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Tamriel Rebuilt:Ingredients

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Items

This page lists ingredients that have unique or near-unique instances in the Tamriel Rebuilt release area (for example, a specific ingredient which appears in a quest).

For a list of generic ingredients, see Tamriel Data's Ingredients page.

See also:

Special IngredientsEdit

Ingredient Description Effects     H%
Black Rose Offering
Found on the corpse of Alvar Omothan in Rangirth Ancestral Tomb
  1.  Fortify Personality
  2.  Drain Fatigue
  3.  Poison
  4.  Invisibility
3 1.2 N/A
Black Rose Offering
The same offering after it has been placed on the ash-pit in Rangirth Ancestral Tomb
  1.  Fortify Personality
  2.  Drain Fatigue
  3.  Poison
  4.  Invisibility
3 1.2 N/A
Desert Siren Seeds
Used in the House Telvanni quest: Seeds for Faruna
  1.  Poison
  2.  Silence
65 0.1 N/A
Diseased Rat Meat
Used in the quest: Pack RATS!!!
  1.  Drain Magicka
  2.  Paralyze
  3.  Cure Poison
  4.  Resist Poison
1 1.0 N/A
Large Kwama Egg
Used in the East Empire Company quest: Letter of the Law
  1.  Restore Fatigue
  2.  Paralyze
  3.  Frost Shield
  4.  Fortify Health
2 6 N/A
Noble Sedge Flowers Offering
Found on the corpse of Alvar Omothan in Rangirth Ancestral Tomb
  1.  Damage Health
  2.  Restore Agility
  3.  Poison
  4.  Fortify Agility
1 1.0 N/A
Noble Sedge Flowers Offering
The same offering after it has been placed on the ash-pit in Rangirth Ancestral Tomb
  1.  Damage Health
  2.  Restore Agility
  3.  Poison
  4.  Fortify Agility
1 1.0 N/A
Opal Stone
Found in: Gah Sadrith, Tel Darys: Tomb
  1.  Drain Fatigue
  2.  Drain Health
  3.  Light
10 1.5 N/A
Poisoned Rat Meat
Found in: Old Ebonheart, The Fetcher's Pawn
Old Ebonheart, Rifskald Whalebane's House
  1.  Poison
  2.  Damage Health
1 1 N/A
Raw Musk
Found in: Nowhere
  1.  Damage Personality
  2.  Fortify Personality
  3.  Damage Health
  4.  Fortify Speechcraft
15 0.2 N/A
Ruined Cephalopod Shell
Found in: Nowhere
  1.  Drain Fatigue
  2.  Drain Health
0 1.0 N/A
Topaz Offering
Found on the corpse of Alvar Omothan in Rangirth Ancestral Tomb
  1.  Fire Damage
  2.  Resist Magicka
  3.  Restore Health
  4.  Summon Scamp
75 1.5 N/A
Topaz Offering
The same offering after it has been placed on the ash-pit in Rangirth Ancestral Tomb
  1.  Fire Damage
  2.  Resist Magicka
  3.  Restore Health
  4.  Summon Scamp
75 1.5 N/A