Page | Bug text | Patch |
Bloodmoon:Hiring Guards | MCP | |
Morrowind:Blind | Blind increases hit rate instead of decreasing it. | MCP |
Morrowind:Calm | Only 1 point magnitude is enough for any level target. | MCP |
Morrowind:Combat | Your Hit Rate is increased by the magnitude of Blindness you have rather than decreased. Therefore, the Boots of Blinding Speed can be a very good and easy source of accuracy, as the magnitude of it is always that same amount of accuracy. To exploit this glitch, it may be a good idea to find some way of being resistant to magicka. Duration does not need to be any longer than 2 seconds, as the effect will be applied, and then you will instantly put on the boots. And because the magnitude of the resist magicka should be low (for more accuracy) casting the spell or buying/making a potion shouldn't be too hard. | MCP |
Morrowind:Drain Attribute | If you are under the effect of a Fortify Attribute, and are then hit with a Drain effect for the same attribute, then when the Drain expires, the attribute will not return to its former value, making the Drain behave more like a Damage Attribute. The only way to solve this is to remove whatever was causing the Fortify effect, and then apply a Restore Attribute effect. You may then put the Fortify effect back on to be returned to your former attribute value. | MCP |
Morrowind:Drain Attribute | You can't create potions with more than one Drain Attribute effect. The effect that appears first is the one that the potion will have. | MCP |
Morrowind:Drain Attribute | If you drain your own Intelligence to zero, your magicka will be fully replenished when the effect ends. This can be especially useful for characters born under the sign of the Atronach, although some might consider this cheating. | MCP |
Morrowind:Fortify Attribute | If you are under the effect of a Fortify Attribute, and are then hit with a Drain effect for the same attribute, then when the Drain expires, the attribute will not return to its former value, making the Drain behave more like a Damage Attribute. The only way to solve this is to remove whatever was causing the Fortify effect, and then apply a Restore Attribute effect. You may then put the Fortify effect back on to be returned to your former attribute value. | MCP |
Morrowind:Fortify Attribute | You can't create potions with more than one Fortify Attribute effect. The effect that appears first is the one that the potion will have. | MCP |
Morrowind:Fortify Skill | If you are under the effect of a Fortify Skill, and are then hit with a Drain effect for the same skill, then when the Drain expires, the skill will not return to its former value, making the Drain behave more like a Damage Skill. The only way to solve this is to remove whatever was causing the Fortify effect, and then apply a Restore Skill effect (from a shrine or altar). You may then put the Fortify effect back on to be returned to your former skill value. | MCP |
Morrowind:Glitches | If you take damage at the same time as you leave a cell, when the next area loads, the edges of the screen will be stuck on red as they are whenever you take damage. This is particularly common for vampires escaping from the sun. The effect will last as you walk around and enter new areas, and even after resting. You can undo this by taking damage in any way. | MCP |
Morrowind:Glitches | During an ash storm, heavy fog, or while you're underwater, if you have a magic item, it will be glowing so white that you can barely see the rest of the body. | MCP |
Morrowind:Hints | If you drain your own Intelligence to zero, (custom spell Drain Intelligence 100 on Self, Sujamma, Mazte, Shein...), your Magicka bar will be refilled to full when the effect ends. This can be especially useful, although some might consider it cheating. | MCP |
Morrowind:LeFemm Armor | Sirollus Saccus wears a complete set of Gold Armor instead of selling it, as he carries the items in his inventory. This bug will make acquiring the armor without killing Sirollus somewhat difficult. | MCP |
Morrowind:Restore Attribute | Restore will only work up to the natural (base) maximum value for the attribute, even if a Fortify Attribute effect is active. In other words, Restore Attribute only takes effect if the attribute's value is red in the Status window. For example, if your Strength has been damaged 25 points, but you're wearing the Right Fist of Randagulf (+20 Fortify), Restore Strength would only give you back 5 points. To get around this, remove the Fortify effect (in the above example, remove the gauntlet) before invoking the Restore effect. | MCP |
Morrowind:Restore Attribute | You can't create potions with more than one Restore Attribute effect. The effect that appears first is the one that the potion will have. | MCP |
Morrowind:Restore Skill | Restore will only work up to the natural (base) maximum value for the skill, even if a Fortify Skill effect is active. In other words, Restore Skill only takes effect if the skill's value is red in the Status window. For example, if your Medium Armor has been damaged 25 points, but you're wearing the Belt of Sanguine Balanced Armor (+5 Fortify), a shrine's Restore effect would only give you back 20 points. To get around this, remove the Fortify effect (in the above example, remove the belt) before invoking the Restore effect. | MCP |
Morrowind:Sneak | Pickpocketing doesn't take your stats into consideration properly (chance caps at 75% but is checked twice), making successful pickpocketing extremely difficult regardless of your Sneak Skill. | MCP |
Morrowind:Time | The month of Morning Star never appears. | MCP |
Morrowind:Unarmored | Also worth noting is that the unarmored skill has no effect unless you are wearing at least one piece of armor. If you are completely unarmored, the game treats your armor rating as zero, not the value that is shown in the inventory window. Bound Gloves for example would work to counter the bug. | MCP |
Morrowind:Bank Courier | You can get this quest whether you belong to House Hlaalu or not. | MPP |
Morrowind:Daedra Skin (quest) | Daedra do not have Daedra skin. | MPP |
Morrowind:Dro'Sakhar's Bounty | Journal stage 30 can actually never be reached since no dialogue option updates the quest to that stage. | MPP |
Morrowind:Felen's Ebony Staff (quest) | Although the first journal entry says that Felen is in Bal Fell, he is actually at Tel Branora. | MPP |
Morrowind:M'Aiq the Liar | In the vanilla version of the game, speaking to M'Aiq before finding the Shrine of Boethiah breaks the related quest. The script that plays Boethiah's greeting and sets the journal to stage 20 and 30 only runs if the quest stage is less than 10. | MPP |
Morrowind:Mephala's Quest | When looking at the doors to his house, it incorrectly displays his last name as "Omarel". | MPP |
Morrowind:Odai Plateau | There is an ebony shortsword that is stuck underneath the surface of the plateau. | MPP |
Morrowind:Ra'Zhid's Dwemer Artifacts | Journal stages 30 and 50 are unobtainable. | MPP |
Morrowind:Unique Weapons | The sword's name does not match the name as spelled by his daughter. | MPP |
Morrowind:Enchant | If you select a 400 point or higher soul, select Constant Effect, then switch to a lower-quality soul, the constant effect remains. | OMP |
Morrowind:Glitches | You can take any scroll, equip it in the magic menu, then drop it, and it will still appear as the active magic. You can then cast the scroll, repeat the process, and then cast it again and again. | OMP |
Morrowind:Thieves Guild | You can avail of this service for free if you have no gold. For example, you can drop all your gold on the floor before talking to these guild members. They will clear your name and a message will (incorrectly) inform you that gold has been taken from you. You can then pick your gold back up. | OMP |
Morrowind:Bound Items | If, however, you use Armorer skill (your own or an NPC's) to directly repair a Bound Item before the spell expires, you may end up with a permanent duplicate of the Bound Item. A Bound Item glitched in this way cannot be dropped, sold, or repaired again. However, it is weightless, so it won't encumber you. It cannot even be deleted from the savegame file without triggering a bug that roots the player character to the spot and causes the character's model to vanish altogether. Only the removeitem console command will successfully eliminate such a glitched Bound Item. |
Morrowind:Cheats | PC only: When stealing items that are out in the open (i.e. not in containers), you can go into 3rd person mode, open your inventory, and click-and-drag items into it from much farther than normal, depending on the position of the camera. This in itself is likely an exploit as the drag-and-drop system was originally intended to be used to arrange 'clutter' in interiors. If you combine this with a 1-second Invisibility or 100 Chameleon effect, you can steal with complete impunity, though it doesn't always work when used very close to an NPC. This still works for owned containers but if using Invisibility must be timed carefully, as the spell must activate during the opening animation; after opening the object but before the menu opens. | OMW |
Morrowind:Glitches | "With this glitch, you can steal things in front of anyone, and not get reported. | OMW |
Morrowind:Lustidrike | The spell Lustidrike should cast on the player does not work at all, as scamps are unable to cast spells in general. | OMW |
Morrowind:Salit Camp | When entering Zalit's Yurt, you will get stuck in the fireplace. | OMW |
Oblivion:A Knife in the Dark | If you initiate the quest in the Shivering Isles, Lucien Lachance will be subject to the "I HAVE NO GREETING" glitch. | OP |
Oblivion:Arena (faction) | If you get disqualified in your first match, you will restart the match, only when you kill the Pit Dog and go to Owyn for your reward, he will merely yell at you, telling you that you have a match up at the arena, even though you already won it. | OP |
Morrowind:Glitches | If you get enough speed (well over 100) on your character, you can run through objects such as walls and doors. Be careful running through interior doors that lead to other cells, because there is often no floor on the other side. If you have levitation, this is handy for taking a shortcut through tall and winding towers, like the Telvanni Council Chambers passage to the Hermitage. At speeds slightly too slow to pass through, you can become stuck in a wall or object; you can use the console command TCL to escape. |
OpenMW |
Skyrim:Destruction | With the Disintegrate perk, if Lightning spells are used as a finishing blow to kill a dragon, the dragon's soul may not be absorbed. | OSP |
Skyrim:Glitches | Using the vendor trade exploit, you can also continue to sell their own items back to them for 0 gold for Speech experience. | OSP |
Skyrim:In My Time Of Need | If you do not directly kill Kematu (i.e., Frenzy or Fury on him or the Alik'r), the quest will be stuck on "Kill or talk to Kematu". See Quest Stages and skip to step 160 to progress the quest. | OSP |
Skyrim:No One Escapes Cidhna Mine | If you are doing one of Delvin's and/or Vex's special jobs, and you trigger this quest before you report back to them, you will be told you have failed the Thieves Guild quest when you return to them, because you were arrested. | OSP |
Skyrim:Vampirism | At stage three of vampirism, the stunted regeneration effect while in sunlight has a magnitude of 75%, even though all other stages have a magnitude of 100%. | OSP |
Skyrim:Ancestral Sword of Clan Ice-Blade | The Ancestral Sword can be disenchanted, and the resulting Turn Undead enchantment has no name or description. | OSSEP |
Morrowind:Arrille | Even though he and Elone mention he has a copy of Guide to Vvardenfell, he doesn't have one for sale. | PFP |
Morrowind:Glitches | During the duration of your gameplay, all of the NPCs in the game slowly move a little forward and to the right over time. It is related to their idle animation. This especially seems to happen to the NPCs that allow you to travel e.g.: silt strider operators, guild guides, and boat operators. It may even happen that when you travel through the Mages Guild, the guild guide will spawn inside or very close to you. Certain silt strider's operators will eventually move so far they will either fall off the platform they are standing on, or in some cases float above the ground for a while (technically, they still have a toe on the platform). This mainly happens in Suran, Balmora, and Ald'ruhn. Those on high platforms can fall to their deaths, and those near water can fall in and eventually drown. Other problematic NPCs are those near doorways and in narrow passages, who can eventually block your travel into and out of the area (Ranis Athrys in the Balmora Guild of Mages being a prime example). | PFP |
Bloodmoon:The Frostmoth Smugglers | The smugglers continue fighting when you make a deal with the leader Spurius. | UMP |
Bloodmoon:The Ristaag | The Ristaag quest can be broken if you say goodbye to Rolf before doing the "ensure our success" topic, causing him to say "Shhh… we must hunt..." with no further options. | UMP |
Morrowind:Abandoned Shipwreck | It is illegal to sleep in the Abandoned Shipwreck. | UMP |
Morrowind:Aengoth the Jeweler | If you talk to Aengoth about "scrap metal" before being given the quest, he'll skip quests. | UMP |
Morrowind:Ahemmusa Nerevarine | It is possible to start this quest without speaking to Nibani. The talk option with Hlireni Indavel "To make the Ahemmusa safe" sometimes appears before formally starting this quest. Talking to the Ordinators at Ald Daedroth starts the Ahemmusa Nerevarine quest improperly. | UMP |
Morrowind:Andasreth | It is illegal to sleep in Andasreth. | UMP |
Morrowind:Arch-Mage | Killing Trebonius in some other way may prevent you from rising to the rank of Arch-Mage | UMP |
Morrowind:Bal Fell | It is illegal to sleep in Bal Fell. | UMP |
Morrowind:Bal Ur | It is illegal to sleep in Bal Ur. | UMP |
Morrowind:Boots of the Apostle | When you give Mara the scroll, she will disappear, but you will still be in dialogue with her. If you mention Divine Intervention again, and give her another scroll you can get more blouses and skirts. Each time you do this your Reputation goes up by 1. | UMP |
Morrowind:Bound Items | Due to a typo, the bound version of the helm is called "Bound_Helm" instead of "Bound Helm". | UMP |
Morrowind:Brandy for the Fundraising Dinner | Dulnea will continue to give you additional bottles of Cyrodiilic Brandy, if her disposition is between 70 and 79. | UMP |
Morrowind:Cinia Urtius | Cinia doesn't appear in the game. | UMP |
Morrowind:Compassion | Telling Tuls (whether truthfully or not) that you still have the Cure Blight potion will cause the quest never to complete, since the dialogue script attempts to update the quest to non-existent stage 110. Telling Tuls that you have used the potion will complete the quest correctly. This means that without a patch, the full disposition and faction reputation rewards can never be obtained. The console command Journal TT_Compassion 100 will put the "Tuls Valen thanked me..." entry in the journal, but will not remove the quest from the unfinished list in the journal. The console command Journal TT_Compassion 200 will put the "I told Tuls Valen..." entry in the journal, and remove the quest from the unfinished list. |
Morrowind:Control the Ordinators | You may not be able to leave the Assemanu shrine area. The doors into the shrine area can be lockpicked without needing the Old Key (found on a dead Ordinator in the first area). Unfortunately, this is not two-way, you need the key to get out - the game does not remember that the doors are "unlocked" from the inside. | UMP |
Morrowind:Corprus Cure | If you have given a Dwemer Coherer to Divayth Fyr before Caius sends you, the Main Quest skips ahead when you talk to Caius. | UMP |
Morrowind:Corprus Cure | Uupse Fyr will not tell you about the guarskin drum unless your disposition with her is at least 50. But she will accept it anyway because her dialogue checks the wrong quest ID to see if she told you about it. | UMP |
Morrowind:Dark Cult in Hassour | Killing Dagoth Fovon will not update your journal. This can be fixed by entering journal TT_Hassour 50 into the console after killing him. |
Morrowind:Deliver Cure Disease Potion | If you ask Theldyn for duties before starting this quest, he declines to assign any and tells you to "Make sure you tell Neminda that you delivered the potion" even though you haven't done so yet. This does not advance or affect the quest in any way. | UMP |
Morrowind:Deliver Cure Disease Potion | You can obtain this quest even if you're not a member of House Redoran by talking with Neminda about Ald Velothi, which will set the quest to stage 20. However, you will be unable to complete the quest since the dialogue option to give the potion to Theldyn Virith will only appear if you are a member of House Redoran. | UMP |
Morrowind:Derelict Shipwreck | It is illegal to sleep in the Derelict Shipwreck. | UMP |
Morrowind:Drake's Pride | The quest appears in your journal as "House Redoran: Drake's Pride", despite it being a Telvanni quest. | UMP |
Morrowind:Dratha | If you ask her about Mistress Dratha, she responds like you would expect her mouth to respond. | UMP |
Morrowind:Dreugh Warlord | If you kill the Dreugh Warlord, you can revisit the Shrine of Valor in Koal Cave any time and donate more Dreugh Wax and continue to receive a Dreugh Cuirass for each one, instead of just one time. This will obviously unbalance the game if exploited, since it amounts to infinite money. | UMP |
Morrowind:Druscashti | It is illegal to sleep in Druscashti. | UMP |
Morrowind:Duel with Bolvyn Venim | You may not get a journal entry when Sarethi tells you about the duel. This is not important, as the quest will be started properly when you greet Venim so it can still be completed. | UMP |
Morrowind:Duel with Bolvyn Venim | A similar bug prevents you from getting a journal entry for reporting back to Sarethi. | UMP |
Morrowind:Dulnea Ralaal | Dulnea will continue to give you additional bottles of Cyrodiilic Brandy if her disposition is between 70 and 79. | UMP |
Morrowind:Exterminator (Fighters) | Completing this quest makes it impossible to complete another quest for Drarayne without using the TES Construction Set or a console command. See Thelas' Pillows for more. | UMP |
Morrowind:False Incarnate | Showing Elvil the Moon-and-Star will not update your journal correctly: the dialogue result attempts to set quest stage 55 on the TT_Compassion quest - the previous one in the series. You can fix this by using the console command Journal TT_FalseIncarnate 55 . |
Morrowind:Glitches | "If you're already a member of a great house, you are told you cannot join another. This is mostly true, but there are ways around this. | UMP |
Morrowind:Hawkmoth Legion Garrison | "Sirollus Saccus was intended to be the Master Trainer for Armorer, but does not offer training due to an oversight. | UMP |
Morrowind:Hecerinde | If you talk to Hecerinde about 'South Wall' without being on the quest, he will mention something about being negligent towards the guild, and you will get a journal entry directing you to Sugar-Lips Habasi. This is problematic, as then talking to Habasi about 'South Wall' causes her to skip several quests and complete the Master of Security quest. With fewer quests available, this bug may prevent you from advancing to the rank of Master Thief. | UMP |
Morrowind:Huleen's Hut | If you kill the scamp and then talk to Edwinna about Huleen's hut before completing the quest A Potion from Skink-in-Tree's Shade, Edwinna will next ask you to Return Chimarvamidium (even though you never stole it), and Skink-in-Tree's Shade's quests will never be available to you, as he will always tell you he cannot give you duties until he finishes making the potion for Edwinna. This can be worked around by using the console command journal MG_potion 10 and then completing the quest. |
Morrowind:Huleen's Hut | You can kill the scamp and help Listien Bierles even if you aren't a member of the Mages Guild, since people in Maar Gan might mention the strange noises coming out of Huleen's hut. In this case, you'll get a journal entry about the quest, but even though Edwinna will ask you about the affair if you talk to her, she won't give you any reward and the quest won't close. | UMP |
Morrowind:Kill the Telvanni Councilors | There is a minor bug associated with this quest, in that there are two IDs, MG_KillTelvanni and MG_Telvanni. The one that's actually used for the quest is MG_KillTelvanni, but in Trebonius's greeting, there is a check for MG_Telvanni. (The quest name is also different: "Kill All Telvanni Councilors".) It appears only if the quest stage is ≥10 and <100, a condition which will never occur, because no script ever increases the stage for this quest ID. It is also checked when you ask Trebonius for more duties after finishing this quest, so he will continue saying that House Telvanni needs to be taken care of, even after you finish this quest. | UMP |
Morrowind:Koal Cave | It is illegal to sleep in Koal Cave. | UMP |
Morrowind:Lonely Shipwreck | It is illegal to sleep in the Lonely Shipwreck. | UMP |
Morrowind:Lost Shipwreck | It is illegal to sleep in the Lost Shipwreck. | UMP |
Morrowind:Madura Seran | Saving Madura before the quest is given can prevent earlier Legion quests by General Darius. | UMP |
Morrowind:Magas Volar | Originally, the corpse of Volar carried the Daedric Crescent and the Tel Fyr Amulet, which was supposed to bring one back to Tel Fyr. However, the amulet-scripting inside the game is bugged and actually freezes the game as soon as it is worn. Therefore the game was changed and you are transported back as soon as the Dremora drops dead. The weapon is simply put into your inventory, and the old amulet is removed. The dead Dremora was not changed and still carries the amulet and weapon. | UMP |
Morrowind:Master of Security | If you talk to Hecerinde about 'South Wall' before joining the Thieves Guild, he will talk about being negligent towards the guild, and you will get the journal entry directing you to Sugar-Lips Habasi. Talking to her about 'South Wall' will complete this quest and prevent you from obtaining Habasi's earlier quests. This may prevent you from gaining sufficient faction reputation to advance to Master Thief. | UMP |
Morrowind:Medium Armor | There is no Master Trainer for Medium Armor. It was supposed to be Cinia Urtius. Unfortunately, she does not appear in-game, so she is unavailable for training. | UMP |
Morrowind:Mercantile | After you reach 70+ skill in Mercantile, there is a chance that traders will begin to offer you less for your wares the higher their disposition is to you. A work-around is to temporarily lower their disposition by asking for a high price and getting refused a few times. Cancel the trade and then offer the goods again, and hopefully you'll get a better deal. This is especially useful when dealing with enchanters trying to recoup your money with high-priced weapons. | UMP |
Morrowind:Molag Amur | It is illegal to sleep in exterior cell (12, -7) in Molag Amur. | UMP |
Morrowind:Nalvilie Saren (quest) | If you speak to Nalvilie and then mention her to Hlaren Ramoran, the game engine assumes she is dead. | UMP |
Morrowind:Neglected Shipwreck | It is illegal to sleep in the Neglected Shipwreck. | UMP |
Morrowind:Odirniran (quest) | When you say you'll listen, Milyn may give incorrect dialogue, skipping the scroll reward and also the journal entry that would have made Aryon give the staff and book. You may also suffer a 10 point disposition drop with him. | UMP |
Morrowind:Pilgrimages of the Seven Graces | If you kill the Dreugh Warlord, you can revisit the Shrine of Valor in Koal Cave any time and donate more Dreugh Wax and continue to receive a Dreugh Cuirass for each one. This can unbalance the game if exploited, like any other source of unlimited valuable gear. | UMP |
Morrowind:Prelude Shipwreck | The cabin door is locked on the inside but not the outside. This means that you can enter freely, but must pick a level 40 lock to leave. | UMP |
Morrowind:Punammu | When diving in the northwestern chamber, you can go lower than the lowest object in the cell and either fall through the floor or get teleported back to the entrance. | UMP |
Morrowind:Quest Timing | This quest can only be started during the Fighters Guild Exterminator quest, and will otherwise be missed permanently. | UMP |
Morrowind:Quest Timing | If you kill the scamp and then talk to Edwinna about Huleen's hut before completing the quest A Potion from Skink-in-Tree's Shade, Edwinna will next ask you to Return Chimarvamidium (even though you never stole it), and Skink-in-Tree's Shade's quests will never be available to you, as he will always tell you he cannot give you duties until he finishes making the potion for Edwinna. This can be worked around by using the console command journal MG_potion 10 and then completing the quest. |
Morrowind:Redas Tomb | Although you are asked to retrieve the 'Redas Chalice', it is marked as 'Redas Goblet'. | UMP |
Morrowind:Remote Shipwreck | It is illegal to sleep in the Remote Shipwreck. | UMP |
Morrowind:Remove Sjoring's Supporters | You are not asked to kill Eydis if you have performed the Thieves Guild Bitter Cup quest. Unfortunately, she will attack on sight anyway which may result in your expulsion from the guild. | UMP |
Morrowind:Rotheran | It is illegal to sleep in Rotheran. | UMP |
Morrowind:Saturan | *He appears to have already escaped from his slave bracer somehow, and cannot be "freed". This is presumably an error caused by the fact that he is listed mistakenly as an "Acrobat" class instead of a "Slave". | UMP |
Morrowind:Sharn gra-Muzgob | Sharn gra-Muzgob may slowly rise into the air for no reason. If she walks anywhere, she will immediately fall back to the ground, but when she is standing still, she will float into the air, eventually passing through the ceiling and completely out of sight, never to be seen again. If you see her starting to float, you should walk up and talk to her - this will reset her back to the ground. If she has already disappeared, you may be in trouble, particularly because she is required for a small part of the Main Quest. | UMP |
Morrowind:Shunned Shipwreck | It is illegal to sleep in the Shunned Shipwreck. | UMP |
Morrowind:Sirollus Saccus | "He is supposed to be the master trainer in Armorer, as well as offering training in Blunt Weapon (76) and Block (71), but he does not actually offer any training due to an oversight. | UMP |
Morrowind:Sload Soap (quest) | You don't actually have to get any sload soap. Just say sload soap after you get the quest (and the 500 drakes) and you'll "lose" 5 sload soap whether you had any or not. | UMP |
Morrowind:Stolen Reports | If you already had a Ceramic Bowl for her last task and did not leave the guildhall before giving it to her, Ajira will tell you her reports were stolen, even though you may have been standing there the whole time watching. | UMP |
Morrowind:Sugar-Lips Habasi | If you have met Hecerinde by yourself and talk to Sugar-Lips about "South Wall" without being on the last Thieves Guild quest, this will make Habasi skip quests. | UMP |
Morrowind:Talos Cult Conspiracy | If you discover the Talos Cult (by visiting the shrine and talking to Arius Rulician) before starting the Widow Vabdas' Deed quest, Darius will keep asking for proof of the cult's conspiracy against the Emperor, but you can still complete the quest if you as ask Darius about "conspiracy against the Emperor" | UMP |
Morrowind:Ten Pace Boots | There is a bug with mesh for these boots, which makes your feet disappear while wearing them. | UMP |
Morrowind:The Citadels of the Sixth House | Even after completing the Main Quest, some people may send you to speak to Archcanon Tholer Saryoni in Vivec to fulfill your destiny. The message occurs once you have visited the Cavern of the Incarnate, reached level 20+, and gained 50+ reputation, and is used only once per actor. | UMP |
Morrowind:The Shipwreck 'Prelude' | The ship's cabin has a level 40 lock on the inside, meaning if you can't pick it, you're stuck. The key is on the body of the Captain in the ship's lower level, so if you have low Security, find the key first, or prepare a Mark/Recall or any intervention spell in advance. | UMP |
Morrowind:Thelas' Pillows | You'll only be able to get the pillow shipment topic from Drarayne if you have the invoice with you and have told Drarayne what you did for the Exterminator quest but not told Eydis yet. | UMP |
Morrowind:Unexplored Shipwreck | It is illegal to sleep in the Unexplored Shipwreck. | UMP |
Morrowind:Unknown Shipwreck | It is illegal to sleep in the Unknown Shipwreck. | UMP |
Morrowind:Vampires | If you are also a Werewolf and catch Vampirism you will turn into a werewolf with a bald backwards vampire head. Apart from the optical nuisance, there are several errors in Attribute calculations. | UMP |
Morrowind:Warlock's Ring (quest) | Ajira tells you that Ashirbadon is west of Bal Fell, even though your target is actually to the east. | UMP |
Morrowind:Widow Vabdas' Deed | Talking to Oritius Maro about the Talos Cult will start the Talos Cult Conspiracy quest prematurely. Since you're required to give proof in both instances, Darius keeps asking for proof of the cult's conspiracy against the Emperor, effectively keeping you from ever completing this quest. | UMP |
Morrowind:Wraithguard | The Bagarn-activated Wraithguard does permanent health damage to your character because of a fault in the associated script. | UMP |
Morrowind:Wraithguard | After receiving Vivec's Wraithguard, you can kill him and have the Dwemer Artifact turned into a second one, allowing you to have two. | UMP |
Morrowind:Writ for Baladas Demnevanni | According to the dialogue information in the editor, the dialogue topic entry that gives you the writ is in the incorrect order, resulting in you always receiving the We have no Writs of execution at this time, Grandmaster response. Fortunately you can still perform the quests by either killing the target without the writ or by asking the Morag Tong quest giver directly about the person. | UMP |
