spells | 1000 |
Other LocationsEdit
Merchant Name | Store Place | Town | Merchandise | Gold | Invest | Master | Notes |
Filnjar | Filnjar's House | Shor's Stone | Blacksmith | 500 | ( ) | ||
Wilhelm | Vilemyr Inn | Ivarstead | Innkeeper | 100 | |||
Florentius BaeniusDG | Fort Dawnguard | Apothecary, Spells | 500 | Hostile to vampires | |||
GunmarDG | Fort Dawnguard | Blacksmith | 1000 | Hostile to vampires | |||
Sorine JurardDG | Fort Dawnguard | General | 750 | Hostile to vampires |
- Filnjar in Shor's Stone can be invested, with the most recent versions of Skyrim and the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch (please check if he can be invested with the Legendary version, or without the Unofficial Patches at all)
- Atub and Garakh at Largashbur were apparently intended to be merchants (apothecary and blacksmith respectively), but do not function as one due to a bug.
Raven RockEdit
Merchant Name | Store Name | Merchandise | Gold | Invest | Master | Notes |
Fethis Alor | Alor House | General | 1500 | |||
Garyn Ienth | Ienth Farm | Innkeeper | 50 | |||
Geldis Sadri | The Retching Netch | Innkeeper | 100 | |||
Glover Mallory | Glover Mallory's House | Blacksmith | 2000 | |||
Milore Ienth | Ienth Farm | Apothecary | 1000 |
Tel MithrynEdit
Merchant Name | Store Name | Merchandise | Gold | Invest | Master | Notes |
Elynea Mothren | Tel Mithryn Apothecary | Apothecary | 1000 | |||
Neloth | Tel Mithryn | Staves & Spells | 1000 | |||
Talvas Fathryon | Tel Mithryn | Spells | 500 | |||
Revus Sarvani | Tel Mithryn | General | 500 | Found on outskirts of the town with his silt strider |
Merchant Name | Store Name | Merchandise | Gold | Invest | Master | Notes |
Edla | Edla's House in Skaal Village | Apothecary | 50 | |||
Baldor Iron-Shaper | Baldor Iron-Shaper's House in Skaal Village | Blacksmith | 1000 | |||
BlacksmithCC | Ashfall's TearCC | Blacksmith | (?) | (?) | (?) | Only appears if you side with the Tribunal Temple during Her Word Against Theirs |
Falas Selvayn | Ramshackle Trading Post | General | 750 | |||
Halbarn Iron-Fur | Bujold's Retreat / Thirsk Mead Hall |
Blacksmith | 1000 |
Whiterun HoldEdit
Merchant Name | Store Name | Merchandise | Gold | Invest | Master |
Alvor | Alvor and Sigrid's House | Blacksmith | 500 | ||
Orgnar | Sleeping Giant Inn | Innkeeper (also buys Ingredients) | 100 | ||
Lucan Valerius (Camilla Valerius) | Riverwood Trader | General; sells Blue Mage Robes, several Spell Tomes | 750 | (see bug) |
Merchant Name | Store Name | Merchandise | Gold | Invest | Master |
Adrianne Avenicci (Outside) | Warmaiden's | Blacksmith | 1000 | ||
Adrianne Avenicci; Ulfberth War-Bear | Warmaiden's | Blacksmith | 1000 | ||
Anoriath | Marketplace Stall | Innkeeper | 50 | ||
Arcadia | Arcadia's Cauldron | Apothecary | 500 | ||
Belethor | Belethor's General Goods | General | 750 | ||
Carlotta Valentia | Marketplace Stall | Innkeeper | 50 | ||
Elrindir | The Drunken Huntsman | Armor, Arrows, Food, Tools, Weapons | 750 | ( ) | |
Eorlund Gray-Mane | Skyforge | Blacksmith | 1000-2500 | ||
Farengar Secret-Fire | Dragonsreach | Spells | 500 | ||
Fralia Gray-Mane | Marketplace Stall | Jeweler | 50 | ||
Hulda; Saadia (Ysolda) | The Bannered Mare | Innkeeper | 100 | ||
Mallus Maccius | Honningbrew Meadery | Fence | 1000-4000 | ||
Sabjorn | Honningbrew Meadery | Innkeeper | 100 |
- Anoriath will allow you to invest in his store, but his available gold will not increase due to a bug.
- The Unofficial Skyrim Patch, version 2.0.4, fixes this bug.
- Adrianne Avenicci is unique in having access to two merchant chests; when she is outside during the day, she sells items from a separate chest. When she is inside and the store is open, she uses the same chest as Ulfberth War-Bear. The two chests are counted as separate stores for the purpose of investing. However, you can only invest once.
- Elrindir is investable with the most recent Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch. Please check whether this is true for Legendary Edition, or for no patch at all.
