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Online:Cut Content/Justice

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The Justice and Champion systems were added with Update 6. The Enforcer system was slated to release alongside the Justice system but was scrapped.


  • Ralen Veri, a point of contact with a criminal organization, likely the Thieves Guild.
  • Osgug
  • Naspia Dranius
  • Puzindi
  • Thalumezi
  • Valga Crassus


  • The Egg of the World
  • Grey-Fallen Ranged

The Enforcer SystemEdit

The Enforcer system was planned before the Craglorn update came out, but it was scrapped.

Prospective Enforcers were required to speak with the Provost, an intermediary between the Guard and the Enforcers, to join the organization. Enforcers were required to show proof of their status to the guard before doing any actual enforcing. In order to go on duty and activate your status as an Enforcer, you would have had to put on your uniform. If you weren't wearing your uniform, you would not be allowed to pursue criminals.


Joining the EnforcersEdit

"You haven't heard of us? We've been around Tamriel since … a long time. Starting with the Bailiffs Guild and blah blah blah. Point is, we have history.
Right now, we aid the Guard in keeping the peace. Cracking skulls for justice."
"Enforcers. Much more respectable than bounty hunters.
Anyone who joins the Enforcers gets paid for hunting down outlaws and rewarded for retrieving their ill-gotten goods. And it's completely legal!"
"You sign up and get some garb to show you're with us. Wear it and start hunting. Return any contraband you find to your local Enforcers Chapter for the reward.
Just so you know, we're not responsible if an outlaw kills you dead. Interested?"

If you committed any crimes as an Enforcer, you would have been admonished by the guild.

"I'd heard you'd turned to a life of crime, but I didn't want to believe it. This must be a mistake. You haven't left the Enforcers for good have you?"
"That's the stuff! No Fear, just a trail of dead outlaws and a pocket full of gold!
Here, take our garb. Normally you have to say this big long oath, but I forget the words right now, so we can just skip that part."
"That's the stuff! No fear, just a trail of dead outlaws and a pocket full of gold!
Talk to the Provost—that's a fancy name for the Guard intermediary who holds the purse. They'll set you up with our garb, for a small fee."

"And that's only the beginning, my newfound friend! Something big is coming and you're going to want to be a part of it! Of that, I'm sure."
"Oh, I can't reveal all of our secrets just yet. Suffice it to say that the upcoming attempt to clean up our fair cities will provide limitless opportunities for my associates and I.
But I'm willing to cut you in on the action. We'll talk again soon."
"You have to wear Enforcer garb to fight outlaws, so don't lose it by doing something stupid, like committing a crime. If you lose it, you'll have to buy it again."
"You'll know them. It's part of being an Enforcer, being able to sniff out lawbreakers.
Don't underestimate them, though. Some outlaws hunt anyone wearing our garb. The risk is high, but so is the reward."
"If it's about cracking outlaw skull and claiming bounties, I can talk all day."
"We're a group that the city Guard in towns across Tamriel have contracted to help in the keeping of the peace.
There's a book that explains it all, around here somewhere."
"We hunt outlaws for a portion of their bounty and confiscate any stolen goods. Sometimes, you might even find something that'll show you where to find one of their bandit dens, in which case you can take the fight to their hideouts."
"If I had a gold piece for every time I left my garb in some lady's bedroom … well, you don't need to know about that. If you need some new garb, talk to the provost at the Enforcers chapter."
"The provost at the Enforcers chapter will pay for anything you've confiscated from criminals.
Now, the Guard funds are not unlimited. You might have to wait a bit before the money frees up."
"Hideouts where bandits keep their stolen goods. It can be very profitable to clean one out, but the bandits are clever and they protect their ill-gotten gains with all sorts of devious traps."
"It's true our ranks are not always filled with the most upstanding individuals, but our charter is good. To pursue justice in the farthest reaches of Tamriel and to protect the weak against the unscrupulous."
"There are many ways by which Enforcers fulfill their mission. We hunt down outlaws who have evaded their bounty. We confiscate stolen goods. We also rid Tamriel of the bandit scourge that plagues the countryside."
"Their camps are easy to find. But if you are fortunate, you may chance to learn the location of one of their dens.
Filled with stolen goods and rife with devious traps, there is little more satisfying than cleansing one of these hidden rats' nests."
"I am not a glory hound. There is no species of criminal more base or more harmful than those who have taken up banditry.
The common outlaw may be the victim of circumstance, but the bandit has set himself at odds with society."
"Talk to Osgug. He will help you join. But don't take too much stock in what he says. Not to be rude, but he's a bit of a lout."