Morrowind:Writ for Dram Bero | According to the dialogue information in the editor, the dialogue topic entry that gives you the writ is in the incorrect order, resulting in you always receiving the We have no Writs of execution at this time, Grandmaster response. Fortunately you can still perform the quests by either killing the target without the writ or by asking the Morag Tong quest giver directly about the person. | UMP |
Morrowind:Writ for Larrius Varro | According to the dialogue information in the editor, the dialogue topic entry that gives you the writ is in the incorrect order, resulting in you always receiving the We have no Writs of execution at this time, Grandmaster response. Fortunately you can still perform the quests by either killing the target without the writ or by asking Ethasi Rilvayn directly about the person (ask first about "Fort Moonmoth" to open the Larrius Varro topic). | UMP |
Morrowind:Writ for Mistress Therana | According to the dialogue information in the editor, the dialogue topic entry that gives you the writ is in the incorrect order, resulting in you always receiving the We have no Writs of execution at this time, Grandmaster response. Fortunately you can still perform the quests by either killing the target without the writ or by asking the Morag Tong quest giver directly about the person. | UMP |
Morrowind:Yagrum Bagarn and Wraithguard | The jury-rigged Wraithguard does permanent Health damage to your character because of a fault in the associated script. It performs ModHealth instead of ModCurrentHealth . |
Morrowind:Yagrum Bagarn and Wraithguard | The jury-rigged Wraithguard is different from the one you would have received if you hadn't killed Vivec. It is left-handed instead of right-handed, and when equipped it looks like a Daedric Left Gauntlet instead of the unique Dwemer appearance of the standard one. Strangely enough, it will protect you from the adverse effects of Sunder and Keening even though you wield those weapons with your unprotected hand. | UMP |
Morrowind:Yagrum Bagarn and Wraithguard | If you received the original Wraithguard from Vivec, you can still kill him and take the artifact to get a second Wraithguard. This changes nothing except the fact that you now can have two Wraithguards at the same time, each on a different hand (and you'll suffer the Health consequences of the second one). | UMP |
Tribunal:Evidence of Conspiracy | If you do not use all three writs for this quest, you can use them like any other writ. Keep one of them in your inventory, and the other two in your house or stronghold. Even though they are specifically marked with the names of the three targets, if you are confronted by a guard for any crime, you can get away clean by giving them one of the writs. Your bounty will be zero, and you will keep all your stolen items. | UMP |
Oblivion:Arena (faction) | There is also a bug that occurs if you have the Thieves Den official plug-in installed. After you have beaten the Gray Prince and spoken with the battle matron, where the incomplete quest entry for 'Arena' in your journal says, "I've got everything" but can never be furthered or completed. This is because the plug-in overrides the standard quest with a set of stages of its own: | UODP |
Oblivion:Battlehorn Castle (place) | An accidental change in the Battlehorn plug-in clears the ownership of the Mystic Emporium; see that page's bug section for details. | UODP |
Oblivion:Battlehorn Castle (place) | Both the note and the quest update about the forge claim it will cost 3000 gold, but in fact the base cost is 1500. | UODP |
Oblivion:Battlehorn Castle (place) | The trapdoor to the roof of the gatehouse is on the outside of the northwestern tower, but the southeastern tower's is on the inside. | UODP |
Oblivion:Battlehorn Castle Items | As with the leveled weapons and armor added by other plug-ins, Lord Kelvyn's Bulwark will be created according to your level when Battlehorn Castle is installed, or level 1 if a new game is started with the plug-in already present, as it is generated on first load of Oblivion and doesn't re-level when actually encountered. The only workaround to obtain the correctly leveled items without using mods or console commands is to disable or uninstall Battlehorn Castle, make a save without it, re-enable/reinstall Battlehorn and load the save. Doing this will cause any items stored in Battlehorn Castle and any upgrades to be lost. The shield will then be generated according to your current level. The same is not true of the Dragonsword. | UODP |
Oblivion:Battlehorn Castle Items | This is the level 25+ sword in the leveled list. However, it is Lord Kain's level (not your level) that would have to be at 25 for the sword to appear. Since Lord Kain's maximum level is 20, this sword will never be obtained in game. | UODP |
Oblivion:Battlehorn Castle Wines | The label graphic on the Numbskin Mead bottle mistakenly describes the contents as "Ice Nerveshatter" and the Sparkling Honeydew label as "Sparkling Honeytongue". | UODP |
Oblivion:Beem-Kiurz | Beem-Kiurz does not provide the reference necessary to start Restoration Master Training with Oleta. | UODP |
Oblivion:Bothiel | It is possible for Bothiel to disappear indefinitely into inaccessible areas. This seems to occur particularly if you are doing both of her related quests (Repairing the Orrery and Necromancer's Moon) at the same time. | UODP |
Oblivion:Deepscorn Hollow (quest) | Rowley Eardwulf may not have the Deepscorn upgrade items for sale due to a quest bug (see the talk page for details.) The quest checks for the player's arrival at the Deepscorn Hollow island to enable the upgrade items, but the distance check is too small, so it is possible for the player to enter Deepscorn Hollow without triggering this quest stage, at which point the quest will advance again when the player picks up the journal and the stage that gives Rowley the items will never reoccur. To avoid this, wander around the island on first arrival until the quest update appears. If you walk straight to the location of the Nirnroot on the south side of the well, you'll receive the quest update. Fast traveling again to the island may work as well. Note that if you have the bug, Rowley will offer to barter items, but will not have any upgrades in his inventory. If Rowley is simply not offering to barter, you do not necessarily have this bug. As with many NPCs, he only offers services during certain hours of the day (see Rowley's page for details). | UODP |
Oblivion:Deepscorn Hollow Items | This version was supposed to be the level 5-9 version of the dagger, but was left out of the leveled list and therefore will never be found in-game. | UODP |
Oblivion:Deepscorn Hollow Items | The version of the raiment that you receive is based upon the level of your character when you first install the Vile Lair download, not on the level of your character when you receive the raiment. | UODP |
Oblivion:Dunbarrow Cove (quest) | The middle cabin in the Black Flag Ship plays the same Sigil stone noise as an Oblivion interior. This was caused by the developers reusing a test Oblivion interior cell (TestTimOblivionLords in the Construction Set) | UODP |
Oblivion:Frostcrag Spire (place) | You can summon an atronach from the altar in the main hall. If you leave it waiting too long, it may become lost and then you will not be able to summon a new one or dismiss the old one, eliminating one of the benefits of this download. Most commonly it seems that this happens when you leave it waiting in the vault or in the first room. The atronach actually stays in Frostcrag Spire and is part of it; the problem is re-releasing it. | UODP |
Oblivion:Frostcrag Spire (place) | The items taken by the Atronach Altar can be subject to the Separate Stack Removal glitch. | UODP |
Oblivion:Knights of the Nine Items | Equipping these boots also grants the player the ability Woodland Grace (which makes the player a member of the hidden "NDPredators" faction, with a rank of 0, "One With Nature"). This effectively means that most natural creatures (specifically Wolf, Black Bear, Brown Bear, Boar, Timber Wolf, and Mountain Lion) will not attack you. Only natural animals, not monsters, are affected by the boots. You can still attack any animals; when attacking a creature affected by Woodland Grace, it will become hostile after the first hit (unlike summoned creatures, which require 3 hits). Also, they will unfortunately still attack your horse (although not Shadowmere), so you must still be wary of wild animals while riding through Tamriel. If while wearing the boots you come into the sight of a natural creature and remove the boots the creature will immediately become hostile. Putting the boots back on will not restore the animal to a non-hostile state. | UODP |
Oblivion:Knights of the Nine Items | The heavy armor version of these boots has a minor bug: instead of always receiving the best boots for your level, there is a 50% chance of receiving the boots from one level lower. For example, high level (>20) characters have a 50% chance of receiving the level 16-20 version of the boots, and a 50% chance of receiving the correct level 21+ version of the boots. This bug affects the boots both when you first acquire them and also later if you use the Armor Stand to repair the boots or increase their level. Once you have the Armor Stand, it can be fixed by repeatedly putting the boots back on the stand and retrieving them until you receive the correct version for your level. This bug does not affect the light armor version of the boots. | UODP |
Oblivion:Knights of the Nine NPCs | "It is possible for one of the Knights of the Nine to be stuck permanently following your character if you ask them to follow you at the wrong point in time. Since the knights subject to this bug will also be essential when the bug is triggered, it is impossible to ever get rid of them. The bug occurs if you do the following: | UODP |
Oblivion:Knights of the Nine Places | After installing Knights of the Nine, the cloud platform from the visions of Pelinal and the battle with Umaril will be visible in the sky when close to the Imperial City exterior walls (see right). | UODP |
Oblivion:Lord Vlindrel's Tower | There is a large see-through triangular gap in one side of the tower exterior, through which the one-sided floor can be seen, as one of the modular wall sections was forgotten when the tower was placed. | UODP |
Oblivion:Mehrunes' Razor Items | Although there are three versions of this tunic, all three appear to be identical. | UODP |
Oblivion:Minor Glitches | Completing Umaril the Unfeathered - the final Knights of the Nine quest - can trigger a bug in which it is no longer possible for your character to sit. See here for details. This can subsequently cause problems on quests that require the character to sit, in particular A Door in Niben Bay and The Ultimate Heist. | UODP |
Oblivion:Necromancer's Moon | It is possible during this quest for Bothiel to disappear indefinitely into inaccessible areas. This seems to occur particularly if you are doing this quest and repairing the Orrery at the same time. | UODP |
Oblivion:Necromancer's Moon | Even if you have repaired the Orrery before beginning this quest, Bothiel will complain that "With the Orrery in such a state of disrepair, I have no point of reference." | UODP |
Oblivion:Ontus Vanin | After the Fighter's Stronghold official plug-in is installed, Ontus suffers from the Mystic Emporium Bug and will often be found standing just outside the store, unable to enter. | UODP |
Oblivion:Pilgrimage | There is one dialogue option that never appears as the faction rank check is incorrect: "Yes, I am the Arena Grand Champion.": Oh my, the Grand Champion of all of Cyrodiil! By Azura indeed! Surely there can be no better preparation for becoming a holy knight than a career spent slaughtering for the public's entertainment. (listen) | UODP |
Oblivion:Pilgrimage | As you go through this quest for the first time, the "Prophet" topic will be available for almost every male NPC (barring Bretons and the Daedric races) and all female Imperials in the game, including those created for the Shivering Isles expansion and the other official plug-ins. Strangely, the female Bretons do not have the same topic available, nor any dialogue relating to this plug-in, even though they have the same exact voice actress and voice type as the female Imperials. Also, all NPCs with this option speak with dialogue that will suggest that you go to Anvil and visit the Prophet yourself, even though you would have already done so at that point. Even though the message "Topic added: Prophet" can appear on the screen if you overhear other NPCs discussing what happened in Anvil before you even go there, you won't receive the option to discuss this topic with others until you've already spoken with him and started the Pilgrimage quest. | UODP |
Oblivion:Priory of the Nine (quest) | Do not use the Staff of Worms or cast any sort of resurrection/reanimation spell such as Risen Flesh on any of the Knights after defeating them. Once the reanimation effect wears off, either the Knight will die (if the spell is allowed to wear off) or it will become impossible to talk to the Knight (if the player kills them again) and therefore you cannot receive any subsequent quests from that Knight, which will break the Knights Of The Nine questline. | UODP |
Oblivion:Repairing the Orrery | There is no notification when you receive your reward. | UODP |
Oblivion:Repairing the Orrery | It is possible during this quest for Bothiel to disappear indefinitely into inaccessible areas. This seems to occur particularly if you are doing this quest and Necromancer's Moon at the same time. One known solution is to uninstall this plug-in; within 24 hours Bothiel should reappear in the Arch-Mage's Lobby. Complete Necromancer's Moon, then reinstall the plug-in. | UODP |
Oblivion:Repairing the Orrery | The moon phases shown at the Orrery's console are, unfortunately, not the same as the actual phases of the moons visible in the night sky (when it's not a cloudy night). | UODP |
Oblivion:Repairing the Orrery | Bothiel will refer to the Orrery as being in "a state of disrepair" in the Necromancer's Moon Mages Guild quest even after it has been repaired. | UODP |
Oblivion:Restoration Training | If you have installed Knights of the Nine, obtaining the master training reference may be the most difficult part of the quest. Both Marz and Ohtesse are always killed during the Knights of the Nine quest line. Two replacement advanced trainers, Beem-Kiurz and Kinther, appear at the end of the quest line, but the replacements will not provide a reference for master training. Therefore it is only possible to receive restoration master training if you get the reference before completing the Knights of the Nine quest The Sword of the Crusader. | UODP |
Oblivion:Snak gra-Bura | When asked if she actually ate the horses, the subtitles will read: "Add some onion and... wait. I almost walked into that one. No, of course not. That would be wrong. You shouldn't eat horses." but the recorded voice skips the first sentence. | UODP |
Oblivion:Spell Tomes | Due to a scripting oversight, a random Tome spell may be added to your spellbook on loading a save or when fast-traveling. | UODP |
Oblivion:The Path of the Righteous | The chapel undercroft is filled with Sanctified Dead, as you will notice instantly when entering. They normally do not pose a threat and will allow you to rove freely throughout. However, equipping a weapon while in the undercroft may cause the undead to become aggressive. Attacking even one will bring about a large and difficult battle in a relatively confined space. Certain companions can also initiate a fight. | UODP |
Oblivion:The Ultimate Heist | A few problems can possibly occur when you sit in the library to receive the Elder Scroll. The most serious problem is that when you activate the chair, you do not actually sit down. This bug is usually a consequence of an animation problem triggered by the end of the Umaril the Unfeathered (part of the Knights of the Nine plug-in). This cutscene freezes at this point and you never receive the scroll. To free yourself from being stuck, BEFORE you pick up the elder scroll, go to your inventory and drop an item. This will allow you to once again move freely. It might not work the first time, but keep looking around, zooming in and out of first person, and dropping random items from your inventory and eventually your movement will be freed. | UODP |
Oblivion:Umaril the Unfeathered (quest) | After returning to the Priory from the final battle with Umaril, you may encounter a bug where you lose the ability to sit; either no sitting animation plays and you appear to be standing but can't move, or you sit on nothing beside the chair/bench. The cause of this is an idle animation with bad conditions that "sticks" to you. There is no known way of fixing this with console commands, but it may go away by itself after extended gameplay when many other animations have been applied. You are required to sit at the beginning of the Shivering Isles expansion, but the game recognizes when you are seated even though it does not appear visually. You are also required to sit at the end of the quest The Ultimate Heist. This bug can make it possible for the cutscene to freeze at this point and therefore you'll never receive the scroll. The bug also changes the way vampires feed because they are standing up and there is no animation but the message still goes on. This might halt the Main quest. |
Oblivion:Umaril the Unfeathered (quest) | After returning to the Priory, you may experience a bug where Sir Thedret becomes stuck in his speech to the other knights. You cannot talk to Sir Thedret after this point and the other knights stay gathered around him. You can still interact with the other knights and order them to follow you, etc. Sometimes it seems this problem can be solved by 'bumping' into Sir Thedret repeatedly — each time the conversation will restart at a later point and then quickly break up again — until he's through with his dialogue and everyone starts moving around normally again. | UODP |
Oblivion:Umaril the Unfeathered (quest) | Do not ask any of the other knights to follow you until after Sir Thedret's speech is complete at the end of the quest. Also, if you have not yet recruited one of the knights, do not ask the knight to follow you immediately after recruiting them. These two actions combined cause a bug where the knight is stuck permanently following you (and in many cases the knight is essential, so it is impossible to get rid of him). For more details on this bug, including known fixes, see Knights of the Nine bugs. | UODP |
Oblivion:Wayshrines Map | Bug: map graphic may appear blurred on certain graphics settings. | UODP |
Shivering:A Door in Niben Bay | It is possible that when you try to sit down during this quest, you will appear to remain standing. This bug is actually a consequence of an animation problem triggered by the end of the quest Umaril the Unfeathered (part of the Knights of the Nine plug-in). However, the bug is purely a visual problem. Even though you appear to still be standing, the quest will proceed: all of the butterflies will disappear, after which nothing may seem to happen for 10-30 seconds, but eventually the game will resume. | UODP |
Oblivion:A Brotherhood Betrayed | Carius will fail to appear at Olav's Tap and Tack if this event is triggered in the last few hours of the last day of the current game month due to a timer bug. If this happens, go straight to Boreal stone Cave and confront Raynil there. The cave is west of Applewatch. | UOP |
Oblivion:A Brotherhood Betrayed | Do not enter Olav's to talk to Carius while wearing the Gray Cowl of Nocturnal. Carius will enter the usual Gray Fox challenge dialogue and only give you the option to resist arrest. Upon choosing this, Carius challenges you again, causing an infinite loop. You will have to reload from an earlier save. This will also happen if you go to Boreal Stone Cave and kill Raynil and complete the quest having never met Carius at Olav's (only it will just be regular dialogue, not the Gray Fox challenge). | UOP |
Oblivion:A Brotherhood Betrayed | If you first pickpocket Olav's key from him and then persuade him to give it to you, you will receive two keys as the script doesn't check whether or not Olav still has it. | UOP |
Oblivion:A Brush with Death | Oddly, the body when you find it is labeled as "Bosmer Thief", and Lythandas notes multiple times that the thief is Bosmer. However, a closer inspection reveals that the body is actually that of an Altmer. The name in the Construction Set is "Senannala," which sounds slightly more like an Altmer name than Bosmer, though Bosmer and Altmer names are often similar. | UOP |
Oblivion:A Brush with Death | After completing the quest, the Lythandases may consider you to be trespassing (although, as you've just completed a quest for them, their disposition should be high enough for you just to yield to them). | UOP |
Oblivion:A Brush with Death | Occasionally upon entering the Painted World, Rythe does not converse with you about the thief and stolen paintbrush. The painted trolls are active, and you can kill them, but there is no thief or paintbrush to be found. | UOP |
Oblivion:A Brush with Death | After returning the paintbrush to Rythe, sometimes the door he paints for you to return to Tamriel will not be visible or cannot be used. | UOP |
Oblivion:A Brush with Death | If you kill Tivela before she has given you Rythe's Studio key, you may never continue further in this quest. | UOP |
Oblivion:A Brush with Death | If you interact with Rythe while he is forming the portal, he might never make it. He stops and stands at the same spot forever, saying it's not the time to talk. Reloading from a previous save is needed. However, if you manage to yield to Rythe before he himself decides to stop attacking, he will make the portal. | UOP |
Oblivion:A Brush with Death | After completing the quest, Tivela will incorrectly refer to male characters as "muthsera", a term which is meant to refer to females. | UOP |
Oblivion:A Brush with Death | Upon completion of the quest, and Rythe returning to the community, his rumor option will still be that of his wife looking for him, and being sick over it. | UOP |
Oblivion:A Kiss Before Dying | Make sure, when you kill Ungolim, to be at a place where Lucien can access you afterwards. If you stand on a rooftop while killing Ungolim, you'll see the text about Lachance coming but will not be able to move. | UOP |
Oblivion:A Plot Revealed | Hannibal Traven indicates that he'll need "a few days" to digest this new information. Two in-game days later, his script will silently start The Bloodworm Helm (as well as The Necromancer's Amulet). The former will enable the corpse of Irlav Jarol in Fort Teleman with the helm. If you happen to go to Fort Teleman and find the helm before returning to Traven to start the quest, it will advance to the point of conclusion, the stage that adds the dialogue option to return it is skipped, and the Mages Guild questline is broken. | UOP |
Oblivion:A Plot Revealed | If you catch up with J'skar when he is running away from the Bruma Mages Guild, he has dialogue but doesn't make a sound. This is caused by his scripting which intercepts the "activation" of you talking to him. | UOP |
Oblivion:A Rat Problem | Speaking to Arvena Thelas before undertaking the quest while she is sitting on the bench outside her house may break the quest, causing her to never return to her house. | UOP |
Oblivion:A Ring of Keys | All of the chests in Pale Pass respawn, so you can return to the Forgotten Chest in a week and take another Circlet. You cannot wear two Circlets of Omnipotence at once, but you can sell one or put it in your storage. | UOP |
Oblivion:A Shadow Over Hackdirt | Even though she is on horseback and fleeing from danger, Dar-Ma travels very slowly towards Chorrol after she is rescued. | UOP |
Oblivion:A Shadow Over Hackdirt | Seed-Neeus does not seem to recognize Dar-Ma's rescue when she is spoken to at quest completion. This is because the player needs to pick the "Missing Daughter" dialogue topic again, and it doesn't stand out by being highlighted in gold as it's already been chosen. Seed-Neeus will then ask "Have you found her? Is she safe?" and the new response "Yes, Dar-Ma is safe" can be chosen to complete the quest. | UOP |
Oblivion:A Shadow Over Hackdirt | There can be a bug in regards to stealing and trespassing. The red hand/icon will not show up on chests in the houses or the tunnels, however you will still be reported if someone sees you take anything, and if they find a guard you will receive a bounty. This even includes Jiv, who will follow you around the tunnels after you have defeated everyone else. For some reason, both of the Moslins have a Responsibility of 100, meaning that if they see you take anything, you will get an immediate bounty, even if no guards are present. | UOP |
Oblivion:A Shadow Over Hackdirt | If Dar-Ma does die, there seems to be a dialogue glitch. If you speak to Rasheda about it, she will tell you "Dar-Ma's daughter went missing" instead of Seed-Neeus'. | UOP |
Oblivion:A Venerable Vintage | The wine is described as having been "made in one tiny batch", however an infinite amount is available since it respawns repeatedly. | UOP |
Oblivion:A Watery Grave | You can permanently lose your current horse, whether owned or stolen, during this quest. If you choose to get on board the ship by hiding inside the crate on the dock, and if you are riding a horse when you accept the "hide in crate" option, both you and your horse will be loaded into the ship's cargo hold. This dooms the horse to be trapped within the ship forever. The horse cannot be rescued using fast travel, even after you have left the ship, and will remain even after a cell reset. | UOP |
Oblivion:Ahdarji | Ahdarji stands around doing nothing between 8pm and midnight because her AI package is set up as a "Travel" rather than a "Wander". Since she is already in the Inn, she ends up doing nothing. | UOP |
Oblivion:Ahdarji's Heirloom | If you ask about contracts from S'Krivva, and then decline to accept the contract at that time, it may become impossible to resume this quest. It is recommended that you not ask S'Krivva about the assignment until you are ready to accept it. | UOP |
Oblivion:Ahdarji's Heirloom | This quest cannot be completed while you have Sanguine as a current quest; however, even after completing Sanguine, the countess may permanently sit down at the dining room table instead of retiring to her bedroom like she should. | UOP |
Oblivion:Ahdarji's Heirloom | Sibylla and Matthias Draconis share a script with Caelia that causes them to trigger the Blood Price even though they have nothing to do with the quest. | UOP |
Oblivion:Ahdarji's Heirloom | If you enter the castle with this quest active while the countess is on her monthly trip to Chorrol (15th through 17th of every month), the countess may never place her ring in the jewelry box. This effectively ends your guild adventures. | UOP |
Oblivion:Ahdarji's Heirloom | Hlidara Mothril can be killed by the time you begin to pursue this quest. The good news is that her body has the keys to the castle, and the countess will give you enough of a hint to know that she does not wear the ring when she is sleeping. That's really all you will need to complete the quest, but you will miss out on hearing about the torture chamber and secret passage. | UOP |
Oblivion:Ahdarji's Heirloom | The dialogue sequence can be mixed up enough so that it no longer makes much sense at all. When talking with Amusei in his prison cell, he asks for a lockpick. If you leave to go find one, you may speak to NPCs about the "Recovered Caro family ring," even though you have not finished the conversation with Amusei and found out that the ring belonged to the Caro family. When returning to Amusei to give him the lockpick, you may no longer have the option to give it to him and hear what he has to say. | UOP |
Oblivion:Ahdarji's Heirloom | If the door to Amusei's cell is opened before handing him a lockpick, he will leave and sneak up to just behind the prison door. Despite being out of his cell, he may still insist on being given a lockpick in order to progress the quest. | UOP |
Oblivion:Ahdarji's Heirloom | For some reason the Countess will not go to sleep if the Count is on the left side of the bed. You can try sneaking up behind her, however, once you get up to the chair she will detect you and fight you alerting all guards while doing so. | UOP |
Oblivion:Ahdarji's Heirloom | The ring you're looking for may not be in the jewelry box. | UOP |
Oblivion:Ahdarji's Heirloom | The countess' jewelry box can contain two identical copies of the quest ring. Immediately after you pick up the first ring, you will get a quest advancement telling you to deliver it to Ahdarji. As for the second ring, you must leave it behind. If you pick up both rings, Ahdarji's dialogue options will no longer include the "I found it, here you go" option, and you will be unable to complete the quest. This means no more Thieves' Guild missions. Also, both rings are quest items that cannot be dropped or sold, so you'd be stuck with them forever. | UOP |
Oblivion:Ahdarji's Heirloom | Occasionally, the ring will not be removed from your inventory at the completion of the quest. As it is marked as a quest item, it cannot be dropped or sold. | UOP |
Oblivion:Akaviri Commander Mishaxhi | If you talk to Mishaxhi right after you give his orders to him, before he vanishes, he will use a normal Imperial voice and have standard dialogue options, however the only option is to exit the conversation since he cannot be persuaded and doesn't have the Rumors topic. Hearing a normal Imperial voice can also be achieved by failing to pickpocket him. | UOP |
Oblivion:Alawen | Alawen checks if the player has exactly one, instead of at least one elven bow in inventory and won't agree to train otherwise; drop all but one elven bow if this is the situation. | UOP |
