The Market District is a portion of the Imperial City where various goods can be bought and sold. More shops and some apartments can be found on the upper level.
Map KeyEdit
- Tempered Steel
- Plated Plate
- Kynareth Apartments †
- Palate's Imbuement
- Fishmonger †
- Crogor's †
- The Toy Stop †
- Threads †
- Corthio's Curiosities †
- The Bit and Bridle †
- Sirion's Grocery Shop
- Juno's Guesthouse
- Auriel's Books
- Dan's Drinkery †
- Orris Trissen's House †
- The Bobbed Maiden †
- The Quick Cobbler †
- Halfdan's House †
- Blue Sands Housewares †
- Glad gro-Magosh's House
- Zenithar Apartments †
- Scribe Supplies
- Warehouse
- Undermarket Tunnel
- Captain Christof's Residence †
- The Reluctant Ranger †
- Empire's Best Tailoring †
- Traders' Lodging †
- Fire and Ice †
- Montfort's Bakery †
- Volrina Munia, Enchanter †
- Tatiania's Chain 'n Leather †
- Bank of Cyrodiil
- Rose's Flight
- Offices of the Magistrate
- Prosecutor's Office
† On the upper level
Quests Starting HereEdit
- Literary Recovery: Recover the last three books in the series Attempted Resurgence of the Illusionist for Auriel.
Related QuestsEdit
- Emperor's Finest for Kashmir: Find some Emperor's Finest soap for Kashmir
- Gold Horse Imperial City Local Deliveries: Deliver local packages for the Gold Horse Courier Service.