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This page contains information about content that was cut from The Elder Scrolls Online. The content described here was planned to be included in the game, but removed before release. |
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Cut Quests are quests that were cut from the game or its DLC before release. The base game and the Imperial City had a wealth of quests cut during development, and remnants of their existence can be found in the text files for earlier updates.
Base GameEdit
- Horse Race: Partake in horse racing events throughout Tamriel.
Main QuestEdit
- Molag Bal's Gaze: Secure your escape from Coldharbour.
- The Nameless City: Please add a description for this quest
- Uprising: Assist Galynne in ensuring the guards cannot interfere with your escape
- A Prize From The Vaults
- The Vaults of Gemin
- Big Game: Please add a description for this quest
Imperial City
- Arboretum Exploration : Please add a description for this quest
- Arms of Rescue
- As Above, So Below : Rescue Imperial citizens from the Bloodworks.
- Between Bouts : Patch up the mortal fighters at the Imperial arena.
- Blood and Glory : Please add a description for this quest
- Blood in the Water : Find Eulintus in the Arena District.
- Bottled Despair : Find a distressed citizen in the Elven Gardens.
- Brother's Legacy : Put a stop to the atrocities at the Daedric arena
- Bullied : Find a hidden cache in the Market District.
- Care Package : Humor a worried mother.
- City in Peril
- The Claim of Coldharbour : Learn how to destroy the Dark Anchors so the Pact can take the Imperial City
- Covenant Priorities : Learn how to destroy the Dark Anchors so the Covenant can take the Imperial City
- Dark Bargains : Find a Khajiit merchant's abandoned goods.
- Dark Magic : Confiscate or destroy the Worm Cult's dreadshards to keep them from empowering themselves.
- Divine Retribution : Defile shrines that the Daedra have erected for their master in the Temple District.
- Dominion Priorities : Find the Aldmeri Dominion's missing wizard.
- Dremora on Patrol : Bring sensitive Daedric documents to an intelligence officer at your alliance base.
- Drive to Victory
- Enduring Pain
- Foul Waters : Collect befouled samples in the Imperial waterways for a concerned party.
- The Flood of Souls : Please add a description for this quest
- Forgotten Deeds : Return official documents to an Imperial Magistrate
- Going to Market : Find Maximinus in the Market District
- Guildhall Decorations : Collect Clannfear heads for the Fighters Guild.
- The Graceless Dragon
- Held Captive : Please add a description for this quest
- The Help : Find an Imperial noble's missing servant in the Arboretum.
- Holy Relics : Return recovered relics to a priest of the Divines
- Imperial Intelligence : Please add a description for this quest
- Lambs to the Slaughter : Please add a description for this quest
- Last Request : Inform a citizen of her brother's demise
- Lone Wolf
- The Mage's Projection : Rescue a mage in the Temple District
- Missing in the City : Please add a description for this quest
- Missing Scouts : Search for your alliance's missing scouts in the sewers.
- Noble Quest : Find an Imperial sergeant.
- One Man's Treasure : Find a skooma addict's product.
- Pot of Gold : Please add a description for this quest
- The Rat's Bane : Slay flesh colossi for the Rat
- Refuge Relief : Finish a delivery intended for the Temple District refuge.
- Return to Sender : Return a scroll to its author.
- Root of All Fear : Stop a Dremora raid party from taking citizens to the arena.
- Rune Vision : Help a resistance spymaster keep tabs on Legion Zero
- Save Thyself
- Saving Souls from Molag Bal : Rescue Imperial captives in the Temple District
- Scratchpad : Rescue three missing dogs
- Seeking Refuge : Ease an Elder Councilor's concerns by searching for refugees in three districts
- Seize the Initiative : Find the weapon caches hidden by the late Fighters Guild Quartermaster
- Sewer Sabotage : Stop Legion Zero from collapsing the sewer tunnels
- Shattered Faith : Search for fragments of defaced statues throughout the Temple District
- Stitching Flesh : Restore a book stolen from the Imperial City Mages Guild and return it to its author
- Stolen Relics : Recover stolen temple relics
- Symbol of Nobility : Return a family heirloom to its owner
- Threat from Below : Please add a description for this quest
- Tools of the Trade : Make a delivery to the Arena District
Repeatable QuestsEdit
- Blood Drive : Collect blood samples from Legion Zero soldiers.