Oblivion:Alawen | Alawen's hunting often takes her too close to the unmarked bandit camp west of Dasek Moor, where she can meet an unintended death. | UOP |
Oblivion:Alga | Alga is one of the few named NPCs in the game who will respawn if killed, which is somewhat unusual given that she has no importance in any quest. | UOP |
Oblivion:Algot the Northerner | While in Bruma, Algot was supposed to visit Countess Narina Carvain in Castle Bruma between 7pm and midnight. Unfortunately, Algot rarely makes it to the castle because the AI package requires him to be within 400 units of the Countess; every time he leaves the Jerall View Inn, he realizes he is too far away and heads back inside. | UOP |
Oblivion:All Things Alchemical | There are two locked barrels in an upstairs room that are as marked as requiring a key, but no key in the game opens them. | UOP |
Oblivion:Amantius Allectus | In some cases, when you select "rumors" while talking to Amantius, he will speak to you about his death during the ransacking of his own house as if he were someone else. | UOP |
Oblivion:Ambush | If you kill Falcar when he is not aggressive, it will count as a murder and the Dark Brotherhood questline will be initiated. This can be worked around by talking to him before attacking him. | UOP |
Oblivion:Amelion's Debt | Upon completion of the quest, NPCs can be heard saying: "Sure, the Fighters Guild raided a family tomb, but they did it for a family member. What's wrong with that?", even if the player decided to pay the debt off themselves. | UOP |
Oblivion:Amelion's Debt | It is considered trespassing to enter Biene Amelion's house during the quest. | UOP |
Oblivion:Amulet of Interrogation | The leveled effects of the amulet are assigned out of conventional order: you receive the highest-level reward when you are under level 10. Therefore, if you complete Information Gathering between levels 5 and 9 you will receive the greater amulet. | UOP |
Oblivion:Amusei | A serious bug involving Amusei can prevent you from ever joining the Thieves Guild and destroy the entire questline. If you visit Castle Leyawiin and pick the lock of the last cell in the Dungeon before having joined the Guild, Amusei will relocate to the dungeon and be forever stuck, preventing you from starting the May the Best Thief Win quest. If you pick the lock later on (e.g if you feel sorry for him during Ahdarji's Heirloom), the bug will not destroy the questline but will ruin Amusei's entire schedule, as he will travel back to the dungeon in sneak mode every time he finishes his involvement in the many quests, at times causing problems when he is supposed to deliver messages from the Gray Fox. The reason behind this is that Amusei's script relocates him to the prison when the door is unlocked without checking to see if you have started or finished Ahdarji's Heirloom. | UOP |
Oblivion:Amusei | Amusei was supposed to sleep in the Waterfront District between 6am and noon and in Leyawiin and Skingrad between midnight and 6am. This never happens because his wander package takes precedence over his sleeping package. If you use the wait feature near any of his bedrolls, with the exception of Skingrad, Amusei will always be sleeping but will immediately start his wander package. | UOP |
Oblivion:Amusei | After S'Krivva thanks you during Ahdarji's Heirloom (stage 80), Amusei is erroneously given Thieves Guild-related leather equipment instead of his original lower-class attire. At the beginning of Lost Histories, when he is behind bars in Castle Skingrad, this is removed in favor of jail attire. | UOP |
Oblivion:Amusei | After The Ultimate Heist, Amusei was supposed to visit Dareloth's house on Tirdas and Turdas only. He visits the house four days in a row because the package runs past midnight, in the process messing up the days for the AI. | UOP |
Oblivion:Amusei | Amusei was supposed to move to Skingrad at Stage 80 of Ahdarji's Heirloom and he will also relocate there, with his bedroll conveniently placed behind Ambroise Canne's house as planned. Unfortunately, his AI mistakenly points to the last location he slept in and as a result, he will travel right back to Leyawiin and live there until Lost Histories is initiated. | UOP |
Oblivion:Amusei | Due to a small mistake in the game script, Amusei will pick up his in-jail greetings ("Help!" and "We need to get to safety.") right after Misdirection, even if he is still living in the streets of Leyawiin. | UOP |
Oblivion:An Unexpected Voyage | Do not start this quest while the Thieves Guild quest The Elven Maiden is also active. Doing so will crash the game. | UOP |
Oblivion:An Unexpected Voyage | It is possible for a stealth-based character to acquire all needed keys and lock up Selene without having to fight or kill any members of the Blackwater Brigands. However, doing so will glitch the quest and prevent the ship from returning to the Imperial City. This bug may be resolved by either murdering Lynch (adding the "Blackwater Brigands" conversation topic) or adding the missing topic via the console ("addTopic c1bb"). Return to Ormil and you will finish the quest with the least possible number of casualties. All of the Blackwater Brigands will disappear on arrival at the Waterfront. | UOP |
Oblivion:An Unexpected Voyage | Do not rent the room from Ormil and then kill him. The quest will start but be impossible to complete without console codes. | UOP |
Oblivion:Ancus Afranius | During his trip to Cheydinhal, Ancus will be irresolute about staying at the inn or visit Count Andel Indarys between 7pm and midnight. He will often leave the Count and return to the inn, then head back to the Count. This is because both packages have the "must reach location" flag ticked, making Ancus a bit confused on which location to seek out. | UOP |
Oblivion:Ancus Afranius | His trip to Cheydinhal was supposed to start at 9am rather than midnight on the 25th, but due to a bug he leaves early. He is also only supposed to have a one-day stay, but stays for two. Both of these issues are because of a bug where packages extending overnight get evaluated in part too early on the first day, and too late in the day on the second. | UOP |
Oblivion:Andre Labouche | Sometimes Andre's body may be missing. This will happen if the player visits Aerin's camp or any other location that causes the cell to be loaded, but doesn't see Andre. 72 hours later when the cell resets, the body will vanish. | UOP |
Oblivion:Anga | On subsequent visits, you will be unable to get to the two boss-level chests as the push block which opens door D has not been reset properly. | UOP |
Oblivion:Animals | Not found in the game. | UOP |
Oblivion:Animals | Although Mud Crabs have a death sound effect, it is not assigned to them so it cannot be heard. | UOP |
Oblivion:Areldil | Although Areldil's AI package is set to offer services while he wanders the Waterfront, no services were included. It is probable that he was supposed to be a Security trainer because of the rumors about him. | UOP |
Oblivion:Arena (building) | *These values are erroneous. | UOP |
Oblivion:Arena (faction) | Completing the Origin of the Gray Prince side quest may make it impossible to become Grand Champion. | UOP |
Oblivion:Arena Combatants | Agronak gro-Malog is always level 10, regardless of your level. | UOP |
Oblivion:Arena Combatants | Elven and Orcish are mixed up here, so you will sometimes see enemies who should be using heavy armor with an Elven Shield. | UOP |
Oblivion:Arena Combatants | The Light Raiment of Valor has a very small amount of health, causing it to break in a few hits. | UOP |
Oblivion:Arquen | Arquen was supposed to have additional dialogue expressing her regret at killing Lucien Lachance after discovering he was innocent, but reassuring that he is now in a better place serving Sithis in the Void.: "I... I don't even know what to say. How could we have been so wrong? Lucien tried to explain, but we wouldn't listen... But he is certainly in a better place now. Lucien Lachance's soul now serves Sithis in the Void. It is an honor he earned, and deserves." This dialogue is associated with Following a Lead and is scripted to happen after Stage 40. But since the quest is complete by then, it is never heard. (listen) | UOP |
Oblivion:Arrow of Extrication | If you accidentally triggered a serious bug earlier in the game, sometimes Amusei won't arrive as fast as he was intended to. See this section for possible workarounds. | UOP |
Oblivion:Arrow of Extrication | Some doors in this dungeon cannot be opened with target alteration spells (they go straight through the door). Bring lockpicks. | UOP |
Oblivion:Arrow of Extrication | If you triggered the Gray Fox quests prematurely (for example, because of the Temple of the Ancestor Moths glitch), make sure to finish all of the other Thieves guild rank advancement quests before you complete the Arrow of Extrication quest. If not, the other quests will reset your guild rank and trigger a serious bug during the Ultimate Heist. | UOP |
Oblivion:Arrow of Extrication | Sometimes Malintus Ancrus will not be standing outside his house when you return to Chorrol with the arrowhead. | UOP |
Oblivion:Arrow of Extrication | If the beggars in Bravil die before you start this quest, the map markers will still direct you to where their bodies last were, even if the bodies have disappeared. | UOP |
Oblivion:Arrow of Extrication | The dialogue options allowing you to pay a blood price to Armand does not appear, making the quest unfinishable in some circumstances, since S'Krivva won't allow you to pay the price either. However, depending on console patches, after completing the quest and finally visiting the Gray Fox to submit the arrow head, he may chastise you for killing during the quest and offer an opportunity to then pay the blood price, thus bypassing the bug. | UOP |
Oblivion:Athrelor | His initial greeting, "Welcome to Kvatch. We've had a spot of trouble, as you can see. But I'm open for business." implies that he was intended to be a merchant. There is nothing else to indicate that this is the case, however. | UOP |
Oblivion:Audens Avidius | Audens was supposed to patrol near the western gate in the Arena District at 5pm. He will, however, return to the Northeast Watch Tower instead. | UOP |
Oblivion:Augusta Calidia | Augusta was supposed to sleep in her private bed from 2am to 4am, but her reading package is at the same time and she chooses to read instead of sleep. | UOP |
Oblivion:Aurelinwae | She may be affected by the let me do that one again glitch. | UOP |
Oblivion:Ayleid Crown of Lindai | The Ayleid Cask containing the crown respawns so multiple copies of this supposedly unique item can be obtained. This bug can be used to obtain the highest version of the Crown if you picked it up at a low level. | UOP |
Oblivion:Azani Blackheart (quest) | If you take Azani's ring immediately after killing him - before the quest updates saying he is dead - Modryn will not ask for it and the quest cannot be completed. | UOP |
Oblivion:Azzan | Azzan could have possibly been originally intended to live in Sutch, a city that was scrapped by the developers. This can be determined by these two typos in The Wandering Scholar and Mystery at Harlun's Watch journal entries; "Burz gro-Khash has paid me the balance of the contract. He tells me that he has no further contracts to offer, but I should speak with Azzan in Sutch, if I have not already." "Azzan has given me a contract to escort Elante of Alinor, a scholar doing research on Daedra. I am to meet her at the entrance to Brittlerock Cave, northeast of Sutch, and protect her while she explores inside." |
Oblivion:Belletor's Folly | There is no path to the upper level of the central room of Belletor's Folly Cavern, so unless you can do some tricky acrobatics while avoiding four bandit archers, you will be unable to access two chests. | UOP |
Oblivion:Bittneld and Emfrid | The "Chorrol" topic might not disappear from Bittneld's dialogue. Emfrid will incorrectly say he visits her every day, and the quest can't be completed. | UOP |
Oblivion:Bittneld the Curse-Bringer | Over half of the dialogue for the "matchmaker" mini-quest is present, but skipped. If the player talks to Bittneld and chooses the "Chorrol" topic he will say that women in the town are snooty, and when Emfrid is next spoken to she will thank the player for telling Bittneld about her, though this never happened. Also, Bittneld will not visit daily as Emfrid indicates that he does because his visiting AI was not set up correctly. There is also a demo quest related to this that never appears in-game with more Emfrid dialogue hiding in it, but none from Bittneld. | UOP |
Oblivion:Black Rock Caverns | The Black Rock Chest in Lost Black Rock Chasm was supposed to contain a minimum of 1,766 gold (a fixed amount combined with a leveled amount) but due to an engine bug the 1,766 never appears, only the leveled amount. | UOP |
Oblivion:Black Soul Gem | A glitch exists which allows you to create multiple Black Soul Gems from the same Grand Soul Gem. If you place at least three (Some say two) filled Grand Soul Gems grouped on the same inventory line into the altar and cast the Soul Trap spell, all three will still be present along with the Black Soul Gem when you open the container. You can repeat this process, but all the gems must be removed and returned to the altar each time, or the entire group of Grand Soul Gems will disappear once you have cast an equal number of soul trap spells as there are gems in the group. | UOP |
Oblivion:Blade of Woe | The level 10-14 version of the blade has a Fortify Magicka enchantment instead of Damage Magicka | UOP |
Oblivion:Blade of Woe | The Demoralize enchantment on the blade has no duration, at any level. Therefore, the effect will not actually work on the weapon - enemies will not be demoralized, and will not flee. | UOP |
Oblivion:Block Training | Although Andragil insists that you don't have your weapon drawn at the start of the test, you are free to use one, although killing her obviously fails the test. | UOP |
Oblivion:Block Training | Andragil possesses dialogue that indicates the test was supposed to finish unsuccessfully if you lower your guard at any point. The script that makes the check is commented out, however, so you can drop your shield at any time. | UOP |
Oblivion:Blood of the Daedra | If you give up the Skeleton Key, the game does not always properly register the removal of the +40 bonus to your Security skill. | UOP |
Oblivion:Blood of the Daedra | This quest is supposed to reward 1 Fame point upon completion, but the ModPCFame 1 command is set on Stage 0. This stage was meant for quest testing and cleanup, but is never set in the course of the normal game and is therefore unreachable without using the console command SetStage MQ08 0 . |
Oblivion:Blood of the Divines | Do not let the Undead Blades follow you outside of the ruin. If you kill them outside, their ghosts may not be able to re-enter, breaking the quest and further quests in the main storyline. | UOP |
Oblivion:Blood of the Divines | There was supposed to be a reward of two Fame points for this quest, but due to a scripting error, there's none. | UOP |
Oblivion:Boethia | If you approach the war gate to the left, the enemy behind it will notice you and try to attack. Eventually they will fall in the lava trying to reach you and die. Boethia will announce their death and because it was out of sequence the remainder of the gates won't open. To complete the quest, jump around the other gates to fight the remaining opponents. When they are all dead the quest will continue as usual. | UOP |
Oblivion:Bolor Savel | Killing Bolor Savel without speaking to him first may result in his death being considered a murder. | UOP |
Oblivion:Boots of Springheel Jak | Do not steal the Boots of Springheel Jak before the quest, This will cause the quest to update and the Gray Fox to appear in Ganredhel's house. It will also break prerequisite quests in several ways and will prevent you from completing the quest line. | UOP |
Oblivion:Boots of Springheel Jak | At the end of the quest, after retrieving the boots, do not discuss the diary entry or the Imbel Family Tree (if you stole it from Jak's desk) with the Gray Fox until after you've turned in the boots for your reward. It will glitch the quest, making it impossible to finish. The Gray Fox will simply stand there saying "Not now. I need to think" when you try and talk to him. | UOP |
Oblivion:Boots of Springheel Jak | The above glitch can also be caused by talking to the Gray Fox while having a Blood Price. If you give him the boots with the need to pay a Blood Price, you can never start the final Thieves Guild quest. After paying it off, when you talk to the Gray Fox, he will just say he needs time to think and end the conversation. | UOP |
Oblivion:Boots of Springheel Jak | If you accidentally triggered a serious bug earlier in the game, sometimes Amusei won't arrive as fast as he was intended to. See this section for possible workarounds. | UOP |
Oblivion:Boots of Springheel Jak | If you find the Imbel family genealogy after receiving the tomb key, Jak's diary, or the boots, you will receive a message suggesting you discuss it with the Gray Fox. However, no topic is added. | UOP |
Oblivion:Boots of Springheel Jak | Reading Jakben's Diary will add a topic about Jakben knowing the Gray Fox, but only if it is dropped then read. The topic will not be added if it is read from your inventory. | UOP |
Oblivion:Boots of Springheel Jak | If instead you go to Armand first with the need to pay a Blood Price, you'll get the reward from both him and the Gray Fox and no Blood Price gold will actually be removed (so you will end up 500 gold better off than completing the quest normally). However, when you talk to the Gray Fox, do not choose any dialogue topic but the "Boots" one or the topic may disappear and you will have to reload. | UOP |
Oblivion:Boots of Springheel Jak | The Imbel Family Crypt Key is a quest-specific item and cannot be removed from your inventory even after the quest is complete. | UOP |
Oblivion:Bosmer Thief | Oddly, the body when you find it is labeled as "Bosmer Thief", and Lythandas refers to him more than once as a Bosmer. But a closer inspection reveals that the body is actually that of an Altmer. The name in the Construction Set is "Senannala," which sounds slightly more like an Altmer name than Bosmer, though Bosmer and Altmer names are often similar. | UOP |
Oblivion:Bound Armor | However, unlike daedric armor, most of the bound items have Light Armor type. Only the cuirass and greaves are Heavy Armor. The armor rating of all pieces is the same as the armor rating for Daedric Armor. Bound Armor will affect your Spell Effectiveness to the same degree as regular armor. | UOP |
Oblivion:Bravil Recommendation | Kud-Ei is the quest-giver for both this quest and Through A Nightmare, Darkly. Trying to do both of these quests at the same time can be problematic. In particular, if you have started "Through a Nightmare, Darkly", the recommendation quest may not even appear in your journal, and the recommendation dialogues will probably not be available. If the recommendation quest disappears, possible solutions include: | UOP |
Oblivion:Brother Holger | If he agrees to help after you ask him "Where are the catacombs?", during the Turning a Blind Eye quest, he replies in a voice more like a beggar's as opposed to his standard Nord voice. | UOP |
Oblivion:Bruma House for Sale | "†: The Upper Storage Area upgrade also adds a painting that is not mentioned in the note. ††: The note for the Upper Wall Hangings states that you receive five paintings; however, only four are added to the house." |
Oblivion:Bruma House for Sale | There are two paintings in the cell that are never activated by any of the upgrades. | UOP |
Oblivion:Burd | Burd's body is tagged as a quest item, meaning it will never disappear from its resting place should he be killed. | UOP |
Oblivion:Burden | Spells with a script effect (rather than the spell effects normally used) use the Burden spell effect icon. | UOP |
Oblivion:Burz gro-Khash | When you meet Burz for the first time and ask him about the Fighters Guild, his spoken comment does not match the subtitles. They present you with the common Fighters Guild response: "I love being in the guild. There's money to be made. If you'd like to join up, let me know." In the spoken dialogue, Burz will mistakenly point you towards Vilena Donton for guild membership, even if he is able to let you join himself: "I love being in the guild. There's money to be made. If you're interested, find Vilena Donton in Chorrol." | UOP |
Oblivion:Burz gro-Khash | Similar to his companion Keld of the Isles, Burz was supposed to have a sparring session from 2pm to 6pm. However, the package is erroneously set as a "Find" type instead of a "Use Item" type. This causes him to simply take a short trip to the basement and then simply stroll around the guildhall. | UOP |
Oblivion:Buying a house in Skingrad | For one free upgrade to Rosethorn Hall, sneak into the Surilie Brothers' house and on a table near the entrance is the note that gives you the Upper Wall Hangings upgrade. Once you steal it, the upgrade will take effect and you will no longer be able to buy it from Gunder. | UOP |
Oblivion:Buying a house in Skingrad | It seems that the original price of the house was 10,000 septims, given that Shum gro-Yarug mentions that he "wouldn't dream of paying 10,000 gold for your blood. But that is the price for that house". | UOP |
Oblivion:Camilla Lollia | If you manage to finish the quest "A Plot Revealed" without ever speaking to Camilla, she will follow you until she talks to you. After the quest is complete, she will not necessarily be hostile. As with other bugged NPCs that follow you (e.g., the Desolate Mine fighters), she may appear outside any city jail after you have been arrested. | UOP |
Oblivion:Caminalda | Caminalda has a substantial piece of unused dialogue. It was supposed to be a greeting, but will never be heard until after you have rented a room, at which point the text above is used. If these conditions were possible to be met, she would have said: "Hello there! I must say, I'm quite surprised to see anyone else here. With all the trouble on the road recently, I expected to be the only one staying at the inn. It's a welcome surprise though, believe me. Are you staying for a while, or simply just passing through? " (listen) | UOP |
Oblivion:Caminalda | Another unused line suggests that Caminalda was supposed to act innocent when spoken to: "Ah! How brave of you, to walk the roads with all of the recent trouble! I myself have been here for some time, hoping to find out what's going on. No luck yet, though. Well, you watch out for yourself, and be careful!" | UOP |
Oblivion:Candice Corgine | Candice is prevented from renting you a room by bad scripting. | UOP |
Oblivion:Candice Corgine | Although she is a merchant, she has zero gold available to buy items; if you want to sell items to her, it's best to wait until you can invest in her store. | UOP |
Oblivion:Canvas the Castle | If you choose to return the painting to the Countess, she is supposed to hang it on the wall above the desk in her bedroom but the necessary scripting is terminated before it has a chance to run as the quest ends there, so the painting never appears. | UOP |
Oblivion:Carandial | Carandial is supposed to eat dinner at his camp from 8pm to 10pm during his excursion, and sleep there between midnight and 6am. Neither action takes place because the two AI packages responsible check to see if he is in Anutwyll, and never get chosen. | UOP |
Oblivion:Carmalo Truiand | Carmalo inherited the bug from Audens Avidius that leads to him neglecting to patrol near the western gate of the Arena District from 5pm to 6pm. Instead he returns to the Northeast Watch Tower and wanders the main floor. | UOP |
Oblivion:Casta Scribonia | Casta is supposed to visit Orag gra-Bargol at noon instead of Orok, who she was supposed to meet at 2pm. Likewise she is supposed to go to Renoit's Books at 6pm instead of The Oak and Crosier, which she should have visited at 8pm. | UOP |
Oblivion:Castle Chorrol | If you choose to return the painting to the Countess during Canvas the Castle, she is supposed to hang it on the wall above the desk in her bedroom but the necessary scripting is terminated before it has a chance to run as the quest ends there, so the painting never appears. | UOP |
Oblivion:Castle Skingrad | The torches on the bridge leading to the castle do not emit light. | UOP |
Oblivion:Caught in the Hunt | It is possible to kill Kurdan, search his body, retrieve the key, and open the outer gate without you ever receiving the next quest update and therefore preventing you from finishing the quest. This bug can be triggered if you decide to pickpocket the key off Kurdan before killing him, such as if you kill him with an attack or a spell that makes him fly into the air and then search him before he hits the ground, or are too close to him and retrieve the key from his corpse before the quest updates to stage 80 where it is supposed to inform you of his death. | UOP |
Oblivion:Caught in the Hunt | Do not lead the hunters further into Hunter's Run when they are found; kill them close to where they are. Otherwise, you may trigger a bug where if either the Imperial or Nord hunter dies near an invisible marker for the next hunter (Nord and Orc respectively) the next hunter will never appear and the quest is broken. | UOP |
Oblivion:Caught in the Hunt | The first two hunters (Imperial and Nord) have to die for the next hunter to appear; pickpocketing the Hunter's Run keys from them will stall the quest. The quest will, however, update properly and be finishable if the last (Orc) hunter's key is pickpocketed from him. | UOP |
Oblivion:Caught in the Hunt | If you fast travel to Fort Grief instead of using the boat and don't go near enough the dock marker to advance the quest, or if Kurdan is killed, Aleron will not be there. If you go into the Hunters Run, you will only encounter one lone Orc hunter; killing him skips the quest to the point where it says you and Aleron should get off of the island. This can lead to multiple issues. | UOP |
Oblivion:Caught in the Hunt | Fast travel is not properly restored when leaving Fort Grief. | UOP |
Oblivion:Cheydinhal Fighters Guild | An "Explore" tune is played in the Cheydinhal Fighters Guild Hall even though it's in a city. | UOP |
Oblivion:Cheydinhal Recommendation | Falcar's Black Soul Gems are identified as Quest Items so they cannot be set down, but they will still work with Soul Trap and disappear once used to recharge a weapon or enchant an item. If both are used in this way, it will become impossible to complete this quest and gain access to the Arcane University. | UOP |
Oblivion:Cheydinhal Recommendation | If you pickpocket Falcar's key to get into his room before retrieving the Ring of Burden, the key will be permanently marked as a quest item and is undroppable even after the quest is completed. This isn't a weight problem since it is a zero-weight item, but it permanently adds to inventory clutter. | UOP |
Oblivion:Cheydinhal Recommendation | The Black Soul Gems will still count as stolen items in your journal. There is no way to get them without having them adding to your stolen statistic; this is the one case where virtuous characters are forced to do something illegal in order to enter the Mages Guild. See this page for more information. | UOP |
Oblivion:Cingor | Cingor is the only Mythic Dawn agent who cannot cast their standard bound armor and weapon spells. | UOP |
Oblivion:Clothing | Certain pieces of clothing, such as the male version of Breeches, have a corrupted icon in the inventory when playing the game on lower settings. | UOP |
Oblivion:Collatinus Vedius | Collatinus Vedius was intended to sleep from 10pm until 6am, but has no bed to sleep in, making Matthias more difficult to get to during the Dark Brotherhood quest Next of Kin. | UOP |
Oblivion:Confront the King | Caution: The drawers at the end of the Arch-Mage's bed reset themselves periodically, so storing items here is not advised. The nightstand next to the bed does not respawn but still has scripts on it so again it is not sensible to store items in it. | UOP |
Oblivion:Confront the King | Even after you have been promoted to Arch-Mage, the Battlemages in the Arcane University grounds may still refer to you as "the Arcane University's newest addition", and the Mage Scholars will still rudely dismiss your attempts to converse with them. | UOP |
Oblivion:Confront the King | Killing Bolor Savel without speaking to him first may result in his death being considered a murder. | UOP |
Oblivion:Confront the King | Mannimarco sometimes cannot be hit even after completing his speech. Not even NPCs allied with you (or at least hostile to Mannimarco) will be able to hurt him. | UOP |
Oblivion:Confront the King | It is possible that the bone railings will not rise after Mannimarco's speech. | UOP |
Oblivion:Confront the King | It is possible that the bone railings will rise with you outside of them before Mannimarco's speech. If this happens, jump on top of the cauldron filled with skulls and you can jump over the railings. | UOP |
Oblivion:Confront the King | Sometimes Hannibal Traven does not sacrifice himself. If reloading an earlier save results in the same, pickpocket Traven for the Filled Colossal Black Soul Gem (be sure not to get caught, or you will be kicked out of the Mages Guild), or proceed without the gem, as technically you don't need it. Continue with the quest as normal. When you return to the Mages Guild, Traven will be gone and you will be Arch-Mage. | UOP |
Oblivion:Confront the King | The Colossal Black Soul Gem given to you by Traven sometimes will not disappear or let you drop it after the quest is completed. Technically you don't need the gem. You can just leave it on Traven's corpse, so it doesn't get stuck in your inventory. You will not be able to drop the Echo Cave Key either. | UOP |
