- Anvil, The Abecette: Inner Hall (×10, 3 in safe)
- Port Telvannis, Telvanni Council House: Vaults (×8)
- Akamora, Thendas and Varonis: Pawnbroker (×5)
- Andothren, Vendicci Manor (×2, cloth sack)
- Baan Urlai (×2)
- Crystal Scissure, Glaziers' Respite (×2)
- Ebon Tower, Palace: Treasure Chamber (×2)
- Emmurbalpitu, Crepuscular Shrine (×2)
- Ivrol Crypt (×2)
- Khalaan, Old Landing (×2, glowing Daedric chest)
- Necrom, Relor Savani's House (×2) (chest)
- Rangirth Ancestral Tomb (×2, chest)
- Thendas Ancestral Tomb (×2)
- Acharamz, Ratiocinatory
- Andathril Ancestral Tomb
- Akamora, Dralethan Manor
- Anthelasa Ancestral Tomb
- Anvil, Briricca Private Bank: Offices
- Anvil, Calixta Avidrian's House
- Arkgnthleft, Lower Levels
- Brazen Maiden: Cabin
- Crypsis: Cabin
- Crystal Scissure, Splintered Excavation
- Darano Ancestral Tomb
- Dasek Marsh Region [-111, -58] (chest)
- Dragonstar West, Guild of Mages
- Ebon Tower, Julianos' Tower (chest)
- Ermunsour
- Erushara Ancestral Tomb
- Essarnartes, Shrine
- Eumaeus, Barracks
- Firewatch, Destarmion: Jeweler
- Firewatch, Ember Keep: Treasure Chamber
- Firewatch, Ember Keep: Wizard's Tower
- Firewatch, Valvius Matius: Pawnbroker
- Fort Umbermoth, Interior
- Gah Sadrith, Cabrinth Dven: Jeweller
- Helnim, Zafirbel Bay Company, Vault
- Helvi Ancestral Tomb
- Indalas Ancestral Tomb
- Karthwasten, Ciron's House (hollow book)
- Lliryn Ancestral Tomb
- Marwat
- Merduibh Rhuma's Tradehouse
- Mirilstern: Pallatium
- Mischarstette, Tomb of the Shore-Kings
- Necrom, Fane of the Ancestors: Vault
- Nerendus Ancestral Tomb, in the final room
- Norem, Lair
- Old Ebonheart, Hecath's House
- Old Ebonheart, Soanix Manor
- Old Ebonheart, The Fetcher's Pawn
- Old Ebonheart, Western Watch Barracks
- Onimushili, Shrine
- Orando Ancestral Tomb
- Sadri Ancestral Tomb
- Samapwi
- Seradan Grotto
- Shaden
- Shambalu
- Sobbitana Grotto
- Taliesinntara
- Teknilashashulpi, Shrine
- Tilvur Ancestral Tomb
- Ules Ancestral Tomb
- Vannu Grotto, Lower Level
- Vinka Barrow
- Vitta Barrow, Caverns (wooden ark)
- Voiceless Harmony, Hall of Dissonance
- Vorndgad Forest Region [-108, 13]
- Windmoth Legion Fort, Interior (Arvs Rethrathi's chest)
- Yanashpi, Lower Level