"I knew you'd see things right. Now, I'm supposed to make you swear that you'll renounce … villainy? Or is it lawlessness? Either way. Do you do that?"
"Great. Then you are officially rehabilitated! Here's your garb. Now get out there and punch an outlaw for me."
"Great. Welcome back to the ranks of the Enforcers. You'll have to buy your guard from the provost, though. We'd go broke giving those out for free."
"You've found the right Orc. I've been steering enterprising individuals like yourself to a productive life of outlaw-fighting for … well, who even keeps track?"
"You know, we're having a dog of a time settling on exactly what it is. First it was badges, then tabards—maybe next week it's glowing shoulderpads.
Really, it's whatever the Guard thinks will make us stand out. You learn to roll with the changes."
"Heh. I'd tell you, but Radwi would probably knock me over the head for speaking out of turn.
But if you can keep a secret …."
"Since the start of the alliance war, there's been a big increase in crime around Tamriel. Let's just say, we're planning to do something about that."
"He's a brute, but much as it pains me to admit it, he's our best recruiter. Seems people won't join the Enforcers simply to do the right thing. So he talks about glory and money and excitement and people flock to join."
"Oh, she's one of our best Enforcers. A little uptight, but we all have our flaws. I'm sure she'd be happy to list mine. Point is, I'd trust her with my life."
"The job's done, huh? This work turns us into monsters, doesn't it? Weighs down my soul.
Let's hope the coins are enough for us to live with what we've done."
"There's so much death. So much. I'll sleep better knowing at least one of the death dealers has been eliminated.
Thank you, kindly."
"Oh, friend, I was afraid I was never going to see you again. I heard the most vicious rumors concerning you and the Enforcers. But let's put that behind us and get you signed up again so that you can take advantage of all the opportunities we offer."
"I know it's nothing personal, but feel responsible for this life you're leading. Did I somehow fail to prepare you for the life of an Enforcer? I just hope you'll change your mind."
"Valga Crassus."
"Fresh meat, eh? Think you can beat me?
Heh! Just kidding. We haven't made anyone duel to join the Enforcers in years. Those were the days."
Enforcer 1: "So, how many outlaws did you bring in last month?"
Enforcer 2: "Fifteen. And that's not counting that pair of twin horse thieves that got taken out by a tree branch."
Enforcer 1: "Fifteen? Amateur."
Enforcer 2: "I would not say I'm unhappy."
Enforcer 1: "I don't have time for such trivialities, as long as injustice festers, like a plague on the land. As long as everywhere the weak are preyed upon, their last crumbs stolen from the mouths of their children, who—"
Enforcer 2: "All right. Enough already. Now I'm depressed."

Becoming a CriminalEdit

It appears that players could have joined a criminal organization that allowed you to use Outlaws Refuges. Prospective members would have spoken to a "recruiter" of sorts.

"Step right up. I can let you in on something quite profitable."
"You have the look of someone who has places to go and people to see. Is there something I can do for you, friend?"
Tell me more about your organization. Are you some kind of guild?
"Oh, the best kind, I assure you! I represent a like-minded group of individuals who have banded together to take advantage of the situation in Cyrodiil. I think you'd fit right in."
"It's no secret that each Alliance's best and brightest has gone off to war. That's left the home fires somewhat … uncared for, if you take my meaning. Our organization makes it easy to turn ill-gotten gains into pure gold!"
"Criminals, outlaws … call us what you will. We're still getting rich and I'd be happy to let you join us. And membership has its privileges! We can help you sell stolen goods, clear your bounties, and generally provide lots of helpful advice."
"It's a relatively painless process. And quite simple, really.
Say the word and you're in. Just like that!"
Sounds good. Sign me up!

You could have asked the recruiter to explain the Justice system to you after joining.

"I am your dearest and truest friend! I just know you'll make a fine addition to our organization. But is there something else I can do for you right now? I do have places to go and things to … acquire, if you take my meaning"
"Alas, there's only so much I can say to those who haven't taken the secret pledge. Just be assured that the opportunity we represent is worth more gold than you can possibly imagine."
What kind of opportunity?

