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Skyrim Mod:A Tale of Blood and Snow/Namasur al-Skaven

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Namasur al-Skaven
Added by A Tale of Blood and Snow
Location Cronvangr Hall
Race Redguard Gender Male
Level Class (?)
RefID N/A BaseID N/A
Other Information
Race Details Vampire, Undead
Essential Yes, if on the Cronvangr side

Namasur al-Skaven is a Redguard Vampire of the Cronvangr Clan.

As the youngest member of Vlkoslak's council of elders, Namasur holds very little appreciation for the Cronvangr's ideas of 'honor through stealth and cunning'. His criticism always stops short of mutiny or sedition of course, as he's not about to throw away the benefits of being part of a clan by running his mouth.


In life, Namasur fought for the Empire in the Great War and later deserted to fight for Hammerfell after the White-Gold Concordat was signed. At some point during the conflict, Namasur and his unit would be captured by Dominion officer named Elidor, who would execute every one of his comrades in front of him. After the Dominion was driven from his homeland, he tried his hand at becoming a vampire hunter and ended up being turned by his target on his very first hunt. Since finding his way to the Cronvangr Clan, Namasur has found that he's far better at hunting and targeting vampire hunters than the actual undead; a skill he has put to use against the Vigilants of Stendarr and other independent vampire hunters.

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