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Tamriel Rebuilt:Felmo Ilveroth

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: People / Spell Merchants
Felmo Ilveroth (TR_m3_Felmo Ilveroth)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Grand Chapel of Talos
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 6 Class Priest
Spells Alteration SpellsIllusion SpellsMysticism SpellsRestoration Spells
Other Information
Health 61 Magicka 94
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Imperial Cult 5(Disciple)
Felmo Ilveroth

Felmo Ilveroth is a Dark Elf priest and a Disciple of the Imperial Cult. Born and raised in Cheydinhal, he has journeyed to Morrowind to preach the Imperial Cult doctrines to the natives. He can be found in the Grand Chapel of Talos in Old Ebonheart, and has spells for sale to those of Initiate rank or higher within the cult.

Felmo also has a number of errands for Cult members able to assist him, as he seeks to arrange a religious play that would be considered blasphemous outside of the walls of Old Ebonheart, and potentially distasteful within it. The play itself is an allegory for the submission of the Tribunal to the will of Tiber Septim, who later ascended to become the favored deity of this chapel, Talos.

He wears a common robe and a pair of common shoes.

Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows a variety of spells, which you can buy from him.

Related QuestsEdit

Imperial CultEdit

House HlaaluEdit


  • Greeting:
(If you are at any stage of his related quests):
"Welcome, %PCName. I hope you're doing well."
  • Background:
"I am %Name, %Rank of the %Faction. Although a Dark Elf, I was born and raised in Cheydinhal, and only came to Morrowind to preach the Imperial cult doctrine to the natives."
  • Errand:
"I do have some errands that need doing, but please speak with Valacca Prontia first. We need to secure funding before doing anything glamorous. You should help her out at least once."
(If you have completed all of his quests):
"I do not have any errands for you at this time."
(If Duke Vedam Dren and Caros Cocceius are dead):
"I... you... nevermind, %PCName. Just go." Goodbye
  • Imperial cult ranks:
"The ten ranks of status in the Imperial cult are, from lowest rank to highest rank: Rank One, Layman; Rank Two, Novice; Rank Three, Initiate; Rank Four, Acolyte; Rank Five, Adept; Rank Six, Disciple; Rank Seven, Oracle; Rank Eight, Invoker; Rank Nine, Theurgist; and Rank Ten, Primate. You are currently at rank %PCRank, %PCName."
  • join the Imperial Cult:
"Please speak with Valacca Prontia if you wish to become a lay member."
  • Services:
"If you wish to learn healing and protective spells or purchase potions and herbs, visit Orelle Faugard in the tower. For a fee, Neeshula can enchant your items and sell you enchanted gear and scrolls. You can find her office opposite Orelle's. I also offer advanced magical training to the members of the Cult."