"A bounty is your reward for a job poorly done. If someone catches you in the act of committing a crime, you receive a bounty. Believe me, it's not something to be proud of."
"A bounty on your head can be difficult to live with. As long as the bounty remains in force, the Guard will hunt you down.
And when they catch you, you have only two options: pay your bounty and relinquish your stolen goods, or attempt to flee."
"Indeed! That's one of the benefits of belonging to our unassuming organization. Just reach the nearest outlaws refuge and you'll be as safe as a sparrow in its nest.
Or, head away from any guarded towns. But the wilderness gets old after a while."
"Well, you're standing in one now! But have no fear, you'll find them in major cities, however far you travel."
"Oh, not officially. Although to the uninitiated, we provide many of the same benefits as a guild. And we do try to maintain a cordial relationship with other criminal organizations operating throughout Tamriel. Professional curiosity, you understand."
"Bounty hunting scum hired by the Alliances to keep order in their cities. Enforcers are ruthless. They won't give you a chance to surrender—they'll just kill you and confiscate the stolen goods you worked so hard to acquire. The bastards!"
"Well, as long as no one notices, absolutely nothing. But if someone catches you in the act, you receive a bounty. And while you have a bounty on your head, the Guard will come after you to collect it.
Or the Enforcers will."
"Try fleeing to the nearest refuge. That's usually what I do. If you can't get away, the Guard usually give you an opportunity to pay your fine.
Enforcers give you nothing but an axe in the guts. Best to avoid them."
"You can find refuges throughout the land, usually in or near major cities. Access is a privilege of your membership! The Guard won't follow you into a refuge, so it's a safe haven—and a place to find a fence for your stolen goods."
"Everyone in our line of business needs a fence! Who else will move your stolen goods, launder your stolen items, or help you clear your bounty? That's why every refuge has a resident fence who's always on the premises."
"You can't just walk up to any merchant and sell your ill-gotten gains. But the fence has connections far and wide, and knows how to move stolen goods without much risk of reprisals. And in exchange, the fence provides you with a substantial reward."
"Sometimes you acquire something that's just too good to part with. However, if the Guard finds you with a stolen item, you're back in hot water. But the fence knows how to turn an illegal item into an item that's free and clear."
"The Guard doesn't always give you a chance to pay, especially if your bounty is substantial. Plus, the Guard always confiscates the goods you acquired, so all your hard work turns to naught. Better to deal with the fence, I always say."

If you joined the Enforcers, you could return to a recruiter to fall back into a life of crime.

"You really need to stop changing your mind. It's so confusing!
No, no, I jest. Welcome back. Ready to listen to my opportunity pitch for the hundredth time?"
"Friend! How long has it been? No, no, just put that Enforcer garbage out of your head and let me remind you about the opportunity waiting for you here."
"Enforcers! I hate those guys. They're bounty hunters for hire without a shred of decency or compassion."
"Not even close! If Enforcers catch you while you have a bounty, they won't give you a chance to pay it. They'd rather kill you and confiscate your stolen goods than deal with the paperwork associated with collecting a bounty from a live criminal."
"As long as you don't have a bounty, the Enforcers can't touch you. But if you do have a bounty, find your way to any refuge. It's a safe haven for those in our particular line of work."
"The Guard regulates the Enforcers. They require them to clearly identify themselves when they're on duty.
Just look for their distinctive garb—if they aren't wearing it, the Guard won't allow them to pursue you."
"Thieves Guild? I said nothing of a Thieves Guild. You said Thieves Guild, not I.
But … we should probably speak of other matters."

"I only deal with members of … an exclusive club. If you want to know more, talk to Ralen Veri."
"Go see Ralen Veri. He'll set you up with our … organization. Then we can do business."
"Psst! Hey you!"
"Hmm. You don't look like an outlaw, but you look like outlaw material.
Go see Ralen Veri, if you want to make some extra coin."
"Psst! Over here!"
"Yes, yes, you'll probably do fine. Go see Ralen Veri. He'll tell you what we're all about."
"Want to be a part of our rather lucrative operation? Of course you do! Ralen Veri will tell you all about it."
"I'm not sure what he sees in you, but Ralen Veri was quite adamant. He wants to offer you a place in our organization. As hard as that might be to believe."
"This one shall tell you a lucrative secret … Ralen Veri. He'll make you an offer you shouldn't refuse."
"I have two words for you, lover, so pay close attention: Ralen Veri. He'll treat your purse quite well."
"Sorry, can't help. Talk to Ralen Veri. Let him decide if you're outlaw material."
"You there. Yes, you!"
"This one isn't allowed to speak with you. Find Ralen Veri. Let him decide if you belong in our organization."
"You there! Come here!"
"I only deal with members of … an exclusive club. If you want to know more, talk to Ralen Veri."
"Psst! This one has searched all over for you."
"You didn't hear it from me, but Ralen Veri can set you up. He's connected to all kinds of tempting opportunities."
"Thieves Guild? I said nothing of a Thieves Guild. You said Thieves Guild, not I.
But … we should probably speak of other matters."