Oblivion:Confront the King | If Mannimarco misses you with his ranged-bolt paralyze spell for whatever reason (dodging, jumping, etc) he will return to where he was standing without being aggressive, sometimes passing comments about the player's presence. You can then pickpocket (or reverse-pickpocket) him, stealing his Staff of Worms. Directly activating/speaking with him resumes the plot as normal. If he likewise misses with the second spell (Enthrall) the same behavior as above will result. Speaking with him resets his dialogue, as before. | UOP |
Oblivion:Confront the King | If you kill Mannimarco before he talks to you, you could get stuck as though the game is waiting for his speech to begin. You can fix this by reloading a previous save. | UOP |
Oblivion:Conjuration Training | If you have Molag Bal's quest in your active list (i.e. you have spoken to Amir about it) but have not begun it (even if you are below level 17 and thus can't begin it) or if you have failed the quest, he will make a statement and then forcibly end the conversation, preventing him from training you. Once you begin the quest, he will be willing to let you "prove your worth" and/or train you. | UOP |
Oblivion:Corrick Northwode | When you exit conversation, Corrick will mistakenly claim that Exhausted Mine lies to the southeast. In fact it is to the southwest. | UOP |
Oblivion:Corruption and Conscience | After you bring Llevanas' plan to Garrus, each time you select the Ulrich Leland option, Garrus will repeatedly give you a key to Ulrich's room. | UOP |
Oblivion:Corruption and Conscience | If you've got the message to meet Garrus at the inn, there is a bug that sometimes causes Garrus not to appear at the green marker. It seems that waiting near him or even in Cheydinhal Castle hall for two hours causes this bug, so wait outside until time passes. Chances for this bug to show up are lesser when you give the suspicious note to Garrus in the daytime. If everything goes well, a quest note should pop up after waiting for two hours. | UOP |
Oblivion:Corruption and Conscience | If you give the note to Garrus at a time when the Count is not available, such as at night, Garrus won't show up at the Cheydinhal Bridge Inn and you won't be able to finish the quest. At the moment there is no known way of fixing this issue apart from restoring to an earlier savegame. Simply waiting long enough for Garrus and the Count to meet is also known to work, although it's undetermined as to exactly how much time this will take. It is easiest to just load an earlier save. You can also try the fix for the previous bug. | UOP |
Oblivion:Corruption and Conscience | If Ulrich is caught in some fighting after you have just begun this quest (only one journal entry) and is killed by one of the guards or townspeople, you are unable to complete the quest. Garrus tells you "We've got him now ... (etc)" but no topic to complete the quest is enabled for him. Llevana tells you "Ok, I guess we will do it your way" and does not give you the chance to talk to her further. Aldos tells you to follow him but he goes nowhere. Lastly Ulrich's note does not exist in his room. There is no known way of fixing this issue apart from restoring to an earlier savegame. | UOP |
Oblivion:Corruption and Conscience | Another of the "infinite gold" glitches, sometimes Garrus's dialogue doesn't change after the reward is given for helping convict Ulrich, and he will continue giving further rewards each time the subject is broached. Entering stopquest MS10 on the console will remove the offending dialogue option. |
Oblivion:Corruption and Conscience | If you deal with Ulrich Garrus's way, you can visit him in prison and then kill him. You will then get an update that tells you to speak with Garrus again. It also mentions that he's still Ulrich's second in command even though he was already promoted to Captain of the Guard. The bug is caused by Ulrich's OnDeath script checking that the quest stage is >=90 and <150 before setting stage 150. If you complete it Llevana's way, the quest will be at stage 180 instead. | UOP |
Oblivion:Countess Alessia Caro | Countess Alessia Caro's habit of dropping in to see Argonian couple Mahei and Numeen despite her racist dislike of beast races could be a mistake with the races: due to several rumors referring to them as "the Derics" it is likely that Mahei and Numeen were originally Bretons. Almost no Argonians have a surname, and "Deric" is similar to other Breton family names (Liric, Maric, Meric, Aric, Fransoric and Jenseric can be found in Morrowind and Oblivion). | UOP |
Oblivion:Countess Alessia Caro | Due to several bugs in her schedule, Alessia will wander back and forth to Chorrol several times after the 15th of each month. This can cause disruptions in both her related quests, as she can be hard to track down. | UOP |
Oblivion:Countess Alessia Caro | After Ahdarji's Heirloom, the countess is no longer marked as essential. This mistake, paired with her Chorrol-related bug, could result in her untimely death and interfere with the Sanguine quest. | UOP |
Oblivion:Countess Alessia Caro | If some specific conditions are met after casting Stark Reality on Alessia and her guests, she fails to put her clothing back on, stays semi-naked throughout the game and will keep eating at the dinner table indefinitely. | UOP |
Oblivion:Countess Alessia Caro | Some impossible to meet conditions were set on her AI schedule, preventing her from making the trip to Chorrol. | UOP |
Oblivion:Countess Alessia Caro | The Guide to Chorrol refers to her as a "good husband" to her husband Marius. | UOP |
Oblivion:Countess Arriana Valga | When you ask her about rumors, Arriana may talk about herself as if she was someone else. This is because many rumors regarding the Countess lack the condition needed to prevent the Countess herself from uttering them. | UOP |
Oblivion:Crime | The front door of the house for sale in Bravil will always have a red icon even after having been purchased, however entering the house never counts as a crime. | UOP |
Oblivion:Crime | The Trespasses counter in your journal never changes from zero, no matter how many times you are caught trespassing or in what circumstances. | UOP |
Oblivion:Crime | "After paying a fine or serving a sentence, some NPCs may be found standing outside the prison or castle when you exit. They may be hostile and can be attacked by the guards or by each other. Affected NPCs can include: | UOP |
Oblivion:Cruelty's Heart | The version you should get from levels 5 to 9 is actually missing from the reward leveled list; meaning you will get the lowest version until you are level 10. | UOP |
Oblivion:Dagon Shrine | On rare occasions, Mankar will not go through the portal to Paradise, possibly because you tried to prevent him from escaping. Although this does not cause any immediate problems, this will later make it impossible to complete the Paradise quest. Basically, Mankar ends up permanently trapped in Tamriel as an unkillable character - you cannot even interact with him because of his ghost setting. In the later stages of the main quest he is quite ironically stuck in the headquarters of his mortal enemies: Cloud Ruler Temple's Great Hall, near the fireplace and the eventual Paradise portal. Therefore, it is best to not try to interfere with Mankar's scripted actions during this quest. If, for whatever reason, Mankar Camoran is standing next to the shrine after everyone has been killed, it is advisable to reload an earlier save and redo this quest. | UOP |
Oblivion:Dagon Shrine | The Mysterium Xarxes will count as a stolen item in your statistics. However, it is impossible to complete the main quest without committing theft, and in any case it has no effect on the game whatsoever, as guards cannot take it away (it's a quest item), and you do not get a bounty. | UOP |
Oblivion:Dar Jee's House | The door to Floyd Nathan's House in Blankenmarch is owned by Dar Jee and the house is identical to Dar Jee's house, suggesting it was copied and pasted. | UOP |
Oblivion:Dark Brotherhood | Alga: She respawns, so killing her will not permanently remove her from the game. She can be most easily killed in Olav's Tap and Tack. | UOP |
Oblivion:Dasek Moor | This fort is labeled as a mine on your map. | UOP |
Oblivion:Dasek Moor | Dasek Moor Maleboge appears to be a misspelling of "Malebolge". | UOP |
Oblivion:Davela Hlaren | When renting a bed from Davela, even if you don't have the 10 gold necessary for a room, she will still unlock the door and allow you to sleep in the "rented" bed. | UOP |
Oblivion:Defense of Bruma | Martin sometimes fails to don his armor because he doesn't have it, due to a bug that can occur during the Miscarcand quest. Needless to say, this situation makes it extremely hard to keep him alive. | UOP |
Oblivion:Delmar | Delmar never leaves the Chironasium, so there are three lines of unique dialogue that he can never say (they require him to be outside of the Chironasium). He was supposed to greet you for the first time with, "Enchanted to meet you. Delmar, Enchanter Extraordinaire to the Mages Guild! At your service. Got some enchanting in mind?" If you approach him about making your staff when outside the Chironasium, he would have said, "Come see me when I'm at the Chironasium, and we'll take care of that for you." Once he has finished your staff, he would have said, "Yes, it's all finished. It's in a cupboard, back at the Chironasium. I hope it serves you well!" | UOP |
Oblivion:Dion | Dion should sleep in his clothes rather than his armor but the "Armor Unequipped" flag is not set on his sleep AI package, which can cause him to sleep in his armor. | UOP |
Oblivion:Dion | It seems likely that Dion was meant to inspect the three locations roughly equally, but the AI package uses ">" (greater than) instead of "<" (less than) in its comparisons, giving the wrong percentages. | UOP |
Oblivion:Dion | Due to yet another bug in the AI packages, Dion will not explore Skingrad at 4pm like he's supposed to, but will explore the Guard House instead. | UOP |
Oblivion:Disease | BrainRot is spelled without a space, despite being two words. | UOP |
Oblivion:Disease | Judging by its name, BrainRot was probably intended to Drain Intelligence instead. | UOP |
Oblivion:Disease | Astral Vapors ignores disease resistance. Therefore, characters with 100% Resist Disease and 100% Resist Magic (eliminating the possibility that a Weakness to Disease effect could be added) can still be infected with Astral Vapors. | UOP |
Oblivion:Dorian's House | There are multiple objects throughout Dorian's House that float for no apparent reason. | UOP |
Oblivion:Dro'shanji | If the quest Through A Nightmare, Darkly has not been started, Gilgondorin, the owner of Silverhome on the Water will reply to the Bravil dialogue topic by stating "My neighbor, Dro'shanji, is worried. He's seen creatures around the house lately. Why don't you talk to Dro'shanji, see if you can help?" but no further information about the creatures can be found. This seems to be the introduction to an unfinished quest that was cut from the final game. | UOP |
Oblivion:Drunk and Disorderly | A player is able to sit on the overturned stools in the Five Claws Lodge, causing their character to appear suspended in midair. | UOP |
Oblivion:Dul gro-Shug | His trip to Skingrad is supposed to begin at 8am on the 23rd rather than at midnight, but there is a bug in the way the game handles such AI packages that affects many NPCs. | UOP |
Oblivion:Earana | After completing this quest, you may hear rumors from other Chorrol citizens stating "I saw Earana leaving town. She looked very excited.". This is untrue as she can still be found either at the Gray Mare or near the Great Oak. | UOP |
Oblivion:Edgar Vautrine | Edgar only keeps the store open longer on certain days because he doesn't have anything else to do. None of his other AI packages are active between 8pm and midnight on Morndas, Middas and Fredas, so he keeps doing what he was already doing - serving in the store. | UOP |
Oblivion:Elisa Pierrane | Her trip to Skingrad is supposed to begin at 6am on the 18th rather than at midnight, but there is a bug in the way the game handles such AI packages that affects many NPCs. | UOP |
Oblivion:Elsynia | Due to a bug Elsynia will not go to sleep, she will try briefly at midnight but give up and wander around the shop floor. | UOP |
Oblivion:Engorm | Engorm is technically a merchant and will barter with the player. However, he never has any merchandise to sell (even if your mercantile skill is greater than 50) and he only has 5 gold, making it somewhat pointless to sell any items to him. However, it is possible to invest in his "store" once your mercantile skill reaches 75, at which point you could potentially sell him a few more items. | UOP |
Oblivion:Enilroth | There is a minor error in the subtitle for his line of dialogue about Anvil: it misses the "n" from Varel Morvayn's name. | UOP |
Oblivion:Enilroth | Technically, Enilroth provides repair services and is a merchant who will buy Weapons, Armor, and Miscellaneous Items. However, his AI schedule does not include any times during which he offers services. Therefore, it is impossible to ever use him as a merchant or repair person. Also, because the game recognizes Enilroth as a merchant, when your Mercantile skill is high enough to invest in a shop, the option to invest 500 gold will appear in his dialogue selections. It is a waste of money, though, as Enilroth cannot buy or sell items. | UOP |
Oblivion:Erandur-Vangaril | You will only be able to fight Erandur-Vangaril if your character is at least level 23 when you first enter Lost Boy's Hidden Bastion. At lower levels, Erandur-Vangaril will still appear in Lost Boy Cavern, but as a harmless ghost with whom you will be unable to interact in any way. This status is permanent, so even if you later return to the cave after your character has reached level 23, it will remain impossible to fight Erandur-Vangaril. | UOP |
Oblivion:Erandur-Vangaril | Since a standard Lich has a health of 15 times the level of the player, it seems Erandur-Vangaril's health of 15 is a bug caused by the failure to tick the "PC Level Offset" box in the CS. | UOP |
Oblivion:Etira Moslin | Etira is one of the few merchants in the game who does not have a merchant chest and therefore keeps her entire stock of merchandise on her person. She will wear the best quality items in her inventory, including enchanted items purchased from the player. One implication is that items she offers for sale can instead be pickpocketed from her. Another implication is that any items you sell her will never disappear: if you need quick cash, you can sell her items you may later need, then return and buy them back (although other merchants with this glitch, such as Hamlof Red-Tooth or Sinderion, provide much better deals). | UOP |
Oblivion:Eugal Belette | Even though Eugal spends a lot of time in the basement, he actually doesn't go into the locked room. He will spend all his time on top of the stairs, doing absolutely nothing. | UOP |
Oblivion:Evangeline Beanique | Evangeline is supposed to sleep between midnight and 6am but since she has ownership of no bed in the room, she ends up standing by Ocato's double bed for the package's duration instead. This actually makes the related quest harder to complete since she is always on the look-out and close to the fireplace. | UOP |
Oblivion:Falcar | Despite belonging to the Necromancer class, he will only ever be able to cast one novice-level Destruction spell. This is because all his magic skills are set to 8 and the other Necromancer major-leveled Destruction, Restoration, and two Summon spells are all at least apprentice level. | UOP |
Oblivion:Fathis Aren | Fathis also appears to own all of the containers and the alchemical apparatus found in the exterior of Fort Caractacus. This is probably a mistake and the ownership should have been Ancotar's, who lives there. | UOP |
Oblivion:Fathis Aren | Between midday and 2pm, he is supposed to visit the Lucky Old Lady, and wander around near the statue. The conditions for this behavior seem to be designed to keep him away from the statue while the Dark Brotherhood descend to the Night Mother's crypt, but they are incorrect. The condition specifies that he only visits if Following a Lead hasn't reached stage 30, and Honor Thy Mother is at least at stage 100: in other words, you must have completed the Dark Brotherhood quest line but not yet found the Traitor's Diary. Since this is an impossible combination, he never makes the visit. | UOP |
Oblivion:Fathis Aren | Fathis should also sleep in his bed between midnight and 6am; however, because of a loading order problem, the package is never actually activated. | UOP |
Oblivion:Fathis Ules | Fathis sleeps in Dul gro-Shug's house due to a design flaw. He clearly should have been marked to sleep in his own house, but Dul gro-Shug's house is right above it in the Construction Set and the wrong cell was chosen. This mistake will make life much harder for Fathis; he doesn't have the key to Dul's house, and will have to wait from 5am to 6am in front of the door until Dul unlocks it. When he is finally inside the house, Fathis will end up waiting outside the locked Private Quarters instead of sleeping. Also, in the evenings, depending on how you use the fast-travel and wait features, Fathis can often be found locked inside Dul's house. This is due to the logic used by the game engine which ignores locked doors in some instances and places him in Dul's house with no way to get out. | UOP |
Oblivion:Fathis Ules | Fathis will not offer his services inside Dareloth's house because he's leashed to the upstairs door (with a range that easily covers the entire house). | UOP |
Oblivion:Fathis Ules | After Sins of the Father is completed, Fathis stays in Chorrol for the rest of the game due to a poorly-designed AI schedule that prioritizes staying in Chorrol even after the quest has finished. | UOP |
Oblivion:Fathis Ules | Whichever option you choose to finish Sins of the Father, once the quest is completed you will be unable to barter with Fathis. | UOP |
Oblivion:Fathis Ules | There are a number of bugs in Fathis' schedule, leading to him only offering services at the times listed above. | UOP |
Oblivion:Ferrum | Ferrum was supposed to eat for five hours in the Great Hall, starting at 8pm. However, the conditions on the package specify that it will only occur if you haven't started Paradise and have finished Light the Dragonfires. Because the two conditions are obviously conflicting, he will simply wander around the Armory. | UOP |
Oblivion:Fighters Guild Porter | The Fighters Guild Porter in Chorrol does not offer repair services. This is because there is a guild member (Sabine Laul) that already repairs armor, but she is not usually found in the guild hall. | UOP |
Oblivion:Fingers of the Mountain | In your journal, this quest is identified as "Fingers of the Mountain"; the final part of the quest (returning to Cloud Top to obtain the spell) is identified as "Fingers of the Mountain, Part II". It functions as the Chorrol Recommendation quest, however. | UOP |
Oblivion:Fingers of the Mountain | This method of saving the book takes advantage of a glitch with the burned body. | UOP |
Oblivion:Fingers of the Mountain | If you choose to give Teekeeus the book, it may not be apparent that you have completed the Chorrol Recommendation for the Mages Guild. The quest marker for Join the Mages Guild will continue to point at Teekeeus, making it seem that you still need to talk to him. This is because the quest does not remove the target on Teekeeus unless Fingers of the Mountain, Part II has been advanced to Stage 100, rather than Part I. However, Raminus Polus should grant you access to the Arcane University if all other recommendations have been obtained. | UOP |
Oblivion:Fingers of the Mountain | After completing this quest, you may hear rumors from other Chorrol citizens stating "I saw Earana leaving town. She looked very excited." This is untrue as she can still be found either at the Gray Mare or near the Great Oak. | UOP |
Oblivion:Fort Pale Pass | Shortly after you enter the Mouth of the Serpent, there is a gate with a chest visible behind it. Possibly due to a design flaw, you can never reach this chest unless you toggle collision off via the console. There is only random treasure in the chest; there are no unusual or quest-related items in it. | UOP |
Oblivion:Fort Sutch | There was originally a city named Sutch at this location. While it was removed before release, the fort and the Oblivion gate remained. This can be seen in the surrounding area's terrain, which is unusually flat and sparse compared to the rest of the Gold Coast. In addition, there are two references to the "city" of Sutch in journal entries for the Fighters Guild quests Mystery at Harlun's Watch and The Wandering Scholar. | UOP |
Oblivion:Fort Sutch | Entering the area FortSutchExterior02 will trigger a dungeon soundtrack rather than the wilderness track that would be expected. |
Oblivion:Fortify Skill | Fortify Mercantile to 75 will bestow the invest in store perk. | UOP |
Oblivion:Gable the Traitor | Gable The Traitor is notably not apart of the Undead faction, which could cause him to get attacked by the other wraiths. | UOP |
Oblivion:Gaspar Stegine | Gaspar's second reading time seems quite short; it is supposed to last until 8pm, but his sleep AI takes precedence and makes sure that he stops at 6pm. | UOP |
Oblivion:Gaspar Stegine | His prepotent sleeping AI also ensures that a package called PracticeIllusionSpellsAfternoon , which should last from 8pm until 11pm, is never chosen. |
Oblivion:Gemellus Axius | Gemellus is supposed to eat breakfast at 6am but has two AI packages defined for this time, so he merely walks around the dinner table instead. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Apparel | †† The "Battlehunter Helmet" has the appearance of a Chainmail Helmet when worn by female characters, but otherwise is based on an Orcish Helmet. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Apparel | ††† The "Greaves of the Warmonger" have the appearance of Chainmail Greaves when worn by female characters, but otherwise are based on Orcish Greaves. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Apparel | † The Petty and Lesser enchantments are the same for some reason. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Apparel | † As discussed on the Alchemy page, there is absolutely no benefit to wearing a Fortify Alchemy enchanted item. Potions created both with and without such enchantments end up at equal potency, and the number of available effects on ingredients depends only on your base Alchemy skill, regardless of enchantments. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Apparel | † The petty enchantment for Armorer is actually a 10 point enchantment, i.e., identical to the grand enchantment. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Apparel | † The grand enchantment for Fortify Athletics is 20 pts, instead of the 10 pts used for most grand Fortify Skill enchantments | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Apparel | † If this item is dropped, it floats where dropped and becomes unusable. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Apparel | ††† The greater enchantment for Fortify Security is 10 pts in magnitude, i.e., identical to the grand enchantment. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Apparel | The Mountaineer's Shield occupies the tail equipment slot as well as the shield slot. As a result, the Mountaineer's Shield can not be equipped simultaneously with the Weaponbane Cuirass, which is the only other item in the game to use the tail slot (without third-party mods). | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Apparel | § On female characters, the Darksplitter Helmet appears as a Chainmail Helmet when equipped, although it still has the stats appropriate to an Orcish Helmet. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Apparel | †† The magnitudes of the enchantments on the "Grand Ring of Retribution" and the "Ring of Retribution" are out of order. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Apparel | † The magnitudes of the enchantments on the "Grand Amulet of Reflection" and the "Amulet of Reflection" are out of order. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Apparel | †† The "Fire Ritual Greaves" have the appearance of Chainmail Greaves when worn by female characters, but otherwise are based on Orcish Greaves. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Apparel | ††† The magnitudes of the enchantments on the "Grand Ring of Firewalking" and the "Ring of Firewalking" are out of order. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Apparel | †† The magnitudes of the enchantments on the "Grand Ring of the North" and the "Ring of the North" are out of order. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Apparel | ††† The magnitudes of the enchantments on the "Grand Ring of Nihilism" and the "Ring of Nihilism" are out of order. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Apparel | * The "Weaponbane Cuirass" occupies the tail equipment slot as well as the upper body slot. As a result, the Weaponbane Cuirass can not be equipped simultaneously with the Mountaineer's Shield, which is the only other item in the game to use the tail slot (without third-party mods). | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Apparel | † This ring should have a Resist Normal Weapons enchantment like the other Steelskin rings, but it doesn't. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Apparel | †† The "Greaves of the Unstoppable" have the appearance of Chainmail Greaves when worn by female characters, but otherwise are based on Orcish Greaves. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Apparel | ††† The magnitudes of the enchantments on the "Grand Ring of Freedom" and the "Ring of Freedom" are out of order. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Apparel | † If this item is dropped, it floats where dropped and becomes unusable. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Apparel | †† The "Magekiller Greaves" have the appearance of Chainmail Greaves when worn by female characters, but otherwise are based on Orcish Greaves. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Apparel | ††† The magnitudes of the enchantments on the "Grand Amulet of Absorption" and the "Amulet of Absorption" are out of order. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Weapons | Although presumably intended to be blunt weapons, these are instead categorized as blade weapons. Damage and experience will therefore be based on your Blade skill. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Weapons | The "War Axe of Depletion" is not enchanted although it was clearly intended to be. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Weapons | Although the full name of this weapon is "Akaviri Warhammer Burden", there is only enough room in your inventory to display "Akaviri Warhammer". Also, it is not obvious why it is called an "Akaviri" warhammer, since the design of the warhammer is dwarven, and it is not used in any akaviri-specific circumstances. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Weapons | Despite the name, the enchantment on the "Claymore of Jinxing" is 40 pts. Unfortunately, the total enchantment on the sword is not similarly increased, so this one runs out of charge a lot faster. A minor discrepancy. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Weapons | The speed, reach, and damage of the "Mace of Decay" are atypical for maces (speed=0.7, reach=1.3, damage=26 vs typical values of 0.9, 1.0, and 16, respectively) and more typical of a two-handed warhammer. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Weapons | The "War Axe of Sapping" is not enchanted although it was clearly intended to be. It is only used by Orc Adventurers. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Weapons | The "Warhammer of Sapping" is not actually available in game because it was not added to any leveled lists. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Weapons | "Tempest" is not actually available in game because it was not added to any leveled lists. | UOP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Weapons | The "War Axe of Beguilement" is not available in game because it was not added to any leveled lists. | UOP |
Oblivion:Gilgondorin | If the quest Through A Nightmare, Darkly has not been started, Gilgondorin will reply to the Bravil dialogue topic by stating "My neighbor, Dro'shanji, is worried. He's seen creatures around the house lately. Why don't you talk to Dro'shanji, see if you can help?" but no further information about the creatures can be found. This seems to be the introduction to an Unfinished Quest that was cut from the final game. | UOP |
Oblivion:Giovanni Civello | Giovanni was supposed to be much more active as a guard and more or less take over Adamus Phillida's duties, but his LegionCommanderInOffice package is on top of the list and causes his patrol packages to be overridden. |
Oblivion:Glarthir | After your investigation on David Surilie, Glarthir was supposed to comment on the "ringleader", but the List of Death dialogue always takes precedence: "I knew he was the ringleader of the whole conspiracy! You may have helped save my life!" (listen) | UOP |
Oblivion:Glarthir | After your secret meetings with Glarthir, and because his Chapel package runs past midnight, the AI gets confused and will send Glarthir back to the Chapel the moment he enters his house, ready to progress the quest. This basically means that the quest can be completed successfully in only one night. | UOP |
Oblivion:Glarthir | If you kill any of the suspects before Glarthir has asked you to spy on them, the quest will end, and Glarthir will wait for you behind the Chapel between 10pm and 2am indefinitely. | UOP |
Oblivion:Glarthir | Because Bernadette and Toutius are automatically added to a nonexistent List of Death when you confirm them as conspirators to Glarthir, killing any of them will forward the quest to either stage 51 or 53, making Glarthir hand over the final reward much quicker than intended. | UOP |