Other LocationsEdit
Merchant Name | Store Name | Town | Merchandise | Gold | Invest | Master |
Mralki | Frostfruit Inn | Rorikstead | Innkeeper | 100 |
Merchant Name | Store Name | Merchandise | Gold | Invest | Master |
Birna | Birna's Oddments | General | 750 | ||
Dagur; Haran | The Frozen Hearth | Innkeeper | 100 | ||
Nelacar | The Frozen Hearth | Spells | 500 |
College of WinterholdEdit
Merchant Name | Store Location | Merchandise | Gold | Invest | Master | Notes |
Colette Marence | Hall of Countenance | Spells (Restoration) | 500 | |||
Drevis Neloren | Hall of Countenance | Spells (Illusion) | 500 | |||
Enthir | Hall of Attainment | General | 500 | Stocks a Black Soul Gem and 2 Daedra Hearts | ||
Fence | 1000-4000 | |||||
Faralda | Hall of Countenance | Spells (Destruction) | 500 | |||
Phinis Gestor | Hall of Countenance | Spells (Conjuration) | 500 | |||
Tolfdir | Hall of Attainment | Spells (Alteration) | 500 | |||
Urag gro-Shub | The Arcanaeum | Books | 500 |
Not Specific to One HoldEdit
Khajiit TradersEdit
Merchant Name | Store Location | Merchandise | Gold | Invest | Master |
Ahkari | Dawnstar or Riften | General; Sells Moon Sugar and Skooma | 750 | ||
Atahbah | Markarth or Whiterun | Fence | 1000-4000 | ||
Ma'dran | Solitude or Windhelm | General; Sells Moon Sugar and Skooma | 750 | ||
Ma'jhad | Solitude or Windhelm | Fence | 1000-4000 | ||
Ri'saad | Markarth or Whiterun | General; Sells Moon Sugar and Skooma | 750 | ||
Zaynabi | Dawnstar or Riften | Fence | 1000-4000 |
Merchant Name | Store Location | Merchandise | Gold | Invest | Master | Notes |
Imperial Quartermaster | Most Imperial camps | Blacksmith | 1000 | Hostile if you have joined the Stormcloaks | ||
Stormcloak Quartermaster | Most Stormcloak camps | Blacksmith | 1000 | Hostile if you have joined the Imperials | ||
Hunter | Randomly anywhere in the wilderness | Meat, Hides | 3-36* | |||
Peddler | Randomly anywhere in the wilderness (being attacked by bandits or Forsworn) |
General Goods | 50-77 | |||
Skooma Dealer | Randomly anywhere in the wilderness | Moon Sugar, Skooma, Sleeping Tree Sap | 20-56 | Hostile if you fail to intimidate them or if you tell them what they're doing is illegal | ||
Dremora MerchantDB | Summoned to the player's location | Heavy armor, Weapons | 2000 | Items are enchanted; may sell Dragon items† |
- Merchants who are also Trainers add the gold that you pay them for training to the gold they carry in their personal inventory. As such, it then becomes available to be used for bartering as all personal items not equipped can be purchased from a merchant.
- Resetting the Speech perk tree using the Black Book Waking DreamsDB does not affect investments that you may have previously made with merchants.
- If you move your spouse to one of the homesteads added by the Hearthfire add-on, they will often wander around outside the house where their merchant chest will not be available. To engage in trade with your spouse, wait until they go inside, or if they are a follower you can ask them to follow you and lead them inside.
- Because merchant inventory is not written to the save file, a merchant is more-or-less guaranteed to have different inventory and a different amount of gold each time you load a save. The exception is that if you quick-save, and then quick-load while the in-memory merchant data is still valid, the merchant inventory will be the same as before the quick-load. However, if you take an action that invalidates the merchant's in-memory data, such as attacking the merchant, the subsequent quick-load will have a regenerated inventory, the same as if you had shut down and then restarted the game.
- If a merchant is talking to you as you are leaving their store, they will exit along with you, re-enter their store, lock the doors and close for the day.
- The Investor perk may prevent merchants you invest with from receiving the extra gold properly.
- The Official Skyrim Patch, version 1.9, fixes this bug.
- Dwemer Scrap Metal is not classified as ores or ingots by merchants, and therefore cannot be sold to blacksmiths or jewelers without the Merchant perk.
- The Unofficial Skyrim Patch, version 2.0.5, fixes this bug.
- Trading with vendors becomes unreliable when their gold reserves exceeds 32,767. The game's internal trading mechanism mistakenly treats their gold quantity as a signed 16-bit integer, whose value could be between -32768 and 32767. If you buy a lot of expensive items or receive high-level skill training, so much so that their gold reserve goes beyond 32,767, an Integer overflow bug occurs. Thus, you can still sell them items, but you lose the item without gaining any gold. Complicating the matter is the fact that each vendor's gold reserve is the sum of gold in their inventory plus the gold in their chests.
- A community-developed bug fix is available as a mod called "Barter Limit Fix."
- Merchants can sometimes lose the dialogue option "What have you got for sale?" making it impossible to trade with them.