- The Cold Wind Blows : Snuff out fires set by the Daedra.
- Daedric Reinforcements : Close Daedric reinforcement portals in the sewers.
- Flight to Freedom : Help some little ... "birds" ... return to roost.
- Marking Targets : Locate Legion Zero soldiers for resistance snipers to take down.
- Of the Flesh : Collect necrotic sacs for a local necrologist's life-saving research
- Pierce the Veil : Stop the Xivkyn Veilweavers from dislodging the Mundus from its place in reality.
- Reclaiming the Gardens : Assist Aishah with some reconnaissance.
- Ritual Resumed : Stop another Daedric ritual for the Imperial clergy.
- Scarhea's Return : Kill a Daedric horror once more for a young girl's sake.
- Snakes : Give Legion Zero their just desserts.
- To the Sword
Hunting Board Prerequisite QuestsEdit
These quests and their corresponding Hunting Board quests are not sorted alphabetically: they are sorted in the order they appear in the text files. This will allow editors who are sorting dialogue to recognize the patterns in which related dialogue is sorted in the text files.
Not all quests are sorted logically, but these are. As soon as these quests are documented to completion, the list may be alphabetized.
- The Storm Below : Retrieve a stolen family treasure from the Storm Sister.
- Comfort in Dark Times : Find a Khajiit vagabond's childhood doll.
- The Ink Runs : Please add a description for this quest
- Blood Brother : Slay the Bloodmist Master.
- The Crown, The Lover : Retrieve Emperor Leovic's crown.
- Charred Knowledge : Deliver a lost book to its owner.
- Like Vermin : Enact revenge on a Xivkyn sorceress for a tortured citizen
- Shroud of Lost Souls : Free the agonized spirits trapped by Secundinus the Despoiler
- The War of Many Fronts : Find an Argonian's lost dagger.
- Lady of the Depths : Free an Argonian from the Lady's clutches
Hunting Board QuestsEdit
- Unending Storm : Destroy Gati the Storm Sister.
- Deadly Arrows : Slay Hzu-Hakan at his training grounds in the sewers.
- Undying Blades : Slay Wadracki at your alliance's behest.
- Return of the Red Mist : Slay the new Bloodmist Master.
- Everlasting Throne : Slay Emperor Leovic's rotting remains once more.
- Bottomless Deception : Slay the Lady of the Deep.
- Restless Souls : Destroy Secundinus the Despoiler.
- The War of Infinite Fronts : Slay Taebod the Gatekeeper at the Wavering Veil.
Dark Brotherhood
- Into the Void : Please add a description for this quest
- Bound By Tenets : Please add a description for this quest
- Honoring the Sacrament : Please add a description for this quest
- Mourning Coffee : Please add a description for this quest
- On the Mountain : Please add a description for this quest
- Rest in Peace : Please add a description for this quest
- Silence, My Listener : Please add a description for this quest
- Tide of Death : Please add a description for this quest
- The Wrath of Sithis : Please add a description for this quest
Thieves Guild
- Castle Copperwing
- Playing Cat and Mouse
- The Vault of Shadows
- The Gray Barrows : Please add a description for this quest
- A Thief in Need : Please add a description for this quest
- Testing the Waters : Please add a description for this quest
- RSVP : Please add a description for this quest
- Prison Break : Please add a description for this quest
- The Double-Cross Job : Please add a description for this quest
- The Pirate Job
- The Messenger Job : Please add a description for this quest
- The Sabotage Job : Please add a description for this quest
- The Rescue Job : Please add a description for this quest
- Voice in the Wind
- A Farewell
- Bargain Hunting
- The Beast Pits
- Blaze the Trail
- Bloodspeaking: Please add a description for this quest
- Broken Gazer: Please add a description for this quest
- Defense of Warwyrd Temple: Please add a description for this quest
- Her Eminence
- Live Hard, Die Young
- The Lost Novel: Please add a description for this quest
- Meeting the Black-Briars
- An Odd Job
- The Proving Grounds
- Scion of Lamae: Please add a description for this quest
- The Skin Game
- South Winds Derby: Please add a description for this quest
- Tremors
- Trial of Martial Knowledge
- Trial of the True Path
- We Need the Eggs
- Whispers in the Crowd
- Waste Not, Want Not
Renamed QuestsEdit
- Mind of Madness was named The Madness Returns in the text file for Update 5.
Test QuestsEdit