Oblivion:Glarthir | The iron battle axe in the cupboard on the second floor of Glarthir's house is one of the items affected by Duplicate Respawning Items glitch. | UOP |
Oblivion:Glarthir | If Glarthir is killed during the quest, residents of Skingrad may continue to talk about him as if he were alive. | UOP |
Oblivion:Go Fish | Some players encounter a problem where the quest marker is stuck pointing at the location of the fish that has just been killed. | UOP |
Oblivion:Go Fish | A fish sometimes spawns out of the water or stuck inside a rock in the lake, making it difficult or impossible to attack it. | UOP |
Oblivion:Go Fish | Some of the Rumare Slaughterfish spawns are not initially disabled properly which can lead to the quest incorrectly updating stages if the player picks up the scales from the corpses. This will then cause other stages to misfire, leading to the quest not enabling new targets when it should. | UOP |
Oblivion:Go Fish | After you finish the quest, you can pickpocket Aelwin and take back the Rumare Slaughterfish Scales, but doing so is not recommended as they are still classified as quest items and can't be sold or removed from your inventory. They will also be stuck in your inventory if you happen to collect the scales but Aelwin dies before you can hand them over. | UOP |
Oblivion:Go Fish | Aelwin's retirement savings chest was supposed to contain a minimum of 500 gold (a fixed amount combined with a leveled amount), but due to an engine bug the 500 never appears, only the much smaller leveled amount. | UOP |
Oblivion:Go Fish | Each time you ask Aelwin "Where are your savings?", a copy of his key is added to his inventory, meaning he can end up with several copies. | UOP |
Oblivion:Goblin Trouble | Totem staves have been known to fall into the ground or have an appearance of 'floating' above the ground. Each time the section of the cave is loaded, the danger of one of these two glitches occurring increases. | UOP |
Oblivion:Graman gro-Marad | After the quest, Graman stays aboard the Bloated Float 24 hours a day. | UOP |
Oblivion:Graman gro-Marad | He was supposed to sleep in his house between midnight and 6am, but will never enter the private quarters. | UOP |
Oblivion:Gray Cowl of Nocturnal | While wearing the Gray Cowl, be careful doing any quest where your equipment is forcibly removed from your inventory (see this page for a complete list of such quests and more information). If the Gray Cowl is equipped when your equipment is removed, your character will permanently acquire all of the Cowl's effects (including the bounty and infamy) | UOP |
Oblivion:Gunder | Two AI packages with Gunder's name were never added to the character. These would have seen Gunder take a two-hour walk around Skingrad at 4am and head to the The Great Chapel of Julianos for two hours of worship at 8pm. | UOP |
Oblivion:Gureryne Selvilo | Gureryne will repeatedly activate the Shrine of Talos when he receives his daily blessing there. | UOP |
Oblivion:Hame | One of the Welkynd Stones in the second zone is far outside the accessible area. | UOP |
Oblivion:Hannibal Traven | It is possible to interrupt Traven's soul trap spell in the final quest, in which case he will walk around as normal. You will have to pickpocket the items from him, as he will be flagged as essential and assaulting him will get you suspended (although it is worth noting that these items are not actually needed to complete the quest). When you return from killing Mannimarco he will have vanished. This can affect whether or not you receive the Arch-Mage achievement for Xbox 360 players. | UOP |
Oblivion:Hannibal Traven | If you ask Hannibal Traven about rumors, it's possible he may say "I've not always been happy with the standards of the conduct in the Mages Guild, but Hannibal Traven's reforms are quite encouraging." which is an odd thing for him to say, as Traven is talking in third person, as well as somewhat insulting the Mages Guild conduct. | UOP |
Oblivion:Hans Black-Nail | Oddly, while at the Chapel, Hans will stand next to the altar of Arkay, but will actually receive the blessings from the altar of Talos from the opposite side of the room. | UOP |
Oblivion:Hassiri | Hassiri was supposed to sleep every night between midnight and 6am, but unfortunately, Ra'Jiradh claims ownership over the only available double bed, causing him to wander around on the ground floor all night. | UOP |
Oblivion:Henantier | Henantier has a whole schedule which is never activated, since it is located at the bottom of his AI list. Following this schedule, he would sleep in his bed from midnight to 6am and spend four hours wandering indoors before wandering around the center of Bravil for ten hours. At 8pm, he would head to Silverhome on the Water and eat there for two hours, before returning home, where he would wander for another two hours before going to sleep. | UOP |
Oblivion:Hermaeus Mora | "Do not cast the soul trap spell on two different beings (or twice on the same being) within the 120 second time-frame of the spell. This will cause the spell to stop functioning correctly on all future casts regardless of whether or not you kill the NPC upon which you double-cast. If you are not able to soul trap one of the races because the spell has stopped functioning, for whatever reason, several workarounds have been suggested. | UOP |
Oblivion:Hieronymus Lex | Lex patrols the smithy in Castle Anvil every day from 10am to noon, but while the Gray Fox is in the great hall with the Countess, he switches to patrolling there if this takes place between 10am and noon. It is likely that he was meant to patrol the great hall except for when the Gray Fox is there, though this has been reversed due to a bug. | UOP |
Oblivion:High Chancellor Ocato | Due to what appears to be a bug, during the Allies for Bruma quest, High Chancellor Ocato will head towards his quarters and stay there until the player leaves the Imperial City Palace, at which point he will move back to just inside the main palace doors. It seems likely that this is backwards, and that he should begin to move towards the doors when the player enters the Imperial City Palace instead and move back to his quarters once the player has finished speaking with him. | UOP |
Oblivion:High Chancellor Ocato | It appears that Ocato was meant to sleep from 12am to 8am in his chambers, but due to a bug he never does. | UOP |
Oblivion:Highwayman | If you choose to pay a Highwayman when robbed, no gold will actually be removed from your inventory. | UOP |
Oblivion:Hlidara Mothril | Hlidara will not enter Mahei's house on Turdas because the door is owned by the Mahei Family faction, to which she doesn't belong. | UOP |
Oblivion:Honditar's House | If you steal the six steel arrows and keep clicking them in your inventory, they will keep multiplying. This exploit will stop working if you drop them. | UOP |
Oblivion:Honor Thy Mother | When you speak to the Night Mother after looting the crypt, it is possible to obtain multiple Blades of Woe. Tell her you are ready to leave and she will place it in your inventory. When the screen zooms out before loading, very quickly interact with her again to acquire another one. Rinse and repeat. | UOP |
Oblivion:Houses | Warning: Immediately selling the upgrade papers after having bought them from the merchant (without ever exiting the conversation) prevents the new upgrades from ever appearing in the house. Furthermore, the upgrades will not reappear in the merchant's sales list, since you "gave" away the no-cost notes. | UOP |
Oblivion:Ida Vlinorman | Ida Vlinorman's trip to Chorrol is interfered with at 9am on both days because of the IdaVlinormanVisitChorrolArena package; this is a leftover from when Chorrol had an Arena. Because all betting activities now take place in the Imperial City Arena, Ida will take the long trip back to her hometown. Additionally, she was supposed to spend eight hours there, but because the package conditions are set to Chorrol, she will only visit the Arena briefly, then travel all the way back to The Grey Mare. |
Oblivion:Illegal Cargo | There's a bug that makes you unable to pick up the captain's note after dropping it on the ground. | UOP |
Oblivion:Imperial Corruption | When the two witnesses set off to testify to Itius Hayn at 8am, they will both give up the search around 9am, never reaching Itius. However, as each of them abandons the search, the game will act as though they had successfully found Itius and testified. Once both witnesses have tried and failed to find Itius, the quest will update to stage 90 and Itius will find and arrest Audens. Thus, this bug does not block the completion of the quest. | UOP |
Oblivion:Imperial Corruption | If Audens attacks the player when there are any guards nearby, this will usually result in the player getting an assault bounty (40 gold) and being attacked by the guards as well. This is caused by a bug where even though he's removed from the Guard class when he's arrested, the code often doesn't take effect. | UOP |
Oblivion:Imperial Corruption | The above bug may also cause Audens Avidius to continue to have the ability to arrest your character after he has been put in jail, if your character has a bounty. | UOP |
Oblivion:Imperial Corruption | If Servatius Quintilius has died for any reason, the quest marker will point you to the spot where he died. You can still continue the quest as usual by finding Itius Hayn; during the day he patrols throughout the Imperial City, but at night he will always be in the northwest watchtower between the Talos Plaza and Elven Gardens districts. | UOP |
Oblivion:Imperial Corruption | The note you find on Audens' body is one of the few things that doesn't adjust to the sex of your character. It always says "...poke his nose..." | UOP |
Oblivion:Imperial Corruption | There is a bug with An Unexpected Voyage which can make Servatius appear in Imperial City, before Lex is sent to Anvil. If you completed the Unexpected Voyage before this quest and at stage 20 you talk to Servatius he'll update you to stage 30 and send you to Lex. | UOP |
Oblivion:Imperial Corruption | Killing Audens yourself after he escapes from jail is supposed to give the player an additional fame point and set the quest to stage 120. Due to a scripting error, Audens is always assumed to have been killed by something other than the player, which sets the stage to 119. That additional fame point and stage 120 are impossible to obtain without using the console. | UOP |
Oblivion:Imperial Dragon Armor | There is no female version of the armor, meaning that both genders look the same while wearing it. | UOP |
Oblivion:Imperial Dragon Armor | There is a chance that after 2 weeks the quest will not update. | UOP |
Oblivion:Imperial Legion Forester | One notable quirk with the Foresters' AI is their tendency to get into fights with other Legion members. Whenever a Forester hunts for a deer (i.e., whenever a deer passes by), any nearby guards or Legion members (including any other Foresters) will chase and attack the Forester. The two NPCs will invariably fight to the death. One place where fights between Foresters are particularly common is west of Bruma, near Applewatch, where two Foresters patrol fairly close to each other. | UOP |
Oblivion:Infiltration | If you knock out the three Blackwood Company Guards they will not appear at Water's Edge, and you can't continue with the quest. | UOP |
Oblivion:Infiltration | If you are riding a horse when you are transported to Modryn's house, the horse will be transported with you still on top of it, becoming permanently stuck inside. | UOP |
Oblivion:Information at a Price | The vampire dust that you pick up from the vampires in Bloodcrust Cavern cannot be traded for gold with the Order of the Virtuous Blood, although it can be turned into regular vampire dust using the Arch-Mage's Enchanted Chest and then sold. | UOP |
Oblivion:Information at a Price | If you kill the vampires on your own after talking to Eridor about them, you will be unable to subsequently convince him to leave. Thus, you must kill him. To avoid this, wait until you notice the map markers of the hunters in Bloodcrust Cavern, and then proceed to either help them, murder them, or let them be killed by the vampires. | UOP |
Oblivion:Information Gathering | The Amulet of Interrogation provided as a reward for this quest is a leveled item, but the levels are out of order. You will receive the best amulet if you are between levels 5 and 9, and becomes less powerful once you reach level 10. You should try to complete this quest before level 10. However, keep in mind that one of the earlier Fighters Guild quests -namely, Mystery at Harlun's Watch - is also glitched, and doing this quest after level 10 nets you the best reward. It is to your advantage to decide which item you like best, and do the quests either before or after level 10. See Quest Timing for an overview of all the Fighters Guild quests with unusual leveled items. | UOP |
Oblivion:Information Gathering | If you use a spell or an item with the Damage Fatigue effect, Ajum-Kajin will be knocked down, then will stand up. He will not sit down again and you cannot talk to him. The only way to complete the quest is to kill him, sacrificing the reward. | UOP |
Oblivion:Irene Metrick | NPCs seem to confuse her with Ida Vlinorman and her acrobatic abilities, as the NPCs' rumors often state that Irene "moves with such grace" or that she "jumped clear across a table once". | UOP |
Oblivion:Istrius Brolus' House | The name of the house is misspelled as "Istrius" as compared to its owner's name, "Istirus". | UOP |
Oblivion:Ita Rienus | While she was supposed to train in the basement all day long until 6pm, another wandering script will prevail and cut off the spell-casting one. | UOP |
Oblivion:Itius Hayn | When the first of the two witnesses approaches him, Itius was supposed to respond with "Thank you for coming forward, citizen." The second testimony should have made him comment "This is the second complaint against Audens. I will personally go and arrest him." Both victims were supposed to start the conversation with: "I'd like to report a crime. Watch Captain Avidius stole all my money while I was shopping in Jensine's Merchandise." Indeed, both Ruslan and Luronk gro-Glurzog will set off to find Itius at 8am the morning after you have convinced them to testify. However, due to a glitch, the two victims will both give up the search for Itius around 9am, before they reach him, and when they give up the game will update as if they had reached Itius. | UOP |
Oblivion:Jakben Imbel's House | Do not steal the Boots of Springheel Jak before the related quest. This will cause the quest to update and the Gray Fox to appear in Ganredhel's house. It will also break prerequisite quests in several ways and will prevent you from completing the quest line. | UOP |
Oblivion:Jantus Brolus | Fellow citizens often refer to her as male, despite the fact that she is clearly female. | UOP |
Oblivion:Janus Hassildor | In Ulterior Motives, if you have almost completed the quest (quest stage 40, after surviving the ambush and being told the full story by Janus, but before returning to Raminus Polus to complete the quest), Janus will always greet you with "I've said all there is to be said. Trouble me no more." He will refuse to say anything else. This greeting will take precedence over all other greetings and will therefore prevent any progress in other quests. To fix the problem, you need to talk with Raminus Polus and complete the Ulterior Motives quest. | UOP |
Oblivion:Janus Hassildor | In Vampire Cure, if you have almost completed the quest (quest stage 80, while Janus is grieving for his dead wife), Janus will greet you with "Please, go." He will refuse to say anything else. To fix the problem, you normally can just wait 24 hours. If he is still uncooperative after 24 hours, see the suggestions at Vampire Cure Bugs. | UOP |
Oblivion:Jauffre | If Jauffre dies, for example during Defense of Bruma, his body will never disappear because it is tagged as a "Quest Item". | UOP |
Oblivion:Jeanne Frasoric | Between 10pm and midnight, she will go to sleep, then wander around, then go to sleep again. This goes on until midnight, where she finally calms down and stays in the bed. | UOP |
Oblivion:Jean-Pierre Lemonds | Despite possessing arrows and frequently going hunting, Jean-Pierre has no bow. | UOP |
Oblivion:Jearl | Jearl and Saveri share the same bed, which means that one of them has to wander around the house while the other one is sleeping. | UOP |
Oblivion:Jensine | On Tirdas and Turdas, Jensine is supposed to go looking for Fathis Ules, but instead simply gets up from her chair and stands around doing nothing. This would seem to be because her AI package is a "Find" rather than "Accompany" or perhaps "Follow". | UOP |
Oblivion:Jensine | Even upon completing the Imperial Corruption quest, she will still say her farewell saying she will deny speaking out against Audens. | UOP |
Oblivion:Jesan Rilian | The following two lines of recorded dialogue do not appear in the game: "I knew Captain Matius would get us through this. He'd be up for a commendation, if anyone were left to issue it." was meant as a greeting related to the second quest but was wrongfully programmed to appear after the quest ended and "I've never seen anything like this. It's horrible, just horrible. I'm just going to keep my head down, and follow my orders." was his description of Kvatch, but this topic can never be chosen. | UOP |
Oblivion:Jhared Strongblade | Sometimes he will welcome you as a new member even when you are not a Knight of the Thorn. | UOP |
Oblivion:J'mhad's House | The key to the house cannot be found on J'mhad or anywhere else in the game. | UOP |
Oblivion:Karinnarre | The only one of Karinnarre's AI packages that allows her to trade her wares is the one that runs during the Defense of Bruma during the brief time when Martin starts leaving the chapel to when he passes through Bruma's east gate. | UOP |
Oblivion:Keld of the Isles | Keld's brief trip down to the basement is an abortive attempt to start sparring practice. He is supposed to spend four hours sparring with melee weapons but his AI package is set up as a "Find" instead of "Use Item". If the package were correct, it would instead override his trip to Newlands Lodge - a case of one bug preventing another bug happening. | UOP |
Oblivion:King of Miscarcand | If you don't kill the King of Miscarcand during the related quest, he and his two Zombie Guardians will pursue you anywhere in Cyrodiil, making you unable to sleep, wait or fast travel, because the game always states there are enemies nearby. See the quest page for details, including fixes. | UOP |
Oblivion:Knights of the White Stallion (quest) | For several different reasons, Brugo will often fail to retrieve his gold and instead wander randomly around Telepe. | UOP |
Oblivion:Kud-Ei | When talking about Kud-Ei, Cyrodiil citizens will wrongfully claim that "Kud-Ei runs a tight ship in Bruma." | UOP |
Oblivion:Lazy Kaslowyn | He, along with Nermus the Mooch, only has an Al package to find food, not to eat it, even if there is food in his sack, thus he will just stroll near his bedroll until his bedtime. | UOP |
Oblivion:Lerexus Callidus | Lerexus is one of the few named NPCs who will respawn if killed. This is probably due to being based on the guard's NPC record that has the respawn flag enabled; other named guards were similarly overlooked. | UOP |
Oblivion:Leveled Item Quests | † These Items must be turned in to complete the quest. | UOP |
Oblivion:Leveled Item Quests | †† These items are leveled in an odd manner, making the best version an intermediate leveled version. In addition, it is impossible to get both the best Amulet of Interrogation and the best Mind and Body Ring, due to the timing of the quests and the improper way that the items are leveled. | UOP |
Oblivion:Leveled Item Quests | ± These items are not leveled correctly. The Necromancer's Amulet is leveled off of Caranya, who is always level 30. Thus the player will always get the best version. Although Redwave is a leveled item, all versions are identical. | UOP |
Oblivion:Leveled Spells | Because of a glitch, only the apprentice level spell is available; it is available when wearing the version of the helm that is acquired at levels 1 to 4. | UOP |
Oblivion:Leyawiin Recommendation | Do not leave Fort Blueblood without encountering and talking to Kalthar. He should come running at you right after you retrieve the amulet. If you leave beforehand, you will not be able to give the amulet to Dagail. If you speak to Dagail back at the guild, she will say that 'nothing has changed'. If you try to return to Kalthar, the door is locked, meaning you cannot continue the quest. | UOP |
Oblivion:Leyawiin Recommendation | Wearing Necromancer's Robes when Kalthar confronts you will result in him telling you to take them off instead of his normal dialogue, resulting in the bug mentioned above. | UOP |
Oblivion:Leyawiin Recommendation | The coffin containing "Manduin's Amulet" in Fort Blueblood will respawn after three days, meaning that it is possible to go back to the fort multiple times and retrieve multiple copies of the amulet. | UOP |
Oblivion:Lifting the Vale | The quest reward, Ring of the Vipereye can never be dropped. Also, in certain quests that remove your inventory, if you are wearing it, it will not be returned with the rest of your inventory, but its enchantment will be applied to you as a permanent effect. | UOP |
Oblivion:Lifting the Vale | If you steal the Akaviri Orders which is next to the Madstone in the display case after the quest, it will still be marked as a quest item, and can only be removed via console commands. | UOP |
Oblivion:Lifting the Vale | A Wraith that is supposed to spawn after picking up the Madstone may spawn early, causing the Commander to attack and/or run around the room, since he's unable to pass the hidden door. This makes it impossible to continue the quest, until the situation is resolved. Killing him will cause the quest to continue as normal. Attacking the Wraith and exiting the room may cause it follow you through the door; after killing it and returning to the room, you may speak to the Commander as normal. | UOP |
Oblivion:Light the Dragonfires | There are various methods of bypassing Dagon's programmed immortality and killing him yourself. If you do, because he has no death animation, his body will collapse straight downward as though melting. Additionally, he will continue to attack as if he were alive. | UOP |
Oblivion:Light the Dragonfires | Do not close the door in the Imperial Palace when you go to Ocato. If you do, the Imperial Legion messenger will not be able to reach Ocato, leaving you motionless. | UOP |
Oblivion:Logvaar | Logvaar was supposed to sleep from 2am to 8am, but several errors prevent him from doing so: his 6pm-2am greeting is missing its duration so overrides his sleep, there are no unused beds in the cell he was told to sleep in, the available beds in the basement are all owned by Jerall View's publican rather than the inn's faction that he's a member of, and the beds are behind similarly owned locked doors. | UOP |
Oblivion:Lord Lovidicus | Despite being a vampire, he does not leave Vampire Dust on his corpse, nor can you contract Porphyric Hemophilia from fighting him. | UOP |
Oblivion:Lost Boy Cavern | If you are not yet level 23, do not enter the last zone of this cavern, Lost Boy's Hidden Bastion, unless you are willing to never fight Erandur-Vangaril. If you enter the bastion at lower levels, you will be unable to attack or interact in any way with Erandur-Vanagaril — even if you later return at a higher level. | UOP |
Oblivion:Lucien Lachance | When asked about "Rumors" in his initial contact with you, he will respond with the standard, "Dear Brother/Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them." dialogue even though you are not yet a member of the Dark Brotherhood. | UOP |
Oblivion:Lucien Lachance | While you are on the quest Through A Nightmare, Darkly, Lucien can appear in the Dreamworld. | UOP |
Oblivion:Lum gro-Baroth | There is only one available bedroll in the basement, so either Lum or Sabine Laul will have to wander around all night long. | UOP |
Oblivion:Luronk gro-Glurzog | Luronk was supposed to reach Itius Hayn during Imperial Corruption to testify against Audens Avidius. He will start to look for Itius at 8am the morning after the player has convinced him to, however due to a bug he will give up the search around 9am, never reaching Itius. Once he gives up the search, the game will act like he has reached Itius. Since he will never actually reach Itius, his testimony will never be heard in-game: "I'd like to report a crime. Watch Captain Avidius stole all my money while I was shopping in Jensine's Merchandise." (listen) | UOP |
Oblivion:Lyra Rosentia | When asked about Bruma, Hafid Hollowleg may state that: "Lyra Rosentia collects Akaviri artifacts. She might have a project in mind. Her house is west of the chapel." However, there is no quest connected to Lyra. | UOP |
Oblivion:Mace of Molag Bal | Since the Absorb Strength effect has no duration, it does nothing. | UOP |
Oblivion:Maelona | She was also supposed to greet you differently if you had already heard about the Sirens from the townsfolk; however, the "hot water" dialogue takes precedence so this line is never heard: "Oh, you heard about that? We were trying to keep it quiet, but people in this city are far too nosy. Very well, since you said you want to help. I don't suppose you've heard all of the details about the gang of harlots running their little charade here in Anvil have you?" | UOP |
Oblivion:Mages Guild Suspension | If you are suspended from the Mages Guild while you are in the exterior portion of the Arcane University campus you will be stuck in there: the gates to the outside and the doors to the Arch-Mage's lobby are unpickable. If you are in any of the Arcane University buildings, you will be immediately teleported outside when you are suspended, but you will then be in the same situation of being unable to leave the Arcane University grounds. | UOP |
Oblivion:Maglir | If you are expelled from the Fighters Guild while doing the quest Den of Thieves (during which Maglir must follow you), Maglir may follow you around forever. | UOP |
Oblivion:Magra gro-Naybek | Due to his key not being tied to the basement door, Magra will often end up stuck in the basement. | UOP |
Oblivion:M'aiq the Liar | M'aiq's exploration AI pack can cause crashes on some setups near Kvatch. | UOP |
Oblivion:Maknok gro-Coblug | Maknok is supposed to sleep from 2am to 6am in the basement, but his default wander package takes precedence. | UOP |
Oblivion:Malacath | Due to an oversight, unlike all other Daedric Quests, Malacath's (and Namira's) quest must be successfully completed to count towards Hermaeus Mora's requirements. | UOP |
Oblivion:Malacath | If you do not kill all of the guards during this quest, they will follow you everywhere until either of you are dead. You may not see them, even for many days, but they will still be after you. If you are arrested at any time after this quest, you will find the surviving Bleak Mine guards waiting for you when you exit the prison. They will not be hostile unless you draw a weapon, at which point they will attack you, prompting a fight with other nearby NPCs. | UOP |
Oblivion:Marksman Training | Alawen checks if the player has exactly one, instead of at least one elven bow in inventory and won't agree to train otherwise; drop all but one elven bow if this is the situation. | UOP |
Oblivion:Marksman Training | Alawen's hunting often takes her too close to the unmarked Red Lane Camp west of Dasek Moor, where she can meet an unintended death. | UOP |
Oblivion:Maro Rufus | Maro was supposed to go to bed every night at 10pm, but his bedtime package only activates once he is done with his other evening activities, causing him to go to bed at midnight instead. He keeps the shop open on Sundas because there is no activity package for that particular evening, causing him to keep doing what he is doing; as a result, his bedtime package finally activates at 10pm like it was supposed to. | UOP |
Oblivion:Maro Rufus | Maro was also supposed to stroll around the Arboretum on Loredas. However, this package has the same conditions that oblige him to offer services. Since the package to offer services is before this on the list, he will never perform this action as the former will always take priority. | UOP |
Oblivion:May the Best Thief Win | If you manage to enter Amantius' house after Methredhel, and she has retrieved the journal, you can sneak up on her and pickpocket it off her. If you get then fast travel to the Waterfront, then, once you arrive, you will be told that Methredhel has beaten you in getting the diary. | UOP |
Oblivion:May the Best Thief Win | If you unlock the last cell on the side with two in the dungeon of Castle Leyawiin before this quest, Amusei will never show up, so the Thieves Guild questline won't start. As this is the cell that he will eventually occupy later in the questline, it will cause problems up until that point. If you find Amusei hiding behind the entry door in this dungeon in Sneak mode, then this has occurred. | UOP |
Oblivion:May the Best Thief Win | After the burglary, some locals (even Amantius Allectus himself) will say that Amantius Allectus was murdered during a burglary, even if he's still very much alive, due to an invalid check. | UOP |
Oblivion:May the Best Thief Win | If you pay the blood price after killing Rohssan and then steal her sword, your journal will update (see below step 80) even though you have completed the quest and you will be stuck with the cutlass as it is a quest item. | UOP |
Oblivion:Mazoga the Orc (quest) | If Weebam-Na is dead before Mazoga can speak to him, the quest will end in failure. Oddly enough, Count Caro will accuse you of being responsible for Mazoga's death, even though she is still alive and well in the hall. | UOP |
