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Collect reports for submission to the Briricca Bank.
Quest Giver: Cano
Location(s): Old Ebonheart, East Empire Company: Offices
Next Quest: Tough Customer
Reward: 5 gold
Disposition: +10 (Cano)
Reputation Gain: +5 (East Empire Company)
ID: TR_m3_EEC_Cano1
The bank wants a report on its investment.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Speak to Cano in the Old Ebonheart East Empire Company: Offices, about assignment and Briricca report.
  2. In any order:
  3. Bring the three reports to Cano.
  4. Demand that Mero Maro rewrite his report properly.
  5. Take Mero Maro's New Briricca Report to Cano for Cano's Briricca Report.
  6. Bring the report to Quilmaro, upstairs, for Quilmaro's Briricca Report.
  7. Either:
    • Bring the report to factor-in-chief, Aetia Nemesia, for her signature (requires 50+ disposition).
    • Get Zenurie Mondette to sign on Aetia's (or Merxia Vendicci's - see Notes) behalf.
  8. Take the EEC Briricca Report to Phedre Briricca.


  • Lorindil's Briricca Report has been wedged between the pages of a book on Zenurie's desk, titled EEC Ship List, and is visibly protruding from that book if the desk is viewed from the room's entrance.
  • Most of the NPCs in this quest will be distinctly unhelpful unless you have 30+ disposition with them.
  • If Aetia has been removed from her position as result of a quest, Merxia Vendicci will take her role - however, having only just arrived in the office, she will immediately delegate the signature to the deputy, Zenurie.
  • The above accommodation for Aetia's removal is perhaps an oversight, as the quest which can remove her does not occur until this one has been completed.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Paper Trail (TR_m3_EEC_Cano1)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Cano needs to me to ask the three clerks at the Old Ebonheart office for their ends of "the Briricca report": Crendal Barthe, Mero Maro, and Lorindil.
100 Lorindil already took her end of the Briricca report up to Zenurie Mondette for review. She told me to retrieve it for Cano. To find Zenurie, I am to head back to the lobby and take the stairs up the central tower.
105 Zenurie Mondette says Lorindil's end of the Briricca report should be somewhere around her desk.
110 Crendal Barthe says he can't finish his end of the Briricca report until he has his pen.
115 Crendal Barthe handed me his end of the Briricca report.
120 Mero Maro can't finish his end of this Briricca report until Mette Black-Briar gets him the "older Briricca report" he requested.
122 Mette Black-Briar handed me an old Briricca report from last year to give Mero Maro.
125 Mero Maro handed me his end of the Briricca report. He tells me Lorindil is downstairs in the basement archives.
130 Cano asked me to have Mero Maro rewrite his report more tidily.
133 Mero Maro rewrote his end of the Briricca report.
136 Cano finished compiling the Briricca report and asked me to hand it to his boss. Quilmaro's office is just upstairs, next to Mette Black-Briar's.
140 Quilmaro approved the Briricca report and asked me to bring it upstairs to his boss, %Name. Her office is upstairs in the central tower.
150 Aetia Nemesia approved the Briricca report and asked me to take it over to the Briricca Private Bank in town. I can find it in the town square, two doors left of the Company building.
155 Zenurie Mondette, the factor's deputy, approved the Briricca report and asked me to take it over to the Briricca Private Bank in town. I can find it in the town square, two doors left of the Company building.
200 Finishes quest  I gave the Briricca report to Phedre Briricca. She said she would have a response "in due time" and told me to leave her be.
Prev:  Up: East Empire Company Quests Next: Tough Customer