Beyond Skyrim:Ingredients
< Mod / Skyrim: Beyond Skyrim: Items(Redirected from Beyond Skyrim:Yellow Amanita)This is an overview of alchemical ingredients (also called "alchemy reagents") added by the Beyond Skyrim: BSAssets mod. For ingredients added by the Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil mod, see here.
As in Skyrim, you can obtain ingredients in several ways: purchasing them from merchants, find already-harvested samples in containers or specific locations, harvesting them from plants, collecting them from creatures or catching passive creatures.
Ingredient Name (ID) | Primary Effect | Secondary Effect | Tertiary Effect | Quaternary Effect | Merchant Avail. | Source | Guaranteed Samples | |||
Alkanet xx6018BF |
Restore Magicka | Resist Poison | Light | Damage Stamina | 2 | 0.1 | Common | Harvested from Alkanet plant | None | |
Aloe Vera Leaves xx6018D1 |
Restore Stamina | Restore Health | Damage Magicka | Invisibility | 2 | 0.1 | Uncommon | Harvested from Aloe Vera plant | None | |
Ash Salts xx6018C0 |
Slow | Resist Magic | Cure Disease | Fortify Magicka | 375 | 0.1 | None | None | 1 in Ananril's house | |
Bergamot Seeds xx6028BA |
Resist Disease | Resist Magic | Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regeneration | 1 | 0.1 | None | Harvested from Bergamot plant | None | |
Blackberries xx6018C1 |
Regenerate Health | Resist Shock | Fortify Heavy Armor | Restore Magicka | 1 | 0.1 | Common | Harvested from Blackberry plant | None | |
Blueberries xx6018FC |
Regenerate Health | Resist Shock | Fortify Heavy Armor | Restore Magicka | 1 | 0.1 | None | Harvested from Blueberry plant | 4 in Cutpurse Hideout, 1 carried by Marc Dufonte | |
Blue Entoloma xx601CED |
Ravage Magicka | Weakness to Magic | Restore Health | Invisibility | 1 | 0.1 | None | Harvested from Blue Entoloma plant | 1 in Ananril's house, 1 carried by Marc Dufonte | |
Blue Flax xx601902 |
Restore Magicka | Fortify Carry Weight | Shield | Damage Health | 1 | 0.1 | Common | Harvested from Blue Flax plant | None | |
Bog Beacon xx601CEC |
Restore Magicka | Damage Magicka | Frenzy | Damage Health Regeneration | 1 | 0.1 | None | Harvested from Bog Beacon plant | 2 in Bruma Synod Conclave and 2 in Frostcrag Spire | |
Cairn Bolete xx6018C4 |
Restore Health | Damage Magicka | Resist Poison | Shock Damage | 1 | 0.1 | Uncommon | Harvested from Cairn Bolete plant | 6 in 4 locations, most notably Cutpurse Hideout and the Bruma Caverns | |
Clouded Funnel xx6018D7 |
Restore Magicka | Fortify Magicka | Ravage Health | Damage Magicka | 1 | 0.1 | Uncommon | Harvested from Clouded Funnel plant | 9 in Capstone Cave, 1 in the Bruma Caverns | |
Daedroth Teeth xx6018C8 |
Weakness to Frost | Resist Frost | Invisibility | Weakness to Fire | 65 | 0.5 | Rare | None | None | |
Dawnshade xx601425 |
Damage Magicka | Ravage Magicka | Lingering Damage Magicka | Fortify Enchanting | 9 | 0.1 | None | Harvested from Dawnshade plant | 1 in Gautierre Manor | |
Domica Redwort xx601903 |
Resist Frost | Cure Poison | Damage Health | Invisibility | 4 | 0.1 | Uncommon | Harvested from Domica Redwort plant | 6 in 3 locations, most notably the Cathedral of St. Martin | |
Dryad Saddle Polypore xx6018CB |
Fortify Lockpicking | Resist Frost | Slow | Frost Damage | 10 | 0.1 | Uncommon | Harvested from Dryad's Saddle Polypore plant | 2 in Frostcrag Spire | |
Elf Cup xx601901 |
Frenzy | Cure Disease | Restore Stamina | Damage Magicka | 5 | 0.1 | Uncommon | Harvested from Elf Cup plant | 1 in the Ruined Jail in Cutpurse Hideout, 1 in Whitewood Creek | |
Emetic Russula xx601900 |
Restore Stamina | Shield | Frenzy | Damage Health Regeneration | 1 | 0.1 | Uncommon | Harvested from Emetic Russula plant | 4 in 3 locations, most notably Ananril's house | |
Flax Seeds xx6027F8 |
Restore Magicka | Fortify Carry Weight | Shield | Damage Health | 1 | 0.1 | Common | Harvested from Red, Blue and Yellow Flax plants | None | |
Ginkgo Leaves xx601904 |
Restore Stamina | Fortify Magicka | Weakness to Magic | Shock Damage | 1 | 0.1 | Rare | Harvested from Ginkgo plant | 1 in Fort Pale Pass, 1 in Bruma Synod Conclave and 1 on a stone platform southeast of Cloud Ruler Temple | |
Goblin Wax xx60194D |