Oblivion:Melisande | Due to a minor error in scripting, Melisande will always be surprised when you hand her the Ashes of Hindaril, as if you killed him before the quest. This means that the dialogue: "Hindaril is destroyed? You are indeed a force to be reckoned with. I shall take the ashes; finally, some part of him can be put to a good use." is never used. | UOP |
Oblivion:Mephala | If you go back to Bleaker's Way after you completed the quest and kill the remaining family members, you'll still get a message that everybody in Bleaker's Way died and that you've spoiled Mephala's scheme. | UOP |
Oblivion:Mercantile | Unlike most skill perks, this perk becomes available if you fortify your mercantile skill to 75. | UOP |
Oblivion:Mercantile | There are several merchants you cannot invest in, including Calindil in Imperial City Market District, Ungarion in Bravil, Ernest Manis in the Talos Plaza District, and if you have the Wizard's Tower official plug-in, Aurelinwae in the Imperial City. | UOP |
Oblivion:Merchants | Aurelinwae at the Mystic Emporium; added by Wizard's Tower (Skill 6, 2000-2500 gold) - Aurelinwae has an exceptionally low Mercantile skill and more gold than any standard merchants. However, due to a bug her inventory doesn't reset, so after many items are sold loading her inventory may take a while. When you reach Master level in Mercantile, her gold will increase to 2500, however you cannot invest in her store. | UOP |
Oblivion:Merchants | You cannot invest in A Warlock's Luck | UOP |
Oblivion:Merchants | Due to a glitch, this item is not available in-game. | UOP |
Oblivion:Merchants | Due to a glitch, this item is not available in-game. | UOP |
Oblivion:Mind and Body Ring | The leveled effects of the ring are assigned out of conventional order: you receive the highest-level reward when you are under level 20. Therefore, if you complete Mystery at Harlun's Watch between levels 10 and 19 you will receive a better ring than later in the game. | UOP |
Oblivion:Minor Glitches | "Due to a glitch in physics, brush jars cannot be placed on their side. Attempting to place them in any other direction than face-up leads to them swinging back-and-forth in a pendulum motion until the jar is upright. | UOP |
Oblivion:Minor Glitches | "Installing any of the patches introduces a graphical glitch when displaying certain candlesticks. The candlesticks will appear as large gold-yellow triangles containing a gray-black exclamation point (only part of the exclamation point may be visible). The glitch does not directly alter gameplay other than being annoying and making it difficult to see. | UOP |
Oblivion:Minor Glitches | There are many rocks or plants that seem to float above the ground or mushrooms that float a little way from their tree. Several hundred of these are fixed by the Unofficial Oblivion Patch. | UOP |
Oblivion:Minor Glitches | If you leave a torch on the ground and leave that cell, when you return to the cell after a short time you will find that the torch is lit, but does not cast any light on nearby objects. | UOP |
Oblivion:Minor Glitches | After completing Misdirection, asking about rumors will cause some female elven NPCs to say "wait a minute let me do that one again" between two renditions of "I heard that thieves broke into the Arcane University, the Imperial Legion Compound, and the Temple, all on the same night!" Evidently the audio was not edited correctly. Affected NPCs include Thamriel and Palonirya, but specifically all female elves who are members of the Imperial City faction but are not beggars or in the Thieves Guild. (Listen) | UOP |
Oblivion:Minor Glitches | When you click on rumors for male Bretons in Anvil after Taking Care of Lex, they will say, "Lady Umbranox has hired a new captain of the guard." wrong, stopping at "Cap-" and starting over again. Affected NPCs include Norbert Lelles and Colin Stedrine. (Listen) | UOP |
Oblivion:Minor Glitches | "Spriggans. ""Nature's guardians"" my foot! Mean things. They'll curse you, or they might call a bear to tear you apart. | UOP |
Oblivion:Minor Glitches | ":I saw a wraith once. It threw a curse on me I'll never forget. | UOP |
Oblivion:Minor Glitches | The book Arcana Restored can be found in various places, e.g. Southern Books in Leyawiin. It states that it is possible to recharge magical items at Mana Fountains if you have the book and a gold nugget in your inventory. However, this does not work in Oblivion. This book is a carryover from Battlespire, but the associated scripts were not carried over into Oblivion. | UOP |
Oblivion:Minor Glitches | "Several unique items claim to fortify Alchemy. However, this effect does not have any advantages since the potions that the player makes while wearing these items have the same potency as they would if you were not wearing them. | UOP |
Oblivion:Miscarcand (quest) | It is possible to acquire the Great Welkynd Stone before reaching this part of the Main Quest. If you pick up the stone, it is permanently kept in your inventory as a quest item and Martin will immediately take it from you the next time you speak to him. However, giving both the Armor of Tiber Septim and the Great Welkynd Stone to Martin at the same time results in a glitch that, while not game-breaking, will be a great hindrance later on in the main quest. With both items in your inventory, there is no interruption in the dialogue between handing the two over, causing the script where Martin puts on his battle armor to be skipped. Because of this, Martin will head out to the Defense of Bruma battlefield still wearing his robes and armed with only an enchanted iron dagger. Keeping Martin alive during the ensuing battle becomes much more difficult as a result. | UOP |
Oblivion:Miscarcand (quest) | If you choose to run from the King of Miscarcand and his Zombie Guardians, they will continue to chase you throughout Cyrodiil. You cannot fast-travel, wait, or sleep, as the game claims that there are enemies nearby, even though you may be miles from Miscarcand or invisible. | UOP |
Oblivion:Miscellaneous Items | These jars cannot fall down on their side, and start acting strange when they do. | UOP |
Oblivion:Miscellaneous Items | You can make stairways out of them to get to places that are otherwise inaccessible. | UOP |
Oblivion:Mivryna Arano | Mivryna was supposed to take a two-hour lunch at midday; however, the AI package MivrynaEat12x2 is set to be carried out between 8pm and 10pm, which is when she is eating dinner. This causes her to simply revert to her generic wandering package instead. |
Oblivion:Molag Bal | In this quest, Petilius is not actually supposed to kill you. The game just waits for your Health to drop below 20 points (regardless of how that happens) and then teleports you back to the shrine. As long as Petilius is doing "normal" amounts of damage, your health should never fall below 0. But if Petilius deals more than 20 damage in a single hit and kills you outright, it is possible for your death and resurrection to be beset by bugs. The best way to avoid/fix all such problems is to reload a save from before Petilius attacks you. Note: Petilius will only do more than 11 points of damage per hit when he does a power attack or if the game's difficulty is higher than the default value. | UOP |
Oblivion:Morvayn's Peacemakers | Morvayn's apprentice, Enilroth, can also be found in the store. He should have been able to offer bartering and repairing services but he doesn't, due to a bug. | UOP |
Oblivion:Mystery at Harlun's Watch | There have been reports of finding the bodies and clearing the cave but never triggering the "all clear" message. | UOP |
Oblivion:Mystery at Harlun's Watch | Once you've entered Swampy Cave during this quest, do not leave until all of the trolls are dead and the quest update has appeared. The trolls are able to follow outside and may randomly run off into the wilderness and be difficult to find, leaving the quest unfinishable. | UOP |
Oblivion:Mystery at Harlun's Watch | The Mind and Body Ring is incorrectly leveled, causing it to be a better reward between levels 10-19 than at level 20 or above. The later Fighters Guild quest, Information Gathering has a similar glitch, but the object in this quest is better below level 10 than above it. Therefore, it is to your advantage to take a look at both rewards, decide which item you like better, and do the quests either above or below level 10. | UOP |
Oblivion:Mystery at Harlun's Watch | It is possible that even after you finish the quest, the people of Harlun's Watch will still say "Please... help us." as you walk by them. | UOP |
Oblivion:Nahsi | Her introductory dialogue contains an amusing typo, in which "martial arts" is replaced by "marital arts". | UOP |
Oblivion:Namira | Possibly due to an oversight, unlike all other Daedric Quests, Namira's (and Malacath's) quest must be successfully completed to count towards Hermaeus Mora's requirements. | UOP |
Oblivion:Namira | Also due to a likely oversight, unlike all other Daedric Quests, the player does not receive a Fame point on successful completion of this quest. | UOP |
Oblivion:Necromancer's Moon | The Handwritten Note found on the Worm Anchorite is permanently tagged as a Quest Item and therefore cannot be removed from your inventory after the quest. | UOP |
Oblivion:Nenalata | For level 1-4 characters, this ruin may be exceptionally challenging. At low levels, five of the skeletons encountered have a 50% chance of being Skeleton Guardians, which normally are not encountered until level 8, and probably were not meant to be present even in this ruin until level 5. However, a duplicate entry in the MS27LL1UndeadBones100 leveled list makes it possible for Skeleton Guardians to appear at level 1. Four of these super-difficult skeletons are in Nenalata Wendesel and one is in Nenalata Sel Aran Arpena |
Oblivion:Nerastarel's House | The type of ambient music for the ground floor of the house is "Dungeon", but for the bedroom, it is "Town". | UOP |
Oblivion:Nermus the Mooch | He, along with Lazy Kaslowyn, only has an Al package to find food not to eat it, even if there is food in his sack and thus he will just stroll near his bedroll until his bedtime. | UOP |
Oblivion:Next of Kin | Collatinus Vedius is scheduled to sleep from 10 pm until 6 am, but has no bed to sleep in, making Matthias more difficult to get to than was probably intended. | UOP |
Oblivion:Next of Kin | If you are simultaneously doing the Ahdarji's Heirloom quest for the Thieves Guild, you will have to pay the blood price after killing Sibylla, Caelia, or Matthias, despite the fact they have nothing to do with the Thieves Guild quest. | UOP |
Oblivion:Nord Winds | The Councilor's Hood's container is incorrectly attributed to S'Krivva in the Oblivion construction set, and therefore is not actually available for sale. | UOP |
Oblivion:Nothing You Can Possess | You will not get the appropriate dialogue options with Umbacano if you purchased the book Cleansing of the Fane instead of finding it, and if you have only read it from your inventory. Drop the book on the ground and read it from there in order to trigger the correct dialogue. | UOP |
Oblivion:Nothing You Can Possess | If you refuse to give Claude the carving, he will say, "As you wish. Too bad, I was just getting to like you. Kill him." The dialogue assumes that you are playing a male character and uses "him," even if your character is female, unlike most dialogues in the game. | UOP |
Oblivion:Novaroma | Although Karinnarre does not sell any goods, it is possible once you have reached Expert in Mercantile to invest in her "shop". | UOP |
Oblivion:Oghash gra-Magul | When handing the profits to Dulfish, Oghash is supposed to keep 100 gold for herself. She doesn't, and hands over all the cash. | UOP |
Oblivion:Oghma Infinium | Taking the Path of Spirit does not properly increase Willpower, because the script tries to raise it as a skill. | UOP |
Oblivion:Olav's Tap and Tack | Fights will frequently break out when guests try to eat at Olav's Tap and Tack. This is due to the fact that Olav's is owned by a faction consisting only of Olav and the guests were omitted from it. | UOP |
Oblivion:Order of the Virtuous Blood (quest) | After the quest is completed by killing Seridur, slaying Roland will result in a quest update saying: "I've slain Roland Jenseric, I should return to the Order and tell Seridur that my task is completed". | UOP |
Oblivion:Order of the Virtuous Blood (quest) | If you approach Ralsa Norvalo in her house to start this quest, it is possible for the door to be locked after you complete the conversation. If this happens, you need to Sneak to the door to unlock it (if she sees you you'll be reported). | UOP |
Oblivion:Order of the Virtuous Blood (quest) | If you kill Seridur and loot his body, he won't have any vampire dust on him. | UOP |
Oblivion:Order of the Virtuous Blood (quest) | Interestingly enough, Seridur does not belong to the Vampire or Undead factions. This means that the undead inhabitants of Memorial Cave are likely to attack him on sight. Seridur will generally win these fights, although he may take considerable damage. At higher levels, the leveled list may spawn Nether Liches, which will generally kill Seridur should they encounter him (The quest will still update if he is killed by undead). | UOP |
Oblivion:Order of the Virtuous Blood (quest) | It is possible to start this quest without any fame at all. Start the quest Canvas the Castle, then go talk to Ralsa Norvalo. She will then ask you to reconsider as if she had asked you before. The quest dialogue option is then available. | UOP |
Oblivion:Order of the Virtuous Blood (quest) | If you kill Roland Jenseric without first talking to him to receive the quest update to stage 70, the quest will fail to advance past stage 60 and cannot be completed. | UOP |
Oblivion:Origin of the Gray Prince | Killing Agronak in the Arena after completing this quest will be counted as a murder by the game as he is a non-evil NPC who does not attack you (though this will not result in a bounty only because there are no other actual NPCs in the Arena at the time) so if you have not murdered anyone before completing this quest line, it will attract the attention of the Dark Brotherhood. However, killing him in the Arena without completing this quest line will NOT attract the Brotherhood's attention. | UOP |
Oblivion:Origin of the Gray Prince | Lord Lovidicus is a vampire (he has all of a vampire's bonuses and abilities), however it is not possible to catch Porphyric Hemophilia from him. He does not leave Vampire Dust on his dead body. | UOP |
Oblivion:Origin of the Gray Prince | The journal of Lord Lovidicus is a quest item, and will become stuck in your inventory if the quest is terminated before completion by Agronak gro-Malog's death. | UOP |
Oblivion:Origin of the Gray Prince | This quest was supposed to add a point to your fame upon talking to Agronak after finding the journal. An improper script command was used to modify your fame player.modav fame 1 , so the fame statistic is not incremented correctly (it should be modpcfame 1 ). |
Oblivion:Ormil | Like Sinderion and Hamlof Red-Tooth, Ormil lacks a merchant chest and thus he keeps his inventory on his person. Due to this, the items that he keeps is his inventory will never respawn. Furthermore, if he is sold apparel or weapons of better quality than those in his current possession, he will later equip them, as they reside in his inventory. | UOP |
Oblivion:Orok gro-Ghoth | He has an unused greeting, "I am Orok gro-Ghoth, steward to Countess Arriana Valga, Countess of Chorrol. I manage her affairs, and the castle is in my keeping." which he will never say as it requires him to be in The Flowing Bowl, which he never goes to. (listen) | UOP |
Oblivion:Pale Lady | Although she was only supposed to be enabled during the Lost Histories quest, due to a bug in Amusei's scripting she will appear before this if you happen to enter the secret passage in the Skingrad Castle Wine Cellar, and will inevitably fight you to the death. This won't cause any problems with the Lost Histories quest, other than continuity errors, such as how she was able to imprison Amusei when she was already dead. | UOP |
Oblivion:Paradise | Do not cast any Bound Gauntlets spells while wearing the Bands of the Chosen. This will trigger the Permanent Quest Item Effect glitch and leave you with a permanent 50% Weakness to Fire. | UOP |
Oblivion:Paradise | Mankar Camoran may not appear in his palace of Carac Agaialor, meaning you are stuck forever in the Palace. This could have happened due to a bug during Dagon Shrine that prevented him from entering Paradise in the first place. | UOP |
Oblivion:Paradise | There was supposed to be a reward of two Fame points for this quest, but due to a scripting error, there's none. | UOP |
Oblivion:Paranoia | This quest may conflict with Lost Histories due to the scripted appearance of guards. | UOP |
Oblivion:Paranoia | If you killed Glarthir for the quest, then kill one of the people on his hit list later, your journal will say you need to meet Glarthir at midnight to receive your reward. However, it's impossible to receive your reward given that Glarthir is dead. | UOP |
Oblivion:Paranoia | Bernadette Peneles and Toutius Sextius are tagged as quest items, so their bodies will never disappear should they die. | UOP |
Oblivion:Parwen | Parwen's dinner is supposed to last just two hours but as she lacks a default AI package, there is nothing for her to do at 8pm, so she keeps eating. | UOP |
Oblivion:Penniless Olvus | Olvus has a sleeping package that should make him sleep from 10pm to 6am, however instead of being set as a Sleeping type of package it is instead set to a Travel type. This means that Olvus will simply travel to his bedroll assuming he's not already there, but once he arrives he will simply stroll around the area. |
Oblivion:Permanent Retirement | It is very hard to avoid incurring a bounty from this kill, as you will get 40 bounty even if you shoot him with the Rose undetected. You must kill him in 1 hit by any means to avoid a bounty, this can occasionally change to a bounty of 1040 after the message proclaiming Adamus' death. | UOP |
Oblivion:Permanent Retirement | Sometimes the Rose of Sithis does not kill Adamus, even while he is swimming and wearing no armor. This is caused by him reacting to the hit and equipping his armor before the arrow's script runs, which then "sees" that he is armored and treats it as a mistimed shot. This is a very rare event, so reloading and trying again is usually the best option, though pickpocketing his shield may also resolve the issue. | UOP |
Oblivion:Permanent Retirement | If you break back into the Imperial Legion Offices, you can take Adamus's finger back out of the desk, and when you exit the desk, you will get a message saying that you have completed the quest, even though it has been previously finished. It will not raise your number of quests completed, and will only move the Permanent Retirement quest log under "Completed Quests" to the top, not duplicate it. | UOP |
Oblivion:Permanent Retirement | Like any other Town Guard, Adamus' bodyguard will eventually respawn, so if you wait too long after completing this quest all you will find is a distraught (and living) bodyguard who will never leave the barracks. | UOP |
Oblivion:Permanent Retirement | When you take Adamus's severed ring finger, no fingers are lost on either of his hands. | UOP |
Oblivion:Peryite | There is a small chance that if monsters are chasing you, a soul may run away from you when you are trying to release it and then end up in the lava, making it inaccessible. | UOP |
Oblivion:Phintias | Phintias keeps the shop open longer on Loredas and Sundas because he has nothing else to do between 8pm and 12am. This causes him to keep offering services until his sleeping package starts at midnight. | UOP |
Oblivion:Pitcher Plant | Unlike all other plants whose name is displayed on screen, Pitcher Plants have nothing to be harvested and do not have any apparent function in the game beyond scenery. | UOP |
Oblivion:Poisoned Apple | NPCs that respawn (like guards and bandits) will pass this effect on to their next respawning copy. This will result in these people dropping dead for no apparent reason. This is because the script effect does not tell the game to remove the ability after the actor is dead. | UOP |
Oblivion:Poisoned Apple | If you consume a poisoned apple, you will take damage at 10 pts per second indefinitely. | UOP |
Oblivion:Potions | The weak and normal versions of the Potion of Chameleon are identical in magnitude and duration. | UOP |
Oblivion:Potions | Human Blood cannot be used to satisfy your need for blood as a vampire. | UOP |
Oblivion:Potions | † The fact that Cyrodilic Brandy is represented like any other potion is likely an oversight by the developers as there is a model of a small bottle with the word "Brandy" on the front that does not appear anywhere else in the game. | UOP |
Oblivion:Potions | The weak and normal versions of the Poison of Burden are identical in magnitude and duration. | UOP |
Oblivion:Ra'Jahirr's House | In the Imperial City, Ra'Jhan wrongfully owns a copy of the key to Ra'Jahirr's house. | UOP |
Oblivion:Ra'jhan's House | The name of each room of the house is misspelled, as the correct name is "Ra'Jhan". | UOP |
Oblivion:Ra'jiradh | Ra'jiradh's name is often spelled with a capital 'J' in dialogue. | UOP |
Oblivion:Random Oblivion Caves | When you reach the dead-end, the final door will not lead you back to the surface and a simple message stating that "This door leads nowhere" will appear. Entering the other end of a cave sequence after you have exited through the right exit before will not create any problems. | UOP |
Oblivion:Redwave | Despite being technically a leveled weapon, every version of Redwave is exactly the same. | UOP |
Oblivion:Reman Broder | Reman's bed does not have an owner meaning you can use it to sleep, as long as you enter his house while he is present so that you are not trespassing. | UOP |
Oblivion:Resist Disease | Characters with 100% or higher Resist Disease and 100% or higher Resist Magic (eliminating the possibility that a Weakness to Disease effect could be applied) can still contract Astral Vapors. | UOP |
Oblivion:Revenge Served Cold | In his grief, Corrick's sense of direction has evidently taken a hit. He tells you that Exhausted Mine is not far to the southeast, when it's actually to the southwest of his house. | UOP |
Oblivion:Rimalus Bruiant | Rimalus may follow you everywhere, even if you fast-travel. He is actually only supposed to follow you if you are in his house/basement, but his target is set as PlayerRef and as such, he will follow you everywhere. The package only lasts for one hour, so he will return to his normal duties after a short while. | UOP |
Oblivion:Rimalus Bruiant | Rimalus was supposed to pray at the Chapel of Stendarr every Sundas between 10am and noon but it was erroneously expecting him to be in the cell already before the package could run. | UOP |
Oblivion:Ring of the Vipereye | Even when the quest is completed, the item remains tagged as "quest essential" and thus cannot be dropped. | UOP |
Oblivion:Roderic Pierrane's House | There is a gap between the walls in the bedroom. | UOP |
Oblivion:Romana Faleria | Romana has two sleep packages. They are identical though only one of them ever runs. | UOP |
Oblivion:Romana Faleria | She is supposed to eat a two-hour meal at home from 6pm, but the AI package causing her to wander around the Temple District takes precedence. | UOP |
Oblivion:Romana Faleria | Romana has a line of dialogue that can never be heard: "The Watch is so completely on my ass. So I got to lay low for a while. I got some dosh stashed, so I'm fine for now." It is supposed to be played when asking her about the Imperial City if her disposition towards you is over 50, but her standard line is above it in the dialogue list and so this one never gets used. | UOP |
Oblivion:Rosethorn Hall | It is possible to gain a free upgrade by sneaking into the Surilie Brothers' house and stealing the note that gives you the Upper Wall Hangings upgrade. It is located on a table near the entrance. | UOP |
Oblivion:Rosethorn Hall | Entering Rosethorn Hall via the upstairs balcony door counts as trespassing. However, since the door is hard to see from the street below, there is little chance of a bounty. You are still able to enter the house properly via the ground floor entrance. | UOP |
Oblivion:Rosethorn Hall | If you sit on the stool in the basement (the one below the Garlic Clusters), you will be unable to get up again and will have to fast travel to any location in order to move on. The cause of the problem is that when you try stand up using the activate key, you inevitably activate the overhanging Garlic Clusters instead, preventing the standing action from being triggered. | UOP |
Oblivion:Ruslan | Ruslan was supposed to reach Itius Hayn during Imperial Corruption to testify against Audens Avidius. He will start to look for Itius at 8am the morning after you convinced him to, however he will give up the search around 9am, never reaching Itius. Once he gives up the search, the game will act like he has reached Itius. Since he will never actually reach Itius, his testimony will never be heard in-game: "I'd like to report a crime. Watch Captain Avidius stole all my money while I was shopping in Jensine's Merchandise." (listen) | UOP |
Oblivion:Sakeepa | Even though it looks like the whole herd of sheep are supposed to follow him onto the Red Ring Road, it's usually only the horned sheep that will follow him around—the others will stay in town. | UOP |
Oblivion:Salmo | When asked for rumors, Skingrad citizens incorrectly refer to Salmo as being female. | UOP |
Oblivion:Sanguine | Stark Reality's removal of gear may cause the Permanent Effects from Quest Items bug. | UOP |
Oblivion:Sanguine | After Ahdarji's Heirloom is completed, the Countess is no longer marked as Essential. If she dies before the Sanguine quest is completed, you will not be able to obtain the Sanguine Rose. However, you will still get credit for completing the quest, and you may still qualify for the Hermaeus Mora quest. | UOP |
Oblivion:Sanguine | If you visit the Countess in her dressing room while she is under the effect of the Stark Reality spell, she may never re-dress. It is possible for her to spend the rest of the game eating at the dinner table wearing only her underwear. | UOP |
Oblivion:Sanguine | For the Stark Reality spell to be considered a success, the Countess must also be affected by it. Because of her Chorrol-related bug, it is possible that she won't even show up in the first place. | UOP |
Oblivion:Sanguine | Chameleon no longer shields you from detection while casting Stark Reality, in the PC version. You can drop a Lockpick before casting the spell, and pick it up afterwards to break out of jail. An alternative is to drop a stack of Invisibility potions or scrolls, and make a fast escape from the castle under their effect (using one after each door-opening or other action that breaks the effect), if you don't have sufficient spellcasting ability yourself. | UOP |
Oblivion:Saveri Faram | Saveri and Jearl share the same single bed, which means that one of them has to wander around the house while the other one is sleeping. | UOP |
Oblivion:Schlera Sestius | Schlera's AI packages are listed in the wrong order, meaning that she spends her whole time wandering around. She was supposed to eat from 8pm to 10pm and sleep in The Sleeping Mare between 10pm and 6am, since she possesses the AI packages for it. Even if the order was correct, however, the doors of the two bedrooms are locked and she doesn't possess a key so she would still be unable to sleep. | UOP |
Oblivion:Script Effect | Script Effect uses the icon for the Burden effect. As a result, any spells with both a scripted effect and a standard spell effect will use this icon instead of an appropriate icon that represents its effect. | UOP |
Oblivion:Scrolls | Although named "Absorb Willpower" this scroll actually has an Absorb Strength effect. There is no scroll that provides an Absorb Willpower effect. | UOP |
Oblivion:Scrolls | These two scrolls are the same for some reason. | UOP |
Oblivion:Scrolls | Although the enchantment name indicates that it absorbs Hand-to-Hand, internally it's actually absorbing Destruction instead. | UOP |
Oblivion:Scrolls | The name of this scroll is obviously a mistake. | UOP |
Oblivion:Scrolls | There are two Drain Skill:Heavy Armor scrolls, both with the same enchantment. Based on the construction set name, one was supposed to be a Drain Skill: Light Armor scroll. | UOP |
Oblivion:Scrolls | "Summon Skeleton Archer" summons a melee skeleton, not an archer skeleton (all summoned skeletons are melee skeletons). | UOP |
Oblivion:Scrolls | "Summon Wraith" summons a Faded Wraith, not a plain Wraith (the Summon Wraith effect is not actually available in game). | UOP |
Oblivion:Secrets of the Ayleids | If Umbacano dies before he has a chance to use the carving from the High Fane, and you take it from his body, it will be tagged as a quest item and you'll be unable to drop it, despite the fact that it's useless now. | UOP |
Oblivion:Secrets of the Ayleids | If you kill Umbacano before he transforms fully into the King and then take the Staff of Nenalata or the Crown of Nenalata you will be unable to equip them and they may be counted as quest items. To remove the quest item status, place the items back on Umbacano's body then take them again. To clear the unequippable status, drop them to the ground and then pick them up again. | UOP |
Oblivion:Security | This ring is bugged and not readily available. | UOP |
Oblivion:Selena Orania | She is among the few NPCs in the game to be marked for a Scripted Death but not to be flagged as essential. Thus it is possible for her to effectively "die twice". | UOP |
Oblivion:Sevarius Atius' House | Both the chair and table in the southwestern corner of Sevarius' private quarters are floating. | UOP |