Imperial Cult: Spreading the MysteryEdit

  • Errand:
"I thank you for doing Valaccia's errand first. You see, I'm afraid the errand I have to send you on will be no less frustrating. I'm going to need you to sell three copies of the "Mystery Play of Old Ebonheart".
  • I'm ready for your task.:
"I'm... you don't even want to know more? Well, maybe you have read it before.
Here are the books. Please spread them among the good citizens of Old Ebonheart, for a nominal fee of course." (You receive 3 copies of Mystery Play of Old Ebonheart)
  • Can you tell me more about this?:
"The "Mystery Play of Old Ebonheart" was written by the first Nibenese settlers in the style of their ancient cult traditions, and its semi-annual performance was taken over by the Imperial Cult in later years.
There has not been a performance since the unrest on Vvardenfell began. Whatever hope we had to perform it again died in 426 when the tax revolts in Balmora erupted into violence. So, what do you say, %PCRank? Will you help me sell the books?"
  • Yes, I will sell these books.:
"Very well. Take these books and spread them to the citizens. Of course, we will need the funds of the sale too, but putting the play back into everybody's mind is the real goal here." (You receive 3 copies of Mystery Play of Old Ebonheart)
  • Can't I just pay you the money instead?:
"Err, well, that's not... That's not what I had in mind. I guess you can, if you really want to. But I expect you to sell the books and spread the word anyway!"
  • I'm sure.:
"As you wish. Here is your reward, %PCRank. I hope it will help you out in the future." (Imperial Cult Reputation +2, removed 150 gold from your inventory, and you receive 1 copy of Varieties of Faith... and 3 copies of Mystery Play of Old Ebonheart)
  • I will do it the normal way.:
"Ah well, good. I mean, just take these books. Take them and spread them to the citizens. Of course, we will need the funds of the sale too, but putting the play back into everybody's mind is the real goal here." (You receive 3 copies of Mystery Play of Old Ebonheart)
  • I have something else to do right now.:
"Understandable. Please see me again when you have the time to support us in the endeavour."
  • I have something else to do right now.:
"Understandable. Please see me again when you have the time to support us in the endeavour."
"Have you sold the copies of the Mystery Play yet, %PCRank?"
  • Mystery Play:
"So, have you decided if you want to sell three copies of the Mystery Play of Old Ebonheart?"
  • Yes, I will take this task.:
"Very well. Take these books and spread them to the citizens. Of course, we will need the funds of the sale too, but putting the play back into everybody's mind is the real goal here." (You receive 3 copies of Mystery Play of Old Ebonheart)
  • No, I have not decided yet.:
"Please see me again as soon as you feel able to."
"Have you sold the three copies yet?"
  • I have sold them.:
"Ah, splendid, wonderful! Thank you so much. I'll have to take enough to cover the cost, but the rest is for you. As well as a reward, of course." (Imperial Cult Reputation +4, removed 40 gold from your inventory, and you receive a Scroll of Telvin's Courage)
(If you have sold copies to Cadessa Vadion, Farrah, and Perevaine Narragu):
"Indeed you have. I have heard word that talk about the mystery play has picked up, and a lot of people are looking forward to a new performance. Thank you so much. I'll have to take enough to cover the cost, but the rest is for you. As well as a reward, of course. You might find this book enlightening." (Imperial Cult Reputation +6, removed 15 gold from your inventory, and you receive 1 copy of A Study of the Locked Novel)
  • Not yet.:
"All right. Please see me when you have."
(If you don't have 150 gold):
"Have you sold the three copies and collected their fees yet?"
  • Not yet.:
"All right. Please see me when you have."
"I'm sorry, I don't have anything else for you at the moment, %PCName."

Imperial Cult: Politics to PlayEdit

  • Errand:
"I believe that, now that interest in the Mystery Play has been spread, it is time to petition the Mages Guild and the Fighters Guild for political support."
"Have you done as I asked and managed to petition the Mages Guild yet?"
  • petition the Mages Guild:
"We cannot simply begin preparations for a new Mystery Play performance right away. There is much work involved for a city-wide rite after all, and with the last performance so long ago, we require political support to even think about petitioning Duke Dren. You should petition the local Mages Guild for support, %PCRank. I have asked Vesperia Nux to petition the Fighters Guild, maybe some good works will help decide her to formally join our ranks."
(If you are Arch-Mage of the Mages Guild):
"We cannot simply begin preparations for a new Mystery Play performance right away. There is much work involved for a city-wide rite after all, and with the last performance so long ago, we require political support to even think about petitioning Duke Dren. We are fortunate to have you with us, %PCRank and Arch-Mage -- will you petition the local Mages Guild for support? I have asked Vesperia Nux to petition the Fighters Guild, maybe some good works will help decide her to formally join our ranks."
"I hope you will be able to convince the Mages Guild to lend us their support."
"That does sound quite like an experience, %PCRank, and I'm glad you made it out alive. I can't fathom what went through the Master Wizard's head. At least they didn't have you drink what Vesperia Nux had to. Still...
This is for you. Please accept my apologies, I did not expect this to happen." (Imperial Cult Reputation +5, and you receive 100 gold and 3 Scrolls of Divine Escape)
(If you are Arch-Mage of the Mages Guild):
"Thank you, Arch-Mage. Poor Vesperia Nux had to endure rather more on her side... But let's not dwell on that, no, we are grateful for your support indeed. Please accept this small gift." (Imperial Cult Reputation +5, and you receive 3 Scrolls of Divine Escape)
"Thank you for your effort, %PCRank, it was appreciated."