Resist Poison | Fortify Two-handed | Frenzy | Damage Health | 15 | 1 | Uncommon | Obtained from Goblin | 1 in White Pine Lodge and 1 in unmarked conjurer's tower near Lakeside Retreat | |
Green Stain Cup xx601926 |
Restore Stamina | Slow | Reflect Damage | Damage Magicka | 1 | 0.1 | Uncommon | Harvested from Green Stain Cup plant | None | |
Imp Gall xx6018BE |
Fortify Persuasion | Cure Paralysis | Damage Health | Fire Damage | 15 | 0.2 | Uncommon | None | 1 in Northfringe Sanctum | |
Ironwood Nuts xx601932 |
Restore Stamina | Resist Fire | Damage Stamina | Fortify Health | 1 | 0.1 | Rare | None | 1 in Cutpurse Hideout | |
Land Dreugh Wax xx6018C9 |
Damage Stamina | Resist Poison | Waterbreathing | Damage Health | 70 | 1 | Uncommon | None | None | |
Mandrake Root xx6018FA |
Cure Disease | Resist Poison | Ravage Stamina | Regenerate Magicka | 1 | 0.1 | Uncommon | None | 2 in Fort Cutpurse, 2 in White Pine Lodge | |
Milk Thistle Branch xx6018BC |
Light | Frost Damage | Cure Poison | Paralysis | 1 | 0.1 | Common | Harvested from Milk Thistle plant | 12 in 5 locations, most notably Northfringe Sanctum | |
Minotaur Horn xx6026E4 |
Regenerate Magicka | Paralysis | Fortify Stamina | Resist Poison | 100 | 3 | None | Obtained from Minotaur | 1 in Bruma Synod Conclave | |
Motherwort Sprig xx602800 |
Resist Poison | Damage Stamina | Damage Magicka | Cure Poison | 2 | 0.1 | Common | Harvested from Motherwort plant | 1 carried by Marc Dufonte | |
Ogre Tooth xx6026C6 |
Damage Magicka | Paralysis | Weakness to Shock | Fortify Carry Weight | 30 | 0.25 | None | Obtained from Ogre | 1 in Ananril's house, 1 in the unmarked conjurer's tower near Lakeside Retreat | |
Onion xx601908 |
Restore Stamina | Waterbreathing | Detect Life | Damage Health | 1 | 0.2 | None | Harvested from Onion Braid | None | |
Red Cinnabar Polypore xx6018C6 |
Restore Health | Fortify Heavy Armor | Damage Magicka | Damage Stamina | 1 | 0.5 | Uncommon | Harvested from Red Cinnabar Polypore plant | 2 in White Pine Lodge, 2 in Frostcrag Spire | |
Red Flax xx60194A |
Restore Magicka | Fortify Carry Weight | Shield | Damage Health | 1 | 0.1 | Common | Harvested from Red Flax plant | None | |
Red Onion xx601909 |
Damage Stamina | Fortify Magicka | Invisibility | Weakness to Frost | 1 | 0.2 | None | None | 1 in Fort Horunn, Praetorian Hall, 1 in Fort Cutpurse | |
Rice xx601CD5 |
Restore Stamina | Fortify Health | Damage Stamina Regeneration | Lingering Damage Magicka | 5 | 0.1 | None | Harvested from Rice plant | None | |
Scamp Skin xx601FBA |
Ravage Magicka | Damage Health | Regenerate Health | Resist Shock | 10 | 0.1 | None | Obtained from Scamp | None | |
Somnalius Frond xx601918 |
Resist Fire | Damage Health Regeneration | Fortify Health | Fortify Carry Weight | 3 | 0.1 | None | Harvested from Somnalius Fern plant | None | |
Steel-Blue Entoloma xx601CD6 |
Restore Magicka | Fire Damage | Resist Frost | Weakness to Poison | 1 | 0.1 | None | Harvested from Steel-Blue Entoloma plant | 1 in Fort Cutpurse | |
Summer Bolete xx601930 |
Restore Stamina | Fortify Light Armor | Fear | Damage Health Regeneration | 1 | 0.1 | Uncommon | Harvested from Summer Bolete plant | 8 in 4 locations, most notably Capstone Cave | |
Tinder Polypore xx601936 |
Restore Magicka | Resist Disease | Invisibility | Damage Magicka | 1 | 0.1 | None | Harvested from Tinder Polypore plant | None | |
Wisp Stalk xx601924 |
Damage Health | Damage Magicka Regeneration | Damage Magicka | Fortify Speed | 1 | 0.1 | Uncommon | Harvested from Wisp Stalk plant | 10 in 3 locations, most notably Capstone Cave | |
Wormwood xx60191E |
Fortify Stamina | Invisibility | Damage Health | Damage Magicka | 2 | 0.1 | Common | Harvested from Wormwood plant | 1 outside Silver Tooth Cave | |
Yellow Amanita xx60204A |
Weakness to Poison | Waterbreathing | Frenzy | Fortify Carry Weight | 2 | 0.1 | None | Harvested from Yellow Amanita plant | None | |
Yellow Cinnabar Polypore xx6018C7 |
Restore Health | Regenerate Health | Frenzy | Reflect Spell | 1 | 0.5 | Uncommon | Harvested from Yellow Cinnabar Polypore plant | 2 in Bruma Synod Conclave | |
Yellow Flax xx60194B |
Restore Magicka | Fortify Carry Weight | Shield | Damage Health | 1 | 0.1 | Common | None | None |