Oblivion:Shadowhunt | At any level, neither the Weakness to Poison nor the Turn Undead enchantment on the bow have a duration. Therefore, neither effect actually works on the weapon. Undead enemies fail to flee, and since Weakness to Poison only works on all poisons used after the effect is introduced, there is no poisoned attack fast enough to take advantage of Shadowhunt's instantaneous enchantment. | UOP |
Oblivion:Shadowhunt | At high levels, the Turn Undead effect available from this bow is technically higher than any other available in the game. However, as stated in the previous note, it is actually ineffective because of its zero duration | UOP |
Oblivion:Sheogorath | If you pickpocket rat poison from Ri'Bassa before fulfilling the first part of prophecy, you can complete the second part (poisoning livestock), which will trigger last part, enabling you successfully complete this quest without completing first part, which may leave you with irremovable cheese in your inventory. | UOP |
Oblivion:Shepherd's Pie | When creating single-ingredient Cure Disease potions from Shepherd's Pie, a different Cure Disease potion will be created than if any other Cure Disease ingredient is used. There is no apparent reason, even in the Construction Set, for this effect. | UOP |
Oblivion:Sigil Stone | This odd progression is likely just an error. | UOP |
Oblivion:Sins of the Father | Upon completion of this quest, Fathis Ules will be stuck in Chorrol and will deny you his fencing services for the rest of the game. | UOP |
Oblivion:Sins of the Father | If you give the Honorblade to Fathis, it is possible to buy the sword back from him. This is only possible if you have completed Arrow of Extrication and if you immediately access the barter menu after giving him the blade. | UOP |
Oblivion:Sins of the Father | If you give the sword to Laythe, then pickpocket it back from the countess, it retains its quest item flag permanently | UOP |
Oblivion:Sins of the Father | Weatherleah is restored to its former glory when you receive stage 20 of the quest, i.e., when you approach Redguard Valley Cave. By rushing into the cave, it is possible to avoid the quest update, which will make Weatherleah ruined for the rest of the game. | UOP |
Oblivion:Sister Angrond | Sister Angrond was supposed to worship in the nearby Chapel twice a day, but three faulty AI-packages cause her to stay in the house and make her hostile to strangers; firstly, her default package is a HouseOwner-package and she will fall back on this package and kick you out of the priory. Additionally, a PlayerNear-package prevents her from even trying to get to the Chapel if you are anywhere near the cell and will also slightly affect her meals. Another less-than-hospitable package, namely a LockDoorPackage will be the icing on the cake and will ensure her intended routine is more or less destroyed, with the exception of her bedtime. | UOP |
Oblivion:Skeleton Key | If you give Martin the Skeleton Key to complete the Blood of the Daedra quest, you may still have the +40 bonus to Security. | UOP |
Oblivion:Skingrad Recommendation | Erthor may not follow you after the zombies are dead. If you leave the cave without killing all of the zombies and then return after three days, seven more will spawn, throwing off the counter that tracks when Erthor will agree to leave. | UOP |
Oblivion:Skingrad Recommendation | After arriving back at the Guild Hall, Erthor may not stop following you even after Adrienne has been spoken to. | UOP |
Oblivion:Skingrad Recommendation | If you are expelled from the Mages Guild while Erthor is following you, he will be stuck following you until you get back in. | UOP |
Oblivion:Sneak | This ring is bugged and not readily available. | UOP |
Oblivion:Speechcraft | Note that this item is not readily available due to an error in the Construction Set. | UOP |
Oblivion:Spies | It is possible for the quest target marker to be stuck pointing to Burd, even though he has nothing new to tell you. This doesn't affect your game; just read the quest text to find out where you're supposed to go. | UOP |
Oblivion:Spies | After being told to search Jearl's house, your map marker points to Bruma Caverns. While Jearl's house is accessible through the caverns, it's not the logical route and not something you would know. | UOP |
Oblivion:S'rathad's House | The house is not marked as "owned", which means all the items in the ground floor can be taken freely. | UOP |
Oblivion:S'razirr | If you accept S'razirr's help during the related quest but then decide to turn the carving over to Claude Maric, S'razirr, upon completion of this quest, will be stuck in The Tiber Septim Hotel for the rest of the game. He's waiting for his reward, but because of the way the quest has unfolded, he doesn't have the dialogue option to let you give it to him. | UOP |
Oblivion:Staff of Nenalata | The Drain Willpower effect has no duration, it therefore has no effect. | UOP |
Oblivion:Staff of the Everscamp | It is possible to permanently obtain the Staff of the Everscamp (but not the respawning scamps themselves). At quest stage 60 (after arriving at the Shrine of Sheogorath in Darkfathom Cave), a message appears telling you: "I'm no longer feeling the urge to possess the Staff of the Everscamp." At that point the staff ceases to be a quest object. Instead of dropping the staff on the ground, you can place the staff into the corpse of a creature who was killed near the altar. | UOP |
Oblivion:Statistics | (note that some quests never complete properly, so this number will probably never be zero). | UOP |
Oblivion:S'thasa | Instead of going to bed at 10pm, she can get stuck in the western area of the Inn, near the big barrels. This can be solved by going outside, waiting for an hour and returning. | UOP |
Oblivion:Sufferthorn | The Drain Strength effect has no duration, and therefore serves no purpose. | UOP |
Oblivion:Taking Care of Lex | You may have this quest entered into your journal before S'Krivva gives it to you. This could happen by talking to Wretched Aia in Bravil before you have sold the requisite 500 coins of fenced goods, and asking her "Where is S'Krivva?" | UOP |
Oblivion:Taking Care of Lex | If you try to speak to A Stranger earlier in the day than when you first spoke to him, he will brush you away saying "Don't bother me", even if it's more than 24 hours later. | UOP |
Oblivion:Taking Care of Lex | If you have activated the Turning a Blind Eye quest bug, the Stranger may not be in the Abandoned House in Anvil. If you cannot find the Stranger, check to see whether Turning a Blind Eye is listed as an active quest. If so, you probably need to complete that quest before you can progress in Taking Care of Lex. Be sure, however, to come back and complete the remaining Thieves Guild quests in the correct order, otherwise you will trigger a game-breaking glitch during The Ultimate Heist. | UOP |
Oblivion:Tar-Meena | Between midday and 1pm Tar-Meena is supposed to practice casting an 'On Self' spell. However, there is no guarantee that, of the leveled spells she possesses, one will be an 'On Self'. In this case, she will simply stand around doing nothing. | UOP |
Oblivion:Tar-Meena | Even if you have completed the main quest and defeated the Mythic Dawn, Tar-Meena will still say the same dialogue about them and the Mysterium Xarxes as she did before. | UOP |
Oblivion:Telaendril | Although Telaendril's note to Ocheeva states that she will watch over the Sanctuary well on Turdas, she is actually set to watch over the Cheydinhal Mages Guild well instead. | UOP |
Oblivion:Temple of the Ancestor Moths (dungeon) | If you open door D in The Temple of The Moth Halls before starting the Turning a Blind Eye quest it will execute the command SetStage TG08Blind 6 , starting the quest prematurely. As a result, the next time you talk to Methredhel she will give you a message assigning you the quest, whether or not you are in the Thieves Guild. |
Oblivion:Thamriel | It appears that Thamriel was supposed to have a dialogue line about the Imperial City: "I beg your pardon. The city? Here's the city. All around us. A thousand stones, a thousand souls. I hear them all. Sometimes. But not right now. They're all quiet. Did you frighten them away?" (listen) This line was assigned to Elragail instead (who will never say this line as a different line will take prominence over it). Judging from the similarity to Thamriel's other dialogue line in contrast to Elragail's dialogue, it appears that it was meant for Thamriel. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Bloodworm Helm | Entering the fort before the related quest might lead to quest-breaking bugs. The safest course of action is to not enter Fort Teleman before receiving this quest | UOP |
Oblivion:The Bloodworm Helm | Entering Fort Teleman before you receive this quest may cause the second journal entry to not appear when you re-enter Fort Teleman after receiving the quest. It may also cause your quest pointer to point to the exit instead of the location of the Bloodworm Helm. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Bloodworm Helm | Irlav Jarol's body containing the Bloodworm Helm will appear in Fort Teleman after the A Plot Revealed quest is completed, but before Traven gives you this quest. If you loot the Bloodworm Helm from Irlav Jarol's body before you receive this quest, Traven will ask for the Helmet when you return to him with it, but there will be no dialogue option allowing you to give it to him. This will prevent you from advancing any further in the Mages Guild quest line. Also see the bug section on the A Plot Revealed quest page. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Deceiver's Finery | Due to an error in the leveled list used for The Deceiver's Finery, you will not always receive the best outfit for your level. Instead, there is a 50% chance of receiving the next lower outfit. For example, high level (>30) characters have a 50% chance of receiving the level 25-29 version of the outfit, and a 50% chance of receiving the correct level 30+ version of the outfit. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Desolate Mine | If the Fighters Guild members are killed after the quest is completed, rumors regarding the quest may reflect you having failed the quest. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Elven Maiden | Do not start the An Unexpected Voyage quest while this quest is active, doing so will crash the game. See this page for details. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Elven Maiden | After Myvryna has been arrested, Armand sometimes does not subsequently appear in the Garden of Dareloth at midnight. He may be in the Imperial Trading Company Warehouse basement where he hides during this quest. The warehouse is the easternmost one along the waterfront (the right-hand 4 on the map). | UOP |
Oblivion:The Elven Maiden | If the Waterfront guards are dead, their bodies will still go to the house area. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Elven Maiden | Once you have advanced the quest to stage 15, returning to the Waterfront may trigger the stage 30 popup whether you have the bust or not, but Lex and the guards will not actually be there if you have not yet stolen it. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Forlorn Watchman (quest) | Gable the Traitor is not categorized as a member of the undead faction. Therefore, if you get the other creatures in the ship to follow you down to his level (e.g., by running through the first two levels and getting them to chase you), they are likely to attack Gable instead of you. Gable is stronger than the other undead in the ship, and therefore generally wins, but in the meantime you have an opportunity to attack him while he is distracted. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Forlorn Watchman (quest) | Killing Gable and taking the key will lead to the journal message mentioning the log book even if you never read it. Reading the log book afterwards does not add that entry into your journal. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Ghost Ship of Anvil | If you don't kill the ghosts they will follow you up onto the deck and even out to the docks, where any NPCs who are around will be drawn into the fight. The ghosts are much tougher than most of the quayside denizens, and will probably kill some of them (Varulae however is invulnerable while the quest is in progress). If you wish to take advantage of this as a battle strategy, you can bring them out of the ship one at a time. Leaving the zone does not cause them to reset. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Ghost Ship of Anvil | The sword Redwave is technically leveled, but all seven variations of it are exactly the same. Thus, for all practical purposes, you receive the same reward no matter when you complete the quest. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Ghost Ship of Anvil | You can pick-pocket the crystal ball back from Varulae after you've given it to her. This isn't recommended, however, as it's still considered a quest item and you can't give it back to her, leaving you stuck with it forever. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Great Chapel of Zenithar | The exit doors in the chapel are reversed. Leaving the chapel through its southern exit door will result in the player appearing at its northern entrance (facing towards the front gate) and leaving through the northern door will place the player at the southern entrance (facing towards the statue). | UOP |
Oblivion:The Grey Mare | The people of Chorrol may be heard saying "You know, Bongond has got some fine horses for sale over at the Grey Mare. Too bad he's such a pushy man." Of course, Bongond actually sells horses at North Country Stables. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Hist | This is one of several quests in the game that require characters to steal, as picking up the Loose Pipes to destroy the Hist tree registers in your journal as stealing. Although there are no consequences other than the journal statistics, players who wish to have completely crime-free characters will have to accept two crime counts if they wish to complete the quest. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Hist | If you ask Ja'Fazir to yield after entering the Blackwood Company hall, he will accept. You will have to kill him or pickpocket him to obtain Jeetum-Ze's room key, resulting in a crime. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Oak and Crosier | Entering the inn's locked basement triggers dungeon exploration music, despite the building being monster-free. The music and the above rumor may be indications of an unfinished quest involving the inn. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Path of Dawn | The seats that Astav Wirich and Baurus sit on during the first part of the quest are considered "owned furniture," meaning you are unable to sit on them. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Path of Dawn | If you dawdle before reporting to Baurus after procuring Volume 3, he may come and find you instead, and his range extends even outside the Imperial City. This can prove annoying, as you will be forced to manually travel with Baurus the entire way back to the sewers. Using fast travel to speed up the journey will not work, as Baurus does not follow you. More annoying still is the possibility that Baurus will get stuck. If you meet him outside the Imperial City, he may not be able to figure out how to get back. This fatally crashes the main storyline. One possibility for "rescuing" Baurus is to attack him. Strike him enough times and he will chase you, allowing you to lead him where you need him to go, at which point you can yield to him. However, remember that assaulting Baurus will earn you a bounty, and you may be chased by the guards, so be sure to yield to Baurus before a guard catches up to you. You can solve this problem by being arrested and going to jail; serve your time, and when you get back outside, Baurus will be waiting. The quickest way to get arrested is to simply walk up to an Imperial City Guard and pickpocket them in plain view. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Path of Dawn | When Baurus is walking up the stairs in the sewers, it is possible (although rare) for him to fall off the edge of the stairs and get trapped behind the barrels, thus requiring the reloading of an earlier save. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Path of Dawn | If you have been expelled from the Mages Guild, Tar-Meena will not appear in the Arch-Mage's Lobby; she will stay in the Mystic Archives. The only way to get to her is to regain entrance to the University by completing the assigned tasks. If you have been permanently expelled, the only way to reach Tar-Meena is by using the paint brush glitch to jump the wall and wait on her to come out of the Mystic Archives at 6pm to head to the Mage's Quarters where she sleeps until midnight. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Renegade Shadowscale | If you choose to complete The Purification and kill Teinaava the quest will not automatically end. Instead, it will be stuck at the point where you must give Teinaava the Argonian heart. If you make the quest active, the game will still direct you toward the Cheydinhal Sanctuary. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Renegade Shadowscale | One of the journal entries incorrectly indicates that Teinaava has shared the secret hiding place of his treasure. "Teinaava" should have been "Scar-Tail". | UOP |
Oblivion:The Renegade Shadowscale | If you kill Scar-Tail after the quest is completed, the quest update dialogue will appear saying you need to extract the heart and bring it to Teinaava. The quest will remain marked as completed however. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Renegade Shadowscale | Sometimes the Dead Argonian Agent will not appear. After you accept Scar-Tail's alternative the cursor will point to the body. If there is no body you can save and reload and it will appear. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Rosethorn Cache | If you just read the note the first time and forgot to pick it up, you won't be able to read or pick it up anymore. Similarly, if you drop the note, you can no longer pick it up. However, if you put the note in a chest you can retrieve it. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Siren's Deception | On talking to Faustina, she has no dialogue options. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Siren's Deception | If you kill Gogan and/or Maelona after completing the quest (while they are still in the farm house) then you will not get a bounty, as these are treated as different NPCs and they will still be alive in Anvil (assuming you did not kill those versions). | UOP |
Oblivion:The Siren's Deception | If you arrive outside the farmhouse between 11pm and 12am, you will receive both journal entries for stage 50 since the condition for the "... I'll need to wait..." entry uses the or operator rather than AND, thereby failing to correctly enclose the intended time range. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Siren's Deception | After completing the quest, exploration of basement may result in the front door of the farmhouse being locked, and you being trapped inside. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Sleeping Mare | Candice won't rent out rooms. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Sleeping Mare | Although Candice is a merchant, she has zero gold available to buy items; if you want to sell items to her, it's best to wait until you can invest in her store. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Stone of St. Alessia | It is possible to fast travel to Sedor after K'Sharr marks it on your map, even if you have not been there before. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Stone of St. Alessia | It is possible to pickpocket the stone back from Cirroc, however it is considered a quest item and cannot be dropped. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Stone of St. Alessia | Information Gathering will silently start after this quest is completed, regardless of whether The Noble's Daughter or Mystery at Harlun's Watch quests are completed or not. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Temple of the One | After completing Light the Dragonfires, it is possible to obtain a second blessing from the statue by activating it from outside the Temple (a high Acrobatics skill is necessary). | UOP |
Oblivion:The Ultimate Heist | During the final cutscene, it is possible for your game to become permanently frozen. This occurs after the dialogue between the countess of Anvil and the Gray Fox. He says that he is going to pass on the Gray Cowl of Nocturnal to you, but then just walks away and you remain stuck in "cutscene mode" with the Countess in a sitting position facing the chair. This will occur if your guild rank at the time is not "Master Thief". | UOP |
Oblivion:The Ultimate Heist | If you have been detected by the Ayleid Guardians when exiting the Hall of Epochs and do not kill them, you will be unable to sit on the chair. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Ultimate Heist | If you're having trouble getting Amusei to actively seek you out, it is probably because you accidentally triggered a serious bug earlier in the game. As a result, it will take Amusei forever to reach you because he is caught in sneak mode. Be patient or use the wait feature to pass the time. Eventually, he will find you and initiate the quest. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Ultimate Heist | The grate in the fireplace may not open, advising you that you require a key to open it. Approaching the grate will prompt a journal entry, informing you that you have escaped but you will not be able to exit the Battlemage's Chambers. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Ultimate Heist | Activating the Glass of Time is in fact not necessary. The associated scripting enables the door to the Old Way. However, that door is by default enabled, and therefore activating the Glass of Time has no real effect other than updating your quest diary. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Ultimate Heist | Several of the items in this quest remain as quest items even after the quest is complete, and therefore can never be dropped from your inventory. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Ultimate Heist | If you get caught after you have the Elder Scroll, the guards will chase you and you'll be stuck in combat mode—unable to fast travel, rest, or wait—even if you pay off your fines to Armand Christophe. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Ultimate Heist | If you are caught and attacked by more than one palace guard, the guards may all fight each other to the death (easily noticed if you cast Invisibility or use sufficiently high Chameleon that the guards lose you). This is because they have very high Aggression so that they will attack you rather than arrest you and are not actually guards but are in a special ICPalaceGuard class. However, real Palace Guards will also attend and will then attack them for attacking you. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Ultimate Heist | If you kill the Ayleid Guardians before they notice you, it will count as murder. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Ultimate Heist | NPCs may offer "rumors" about the count's return before Millona receives the ring. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Unfortunate Shopkeeper | The bodies of the dead thieves will remain in the shop indefinitely. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Wayward Knight | In the Corridors of Dark Salvation there are two doors next to each other which lead to a small ledge in the Chaos Stronghold. The right door leads to the left side of the ledge and the left door leads to the right side. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Wayward Knight | Once you close the gate, you should be sure to finish the quest by talking to Count Andel Indarys before proceeding with the Main Quest. Otherwise, when you finish the Main Quest, this quest will artificially terminate. The count will insist that you killed his son, even if Farwil is alive and well, and will refuse to give you any reward. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Wayward Knight | If you return Farwil's signet ring to Count Andel Indarys, the journal entry indicates a reward of 200 gold, but in fact it is a leveled reward (the same as if his ring was not returned) as shown above, never exactly 200. | UOP |
Oblivion:The Wayward Knight | If you close the main gate before closing this gate, this gate will close automatically; however, the quest will not update. When you set it as active, it still says that you should meet Farwil at the gate, and your compass still points you there, but there is no gate, and Farwil never comes. | UOP |
Oblivion:Three Sisters' Inn | There is a bug that occurs when you rent a room from Shuravi. Though you must still have the correct amount of gold, none will actually be subtracted from your total if you accept the room. You are then free to sleep in the bed. | UOP |
Oblivion:Tierra | If you leave the chapel before Tierra finishes talking to Savlian, she may not escort the civilians back to the encampment. The civilians will still return on their own, however. | UOP |
Oblivion:Tolgan | Although the subtitles read "The Countess is in attendance from 8 in the morning until 6 in the evening each day", the voicing incorrectly says "The Countess is in attendance from 8 in the morning until noon then again from 3 o'clock in the afternoon until 8 each day". | UOP |
Oblivion:Torbern | Torbern was supposed to tell you a bit about Aerin, but the related 'camp' topic is not available and the dialogue cannot be heard in-game: "Yeah, it's her camp. I don't know where she is, though. For that matter, I don't know who she is either... No one was here, so I thought I'd settle in." (listen). | UOP |
Oblivion:Traps | After reaching level 25, the mine will detonate but it will fire no spell at all. | UOP |
Oblivion:Trevaia | She will only offer to do business as she heads downstairs following her prayer session at the altar. Furthermore she has to be standing still when activated, for example because she stopped to talk to someone else on the stairs. She can do business in the chapel hall between 9am and 10am. The easiest way to ensure that you can barter with her is to arrive in the morning (8-9am) and then wait one hour. Do this until you see her begin to leave her post at the altar, and intercept her by walking into her. She will stop to give you a passing greeting, and as soon as she pauses, initiate a conversation. | UOP |
Oblivion:Trolls of Forsaken Mine | When reporting back with the journal, Modryn Oreyn will comment " I should have known the Blackheart Company was involved." The audio and subtitle are both incorrect, as the group in question is called the "Blackwood Company". | UOP |
Oblivion:Trolls of Forsaken Mine | In Viranus's journal, he compares himself to Vitellus - his deceased brother. Instead of writing Vitellus, however, he writes his own name twice. | UOP |
Oblivion:Trolls of Forsaken Mine | You can enter Forsaken Mine before being given this quest, in which case you will still encounter trolls, rats and mud crabs. However, Viranus Donton and his companions will not be present and neither will the diary. However, if the mine is cleaned up afterwards (during cell reset), the dead bodies of the companions and the dead Blackwood Company Member will be removed too. When you reach Stage 10 of this quest and enter the cave again, only large (static) bloodstains will appear, and you will find only Viranus Donton and his diary. | UOP |
Oblivion:Trolls of Forsaken Mine | If you run at the trolls with 100% Chameleon they will run away and will not stop, thus it can be hard to find them if you let them go too far. | UOP |
Oblivion:Tsavi | If the door to the Chapel's Great Hall is unlocked, she will enter but she will only stand there. | UOP |
Oblivion:Turning a Blind Eye | If you talk to the beggars after returning the stone to the Gray Fox, rather than before, Amusei may never come for the next quest and you may not be able to do quests for the Thieves Guild ever again. | UOP |
Oblivion:Turning a Blind Eye | After completing the quest, the note from the Blind Moth priest about the Gray Cowl may still remain in the inventory as a quest item. | UOP |
Oblivion:Two Sides of the Coin | Since getting arrested is a requirement for this quest, a bug may occur that places NPCs from previous quests at Bruma Castle, potentially resulting in a fight. This is especially problematic here because the Allies for Bruma you may have worked hard to gather might take part and be killed. Doing this quest early, or seeing to it that any hostile NPCs do not survive the affected quests, will lessen this danger. | UOP |
Oblivion:Two Sides of the Coin | If you kill Tyrellius while in jail and let Arnora live, Tyrellius will still be alive and waiting by the treasure chest. | UOP |
Oblivion:Two Sides of the Coin | Tyrellius' body will permanently stay where you slew him. | UOP |
Oblivion:Tyrellius Logellus | If you kill Tyrellius while in jail and let Arnora live, Tyrellius will still be alive and waiting by the treasure chest. | UOP |
Oblivion:Tyrellius Logellus | Tyrellius' body will permanently stay where he is killed. | UOP |
Oblivion:Ulrich Leland | If you complete the "Corruption and Conscience" quest, choose Garrus's method of having Ulrich thrown into the dungeons, then subsequently complete the Cheydinhal part of the "Allies for Bruma" quest, visiting Ulrich in the dungeons will result in him talking to you as if he were a soldier waiting for the Defense of Bruma battle. This is because Ulrich is added to the "MQ13 allies faction" faction even if he has been imprisoned. He will not actually talk to you in the dungeon - rather the subtitles will appear, but his lips do not move and he makes no sound. This has been seen to happen before the actual Battle of Bruma also, however, with him as a normal combatant. | UOP |