Imperial Cult: Theft of BrassEdit

(After entering Cyrtus Clagno's house):
"Very strange, %PCRank. Very, very strange. Have you searched through his house?"
  • I found these notes.:
"Very strange, %PCRank. These writings are those of a madman who has... no, it can't be. Well, nevermind this. I believe he might be heading for a Dwemer ruin. While there are several in reach, he might be going to Bthung, which is on top of a volcano to the east of here. In the meantime, I will hold onto these for you." (Removed Cyrtus Clagno's Note (1) and Cyrtus Clagno's Note (2) from your inventory)
(If Cyrtus Clagno is dead before he teleports away):
"You found him dead in his house? Very strange, %PCRank. Very, very strange. Have you searched through his house for information or the missing tokens?"
"Have you found anything near Bthung?"
"You have found him dead near Bthung? Very tragic. Did he have the stolen tokens?"
(If you don't have all of the Wooden Tokens):
"You have found him dead near Bthung? Very tragic. Did he have the stolen tokens? Did you search through his house as well?"
  • Errand:
"It is good that you are asking, %PCName. As I was taking stock of our inventory, I noticed that some of our wooden and brass tokens are missing. I hoped that you could find out something about these stolen tokens."
"Have you found out anything about the stolen tokens yet?"
  • stolen tokens:
"As you have read, hopefully, we entertain certain deals with the local inns and taverns. During festivals sponsored by the Cult, we hand out tokens that can be traded in, wooden tokens for brews, brass tokens for spirits. As they are both clad in a thin layer of gold and stamped with a festive coin print, they do not differ much from Septims for ignorant people. It may be that somebody stole them from us due to a mixup. You make people trust you, %PCName, you should ask around."
"Have you learned anything yet, %PCName?"
"Have you found the stolen tokens yet?"
  • I am still investigating, but...:
"All right, please be on your guard. I can't say where Cyrtus might have escaped to; he did not show up in front of our chapel and I don't believe he would have escaped to a Tribunal temple. It must have been a scroll of Recall, but where to?"
  • I could only find the wooden tokens.:
"That is a bit disappointing. It will take a while to, well, mint the new brass coins. And we need to increase security, so they don't get stolen again. By Cyrtus Clagno or anyone else. Still, thank you for your effort. This is for you." (Imperial Cult Reputation +3, removed 20 Wooden Tokens from your inventory, and you receive 150 gold)
(If you have the Brass Tokens but not the Wooden Tokens):
"Have you learned anything yet?"
  • I found brass tokens...:
"Very tragic. No sign of the wooden tokens? Did you search through his house?"
"Have you found anything at Bthung?"
  • I have found the tokens.:
"Thank you, %PCName. It's of course sad to hear about the fate of one of our lay servants, but I hope and pray that Cyrtus Clagno is at peace in Aetherius with the Gods. Take this, a token of my gratitude." (Imperial Cult Reputation +4, removed 20 Brass Tokens and 20 Wooden Tokens from your inventory, and you receive 250 gold)
  • I have found the tokens, as well as candlesticks.:
"Thank you, %PCName. It's of course sad to hear about the fate of one of our lay servants, but I hope and pray that Cyrtus Clagno is at peace in Aetherius with the Gods. Take this, a token of my gratitude." (Imperial Cult Reputation +5, removed 20 Brass Tokens, 20 Wooden Tokens, and 3 Brass Candlesticks from your inventory, and you receive 250 gold)
  • I am still investigating.:
"All right, please be on your guard."
"Thank you for your help. No more tokens have been stolen since Cyrtus Clagno met his unfortunate end."

Imperial Cult: Message to MythEdit

  • Greetings:
(After completing the quest):
"Hello, %PCName. I hope things are well for you. We are still waiting for a set date for the Mystery Play performance, unfortunately."
(If Duke Vedam Dren and Caros Cocceius are dead):
"Hello, %PCName. I hope things are better elsewhere."
  • deliver a plea:
"After gaining enough support, I believe it is time that we petition the Duke directly. Such a performance will of course disrupt daily life, and act as a local holiday. I believe the Duke will rightly see things our way. Please deliver this message to Duke Vedam Dren in Castle Ebonheart on Vvardenfell. I believe you have earned that right." (You receive Felmo Ilveroth's Plea)
(If Duke Vedam Dren is dead):
  • Vedam Dren is dead:
"I... I... Erm. This... well, I mean, this is unexpected. But perhaps something can be salvaged still. Deliver this message to Caros Cocceius, the Governor, well, Burgrave of Old Ebonheart. He resides in the Ebon Tower and should see that a festival will lift the spirit of the people." (You receive Felmo Ilveroth's Plea)
(If Caros Cocceius is dead):
  • Caros Cocceius is also dead:
"This... I can't... I... But..."
  • Continue:
"This is... These are terrible times %PCName. Terrible times. Here, this is for you. I know I can make use of it, maybe you can as well." (You receive 1 Cyrodiilic Brandy)
"Have you delivered my plea letter?"
  • Yes, and the Burgrave will set a date.:
"Thank you so much, %PCName. Here's something to celebrate these good news!" (Imperial Cult Reputation +5, and you receive 2 Cyrodiilic Brandies and 250 gold)
(If Duke Vedam Dren and Caros Cocceius are dead):
  • Both Duke Dren and Cocceius are dead: (See 'These are terrible times' response above)
"These are wonderful times, %PCName. I have started preparations for the performance, it is only a matter of time now. Rest assured, you will have a place in it too. I'm thinking Zenithar."
(If you have completed the quest and Duke Vedam Dren and Caros Cocceius are dead):
"I heard the news already, %PCName. The Duke is dead and... there's honestly no point in it anymore. Thank you for trying to inform me. At least someone is doing others right in these dark times."
"These are terrible times %PCName. I was a fool to dare hope."
  • Errand:
"I would ask you to deliver a plea to Duke Dren for me."
"I sent you to deliver a plea. Have you done so?"
  • Mystery Play:
"I do have another errand for you, %PCName."

House Hlaalu: A New EmploymentEdit

  • job for a scribe:
"I don't question his piety, but I'm afraid we don't have need for a scribe at the moment."


Spell Name Cost Effects
Shield 15   Shield 5 pts for 30 secs on Self
Ulms's Juicedaw's Feather 25   Feather 50 pts for 10 secs on Self
Sanctuary 15   Sanctuary 10 pts for 30 secs on Self
Dispel 25   Dispel 100 pts on Self
Divine Intervention 8   Divine Intervention on Self
Spell Absorption 25   Spell Absorption 10 pts for 5 secs on Self
Cure Common Disease 15   Cure Common Disease on Self
Great Heal Companion 6   Restore Health 4-45 pts on Touch
Rapid Regenerate 38   Restore Health 5-10 pts for 20 secs on Self
Resist Paralysis 300   Resist Paralysis 50 pts for 30 secs on Self
Stamina 30   Restore Fatigue 10-30 pts for 30 secs on Self
Variable Resist Common Disease 16   Resist Common Disease 1-30 pts for 10 secs on Self
Variable Resist Fire 16   Resist Fire 1-30 pts for 10 secs on Self
Variable Resist Frost 16   Resist Frost 1-30 pts for 10 secs on Self
Variable Resist Magicka 16   Resist Magicka 1-30 pts for 10 secs on Self
Variable Resist Poison 16   Resist Poison 1-30 pts for 10 secs on Self
Variable Resist Shock 16   Resist Shock 1-30 pts for 10 secs on Self
Vitality 19   Fortify Health 5-20 pts for 30 secs on Self