Oblivion:Ulterior Motives | After waiting for 24 hours or more, Mercator may keep telling you it hasn't been 24 hours yet. | UOP |
Oblivion:Ulterior Motives | When being directed to the location of the meeting for stage 30 of the quest, you are told "He wishes to meet with you north of the Cursed Mine outside of town, after 2 AM." In fact, the meeting location is southeast of the mine; both the audio and text are wrong here. | UOP |
Oblivion:Ulterior Motives | Once you have reached stage 40 of this quest, Janus may refuse to talk to you. Although this is not a problem in completing the Ulterior Motives quest, it can prevent progress in any other quests involving Janus (in particular, Vampire Cure and Allies for Bruma). | UOP |
Oblivion:Unfinished Business | If you told Modryn that Maglir did not default on his contract, the rumor that circulates about this quest after its completion will speak of "a cover-up with the Fighters Guild's Fallen Rock Cave contract". | UOP |
Oblivion:Unfinished Quests | Upon first entering the Market District, a notice will appear in the upper left-hand corner of the screen reading "New Topic: Do you need couriers?". Despite this, there are no NPCs with whom this topic may be discussed. | UOP |
Oblivion:Unfinished Quests | If the quest Through A Nightmare, Darkly has not been started, Gilgondorin, innkeeper of Silverhome on the Water in Bravil, states that Dro'shanji has seen creatures around his house and that you should speak with him; however, Dro'shanji's home is quite normal, and he himself has no special dialogue options regardless of his disposition. | UOP |
Oblivion:Unfinished Quests | There is a rumor around Cheydinhal that "Dervera Romalen is sure proud of the Newlands Lodge. I think she's especially happy that the Red Queen drinks there". No "Red Queen" exists anywhere in the game. In Unmarked Cave, however, there is a zone called "Unmarked Cave Black Queen's Hall", which contains a chest with the id "ChestMS25DungeonMythicEnemyRare01". This suggests a quest with the ID "MS25" relating to a Black Queen was originally planned, which might also have involved the Red Queen of Cheydinhal. There is no such quest remaining, however, and no other reference to it exists. | UOP |
Oblivion:Unfinished Quests | A common rumor in Chorrol speaks of "shady" dealings at The Oak and Crosier, a local inn. Entering the basement of said structure will spark the cave or ruin exploration music, despite being monster-free. | UOP |
Oblivion:Unfriendly Competition | It is possible to kill Agarmir before starting the quest, as he is not marked as essential. This will make Thoronir wait in the garden for nothing, because nobody is going to show up. You'll need to fix it using the console or load a previous game. | UOP |
Oblivion:Unfriendly Competition | If you take the shovel before killing Agarmir, you will need to drop it and pick it up again to get the quest update. | UOP |
Oblivion:Unfriendly Competition | If you have completed the Dagon Shrine quest, make sure that any hostile Mythic Dawn agents in the city have been killed before following Thoronir to his meeting. These agents may occasionally attack nearby guards during the conversation, causing Thoronir to run off to help fight them. Since the quest never updates properly, you will be stuck in cinematic mode and be unable to move, leaving you little choice but to reload from an earlier save. | UOP |
Oblivion:Unfriendly Competition | If you try to sneak attack Agarmir or Rolgarel in Trentius' Mausoleum, it will count as an assault and a guard will appear in the tomb to arrest you. After the guard has taken you away (whether to pay the fine or to serve jail time), you will never be able to re-enter the mausoleum. The mausoleum is locked and the only key to open the door is carried by Agarmir, who is inside. Sometimes, however, Agarmir may appear outside the jail upon your release. You can then attack him as usual and finish the quest. | UOP |
Oblivion:Unfriendly Competition | If you enter the mausoleum and then exit before the quest updates (I've located Agarmir inside the...), upon re-entering the mausoleum Agarmir will give his talk then attack as normal. However, he will be marked essential, can be knocked unconscious and become non hostile upon waking up and the quest never progresses. Your attack on him will be considered an assault and a guard will eventually turn up and arrest you. The quest cannot be completed and will continue as sneak attacking Agarmir as mentioned in the bug above. | UOP |
Oblivion:Unique Items | Redwave is technically a leveled item, but since all 7 versions of it are exactly alike, it is for all practical purposes a unique item, since at least by appearances it's the same regardless of your level. | UOP |
Oblivion:Unique Items | The Drain Fatigue enchantment on Sinweaver has no duration, and therefore no effect on its target. | UOP |
Oblivion:Unique Items | Due to a probable coding bug, these gauntlets appear as Orcish gauntlets when equipped, but as Iron gauntlets in your inventory and on the ground. | UOP |
Oblivion:Unique Items | When you drop the Monkeypants, they appear as Gauntlets, not Greaves. | UOP |
Oblivion:Unique Items | The Councilor's Hood's container is incorrectly attributed to S'Krivva in the Oblivion construction set, and therefore is not actually available for sale. | UOP |
Oblivion:Unique Items | If you drop the Cowl of Druid, it appears as a robe, even though you wear it as a hood. | UOP |
Oblivion:Unique Items | No Barter option is available for Edgar Vautrine, therefore the item cannot be bought from him. | UOP |
Oblivion:Unmarked Cave | This cave was apparently intended to be part of a quest that was never completed. One result is that most of the cave is inaccessible without taking advantage of exploits. | UOP |
Oblivion:Urbul gro-Orkulg | The longer weekend opening hours are caused by Urbul not having a default AI package. During the week, he eats from 8pm until midnight but he has no AI package for those hours at the weekend, so he keeps performing the previous package and thus his store stays open. | UOP |
Oblivion:Vahtacen's Secret | While you will find scrolls with Fortify Magicka, Damage Magicka and Fire Damage effects in the chest next to Denel, you won't find a Frost Damage one. | UOP |
Oblivion:Vahtacen's Secret | The pressure plates and the stair activator switch aren't reset properly when the cell resets, so if you leave and re-enter Vahtacen over 72 hours later, they may not work again to open the doors or raise the stairs and you'll be stuck with an unfinished quest. | UOP |
Oblivion:Vahtacen's Secret | If you've already pickpocketed the Ayleid Reference Text from Irlav Jarol, the quest will appear to be stalled if Skaleel gives a second copy of the book to you. However, you can still proceed by casting the appropriate spells indicated above at the pillar. | UOP |
Oblivion:Vahtacen's Secret | When you go down the hall to Denel, you may be noticed by two ghosts on the other side of the wall. If Denel notices them he may try to fight them; at which point no matter what spell is cast on it, the pillar will shock you and reset. If you are detected by the ghosts after opening the pillar, the quest will continue as normal. | UOP |
Oblivion:Valdemar's Shield | The odd progression is likely an error. | UOP |
Oblivion:Valus Odiil | Valus Odiil's Key is useless; it doesn't open anything. | UOP |
Oblivion:Valus Odiil's House | Valus Odiil's key does not open anything. | UOP |
Oblivion:Vampire Cure | Drakelowe is always a private area. Therefore, do not wait too long to begin the dialogue with her or she will change to combat mode and attack you. Trespassing does not affect the quest dialogues with her. | UOP |
Oblivion:Vampire Cure | If you give Melisande the last ingredient and the order to brew the potion at 11 p.m., she might never return from the basement so you cannot get the potion from her. To solve this problem, either load a previous savegame and talk to her at a different time or type the following commands into the console and wait 24 hours:set MS40.currentday to GameDay set MS40.currenthour to GameHour set MS40.cureready to 3 |
Oblivion:Vampire Cure | There is a glitch where Hal-Liurz, the Count's Steward, becomes stuck in the Chamber of the Lost. Every time you speak to her she will say "Please, wait here. I shall let the count know you are waiting for him" but will never go anywhere. | UOP |
Oblivion:Vampirism | "When loading a vampire character save from the main start screen, your character's face may be altered to the default face. Female vampires may have their face changed into that of an elderly male vampire (although the rest of the body remains female). | UOP |
Oblivion:Vampirism | The statue of your character in Bruma—which appears after the Great Gate quest has been completed—will always have the default face if your character is a vampire. | UOP |
Oblivion:Vampirism | The counter for the incubation time is not reset after you cure yourself of Porphyric Hemophilia before becoming a vampire. The result is, next time you catch the disease you will have only 72 hours minus previous incubation time to cure yourself before becoming a vampire. | UOP |
Oblivion:Varon Vamori | Varon Vamori doesn't own his house's bedroom door, so may sometimes be found locked inside his bedroom, trying to get out. | UOP |
Oblivion:Vigge the Cautious | Vigge's trip towards the chapel is cut short because of overlapping schedules. He is supposed to leave the guild hall at 4pm, but the schedule for his after-lunch wander takes precedence and goes on for three hours from 2pm, keeping him in the guild. If that schedule lasted for only two hours, he would have enough time to reach the chapel, where he would walk around on the entrance steps. | UOP |
Oblivion:Weatherward Circlet | Due to an error in the leveled list, the level 10-14 version of this ring is never used; the level 15-19 version is given to a level 10-14 player instead. | UOP |
Oblivion:Weynon Priory (quest) | Eronor might not run up to you and start the dialogue. This causes a number of issues, and seems to occur when you approach the Priory from the 'wrong' angle (i.e. from Chorrol). Fast traveling there guarantees that you start in the correct location. | UOP |
Oblivion:Where Spirits Have Lease | Sometimes when you take Velwyn to the "Sealed Portal" in the basement, he just keeps waving his hands and never opens the door. | UOP |
Oblivion:Where Spirits Have Lease | Lorgren mistakenly refers to Carahil as being male. | UOP |
Oblivion:Azura | If Shivering Isles is present, talking to Mels Maryon does not advance the quest stage to 10 (see below) because his line of dialogue that does this was accidentally changed. This does not impede the quest as the Shrine can still be activated if the requirements are met (at dawn or dusk by a player at least level 2 having Glow Dust.) | USIP |
Oblivion:Generic Magic Weapons | If Shivering Isles has been installed, the enchantment on all "of Voltage" weapons and all "of the Dynamo" weapons is changed to the Shivering Isles' "of Soul Voltage" enchantment. Therefore, a Soul Trap for 5 seconds enchantment is added to the Shock Damage. Also, the cost for each strike is increased to 46 magicka instead of 24, so the number of uses is decreased to 26. This change is applied retroactively to all such weapons (including any ones that you found before installing the Shivering Isles). | USIP |
Oblivion:Mercantile | Similarly, none of the merchants in the Shivering Isles expansion will offer the option to invest in their shops. | USIP |
Shivering:A Liquid Solution | If you return to the statue after completing the quest, you will receive an Aquanostrum flask even if you hadn't collected the empty flask from Bernice. This is marked as a quest item so it cannot be dropped. If you talk to Bernice and agree to help her again you can hand over the full flask only to be stuck with an empty one instead. | USIP |
Shivering:Addiction | The special Elytra Hatchling that carries the Felldew required to access Dunroot Burrow may be missing and never reappear, making it impossible to enter and complete the quest. | USIP |
Shivering:Crystal Chest | Knights of Order will continue to respawn at either Pinnacle Rock or Brellach (depending on your choice during Ritual of Accession), allowing you to obtain an endless supply of Hearts of Order. | USIP |
Shivering:Cutter | Apparently Earil instead of Cutter (and also not Dumag) was originally intended to provide recharging services. | USIP |
Shivering:Dark Seducer | Dark Seducers refer to male characters as "The Duchess of Mania." The bug is due to the Dark Seducer dialogue checking their own gender instead of the player's gender. | USIP |
Shivering:Duelists | A glitch in the AI of all five duelists can cause them to possess hundreds or even thousands of clubs or daggers. | USIP |
Shivering:Dumag gro-Bonk | Apparently Earil instead of Dumag (and also not Cutter) was originally intended to provide recharging services. | USIP |
Shivering:Ebrocca | "After killing the Clanfather, do not reenter Ebrocca, Sepechra after the dungeon resets. The surrounding walls are scripted to close when you pass a trigger point, and to open once you kill him. However, while the former script will reset, the latter script will not. Therefore, you will be trapped in the Clanfather's 'arena' permanently. | USIP |
Shivering:Final Resting | When you meet Hirrus by the sewer grate to initially hear his problem, you are given the option to respond 'I'm sorry, I can't help you out'. Answering as such will result in the quest staying active with the update "Hirrus Clutumnus has asked for my help, I've turned him down", and the marker staying on him. Unfortunately, unlike most other quests that can be delayed indefinitely with such an answer, speaking with Hirrus again at any time results in the "Best not to talk about it here. Meet me by the sewer grate near the statue." response. He will never return to the grate or converse with you normally, essentially "jamming" the quest. | USIP |
Shivering:Final Resting | Using the cupboard in Hirrus Clutumnus' house to store items will set a stolen flag on your items when retrieved. | USIP |
Shivering:Final Resting | Hirrus' corpse will remain in Crucible forever as it is marked as a Quest Item. | USIP |
Shivering:Ghosts of the Hill of Suicides | At low levels, pushing a ghost off the top of the cliff may "kill" it. While the body is still present, it is possible to hand over the appropriate skull, but after three days the body will disappear making the spell unattainable. At higher levels, the ghosts have much more health and will only be injured when falling off the cliff. However, they will return to their original locations and may still be killed by repeatedly pushing them off the cliff, before they can regenerate their health. | USIP |
Shivering:Ghosts of Vitharn | If you burn Desideratus' doll, do not pick it up again on the next day. It will permanently remain in your inventory unless you use the console to remove its quest designation. | USIP |
Shivering:Ghosts of Vitharn | An error in the check on the brazier's script will allow Desideratus' doll to be burned before you have it or even know of it. This causes a near game-breaking glitch: the Fanatics' leader never shows up for the final battle, making it impossible for you to kill him. Since you are prevented from leaving Vitharn until the quest is completed. | USIP |
Shivering:Ghosts of Vitharn | If you use the Ring Of Disrobing while wearing Count Cirion's Helmet (the cursed version), it will cause the game to crash immediately. | USIP |
Shivering:Glitches | When doing the last quest of the Shivering Isles where you defeat Jyggalag, getting arrested while doing this quest results in being unable to fast travel. It also stops you entering the Palace Grounds in New Sheoth, meaning you cannot complete the quest line. | USIP |
Shivering:Glitches | Female Dark Seducers refer to male characters as "The Duchess of Mania." The bug is due to the Dark Seducer dialogue checking their own gender rather than that of the player. | USIP |
Shivering:Glitches | After killing Syl's double, if the Staff of Worms is used on the double the game will now count her as Syl, meaning when she dies you get a quest message saying you should now take her heart. You can't do this because she doesn't have it, not being the correct NPC. To solve this, just go to the garden, then in the secret door, and your markers will show up and the quest will fix itself. Or just don't use the Staff of Worms on her. | USIP |
Shivering:Glitches | In the side-quest The Coming Storm, a glitch occurs where you cannot give the Calming Pants to Ahjazda. It is believed this occurs if you give more than one sweetroll to Fimmion. It is not possible to complete the quest if you have saved after the glitch occurs. Solution: console: player.removeitem 00078727 1 |
Shivering:Glitches | During the Addiction quest, it is possible for Elytra to not drop the Felldew you need to proceed into Dunroot Burrow. At first, it may seem that only some of the Elytra do not have the required Felldew, as not all of them do anyway; but if you head to Dunroot Burrow at the required time and do not find a green glowing Elytra at the entrance, then no other Elytra will have the felldew. This makes it impossible to enter Dunroot Burrow, and therefore, impossible to complete the Main Quest. See Addiction quest bugs for solution details. | USIP |
Shivering:Glitches | "Occasionally after completing the quest Retaking The Fringe, Sheogorath is nowhere to be found. On the PC version, enter the following into the console while in front of his throne to get him back: |
Shivering:Glitches | If you chose to become the Duke/Duchess of Dementia, you can walk through the wall in the private gardens, leading to a strange area. If you jump up onto the ledge in between the door to the Duke's quarters and the bust of Sheogorath that leads to the ruins, you should be able to walk through the wall. You will not be able to jump back up again, although it is possible to activate one of the three doors in the gardens to escape. | USIP |
Shivering:Glitches | When you enter the Secret Garden for House of Dementia by way of Xirethard, there is no key to enter the house (unless you have become Duke/Duchess) and the bust does not let you back into Xirethard. The guards also do not carry keys and there is no key in the Duchess's chamber. | USIP |
Shivering:Glitches | When you finish creating the new Gatekeeper, it is possible that the Knights won't appear and Felas Sarandas will be left standing around in Passwall. | USIP |
Shivering:Halion | During the poem, "If at Sickly Bernice's Taphouse you wish to drink, take a moment to stop and think." he stops talking when he gets to the word "drink" | USIP |
Shivering:Heart of Order | The easiest way to obtain Hearts of Order is by looting the bodies of Priests of Order, who can often be found carrying 30+ Hearts. | USIP |
Shivering:Herdir | Herdir wasn't supposed to follow you outside of Crucible. He will however, follow you to Bliss. If you leave New Sheoth, he will simply turn around and return to Crucible. As a result, his recorded dialogue "I'm afraid I cannot follow you beyond this point, Inquisitor. My duties require me to stay within Crucible. I shall be there if you need me." will never be heard. (listen) | USIP |
Shivering:Issmi | Issmi may continue to follow you after the quest. Talking to her will result in her saying anything she would normally say after the quest and you cannot tell her to stop following you. A rare part of this glitch is that she may come to Cyrodiil with you through the portal. If this happens, talking to her will result in the text "I HAVE NO GREETING" and no voice will come from her. She will remain in Cyrodiil and cannot come back to the Shivering Isles. | USIP |
Shivering:Magic | If your health reaches zero after you cast Sheogorath's Protection, you will be resurrected at New Sheoth Palace. However, you will lose all race, birthsign, and vampiric abilities and your fame may be reset to zero. The spell is normally supposed to take effect when your health is very low, and the bugs are introduced if you die and have to be resurrected. This is similar to the bug in Molag Bal's quest except that you will also drop your weapon before resurrecting. | USIP |
Shivering:Nerveshatter | Because the Weakness to Shock has zero duration, it actually has no effect; this weapon effectively only has a Shock Damage enchantment. | USIP |
Shivering:Pinnacle Rock | After the related quest, the forces of Order in the ruin will respawn. | USIP |
Shivering:Priest of Order | Priests can yield unexpected loot; in particular, they will often be carrying 30+ Hearts of Order. | USIP |
Shivering:Private Gardens | If you don't replace Syl as the Duchess of Dementia, and if you enter the Private Gardens via Xirethard, you will be stuck in the Private Gardens. | USIP |
Shivering:Rebuilding the Gatekeeper | Attempting to speak to any of Relmyna's prisoners will yield the I have no greeting glitch. | USIP |
Shivering:Rebuilding the Gatekeeper | Felas Sarandas may fail to attack the new Gatekeeper and instead be found standing around in Passwall in Priest of Order robes, ignored by the Saints or Seducers in the area. Attacking him when he is in this state will count as a crime. | USIP |
Shivering:Rendil Drarara | When Rendil is on his way to the Sacellum at 2pm, or on his way home at 4pm, the fork-obsessed Big Head will attempt to steal his pewter fork, often causing the untimely death of Big Head and the end of his related quest. This can be avoided by pickpocketing the fork from Rendil without getting caught, before Big Head detects him. | USIP |
Shivering:Retaking The Fringe | Once this quest starts, the entire Fringe is replaced with a new, "Ordered" version. This version remains in place until the main questline is completed. You will need to once again re-explore the Fringe in order to make the various map markers reappear. One minor difference between the two versions of the Fringe is that the map symbol for the Door to Cyrodiil changes from the "landmark" symbol to the "Ayleid Ruin" symbol. | USIP |
Shivering:Retaking The Fringe | Occasionally after completing the quest, Sheogorath disappears. | USIP |
Shivering:Ritual of Dementia | If you kill Syl before disposing of her Dark Seducer bodyguard, you will receive a 1000 gold bounty for murder, and your Murders statistic will increase if you kill her afterwards. | USIP |
Shivering:Ritual of Dementia | If you use the Staff of Worms on Syl's double's body and kill it, you will get the quest update telling you to take her heart out. | USIP |
Shivering:Ritual of Mania | Sometimes, Syl will not enter the room. Load an earlier save to circumvent this. | USIP |
Shivering:Ritual of Mania | After becoming the Duke/Duchess of Mania, the player is unable to sit in Thadon's (now the player's) throne as the ownership is not updated. | USIP |
Shivering:Runs-in-Circles | It is possible that after killing Runs-in-Circles she will continue to cry "Ni-ni-ni-ni-ni-ni-ni-ni-ni-ni!" | USIP |
Shivering:Shegorath's Regalia | The regalia is misspelled Shegorath instead of Sheogorath. | USIP |
Shivering:Symbols of Office | The Corrupted Clone may not drop Shadowrend, making it impossible to obtain without console commands as the dead clone can't be activated. | USIP |
Shivering:Symbols of Office | Sheogorath can be spoken to as he transforms, but doing so simply replays your previous conversation. | USIP |
Shivering:Symbols of Office | Although the Howling Halls lie in the Dementia region of the Isles, Dyus calls them the "Howling Halls of Mania". | USIP |
Shivering:The End of Order | If you have a bounty at the start of this quest and you talk to one of the palace guards, selecting Pay Gold or Go To Jail will spawn you outside of the palace and will not be able to get back in to complete the quest. Trying to fast travel to the palace grounds will result in a message saying you cannot fast travel from this location. If you try and go through one of the doors, you will fall through the wall and outside of the normal game map area and be stuck. | USIP |
Shivering:The Wastrel's Purse | Dredhwen's vendor chest in The Wastrel's Purse can be accessed and contains three items subject to the duplicate respawning items glitch namely, Iron Arrows, Bear Pelt, and Lockpicks. To access it jump into the roof trusses from the top of the stairs, then out of the building. You can stand on the floor on the outside of the wall, save here because if you fall you respawn in the room. The chest is directly under Dredhwen. Fall off the edge moving towards it or make a stair case out of glitch paintbrushes leading down to it. Accessing the contents also makes it possible to steal back items you sold to Dredhwen. | USIP |
Shivering:Unique Clothing | It respawns, but is still a quest item and it will be stuck in your inventory. | USIP |
Shivering:Unique Clothing | As with many other leveled rewards, this amulet is generated in its container based on the player's current level when Shivering Isles is first loaded. Thus if a new game is started with Shivering Isles already present, such as the GOTY edition, the player will always receive the level 1-4 version, no matter their level when it is actually found. | USIP |
Shivering:Unique Clothing | As with many other leveled rewards, this ring is generated in its container based on the player's current level when Shivering Isles is first loaded, thus if a new game is started with Shivering Isles already present, the player will always receive the level 1-6 version, no matter their level when it is actually found. | USIP |
Shivering:Unique Clothing | The lowest level robe is identified as "Ciirta's Robe" instead of "Ciirta's Robes". | USIP |
Shivering:Unique Clothing | Note: For some reason Arctus mistakenly calls it the "Ring of Intrigue" when you speak to him about it. | USIP |
Shivering:Weapons | This weapon is not found in the game. Grummites actually use Iron Bows instead. | USIP |
Skyrim:Bandit | These two-handed melee bandits appear in "berserker" leveled lists; they are identical to other two-handed fighters, except that they have a morality of No Crime instead of Any Crime and have the csHumanBerserkerLvl1 fighting style instead of csHumanMeleeLvl1 . |
Skyrim:Belethor | Ysolda was intended to take over Belethor's duties if he was killed, but she may not. | USKP |
Skyrim:Conjuration | An even faster way to level, although one that exploits a bug, would be to find any sort of dead body and repeatedly cast Soul Trap on it with dual-cast; you can go from level 40 to 91 in less than 10 minutes. If you stand near the big magic well in the College of Winterhold, you will gain additional magicka regeneration. If this is combined with the Altmer's Highborn racial power, your magicka will regenerate extremely quickly. | USKP |
Skyrim:Conjuration | The Elemental Potency perk causes the Storm Thrall spell to stop raising your Conjuration skill. | USKP |
Skyrim:Dawnbreaker | Though it can be tempered with an ebony ingot, it is not classified as an ebony weapon, nor is it classified as any other standard weapon material. Therefore, its upgrades do not benefit from any smithing perks, and, without a Fortify Smithing effect, it can only be tempered to Flawless quality. | USKP |
Skyrim:Drainheart Sword | The absorb stamina enchantment differs from other absorb stamina enchantments, allowing you to disenchant it and have two absorb stamina enchantments. | USKP |
Skyrim:Draugr | Dragons and draugr are considered enemies, even though dragon priests are allies to both. | USKP |
Skyrim:Enchanting Effects | There are two versions of this effect, allowing it to be applied twice. The second version is from the Shield of Solitude and has a base magnitude of 10%. | USKP |
Skyrim:Ill Met By Moonlight | If you acquire the Ring of Hircine and the Savior's Hide, both will count towards the Oblivion Walker achievement, allowing you to earn the achievement without completing one of the "required" Daedric quests. However, the "Daedric Quests Completed" statistic (in the General Stats section of your log) is only incremented once. | USKP |
Skyrim:In My Time Of Need | After you hand Saadia to Kematu, sometimes Kematu and the Alik'r keep staying in Swindler's Den. No more conversation options are possible and the dungeon cannot be cleared. | USKP |
Skyrim:Kematu | Kematu can be found in Swindler's Den even after Saadia is betrayed and the quest finished. | USKP |
Skyrim:Large Antlers | The Slow effect on this ingredient has a nonstandard value and duration. | USKP |
Skyrim:Mace of Molag Bal | Though the mace can be tempered with an ebony ingot, it is not classified as an ebony weapon, nor is it classified as any other standard weapon material. Therefore, its upgrades do not benefit from any smithing perks. | USKP |
Skyrim:Passive Creatures | The Abecean Longfin activator is misspelled "Abacean Longfin". | USKP |
Skyrim:Pickpocket | During the quest Blood on the Ice, once the player sells the strange amulet to Calixto Corrium, the amulet can be subsequently pickpocketed and resold to Calixto indefinitely, both skyrocketing the Pickpocket skill and amounting in large sums of money for the player (500 gold for each time the amulet is sold). | USKP |
Skyrim:Pickpocket | Trainer pickpocketing: Pay a trainer to train a skill (normally, one other than Pickpocket), steal your gold back, pay again, and repeat for as long as you're able to "buy" new levels of training. This way, you can gain as many levels of the skill as you wish to learn from the trainer, and gain levels of Pickpocket with a net cost of 0 gold. With a high Pickpocket skill, you can train up to level 51 without Pickpocket perks, or to 76 with all of the perks. After this, the gold cost becomes too expensive to pickpocket back. This is an extremely efficient method of leveling Pickpocket to the low 50s; at 15 skill with 1 perk, you have a 51% chance of stealing back your training fee, which goes up to 71% when you reach level 20 and invest another perk, and you will gain several extra levels of pickpocket each time you steal back your fee. Be warned that at low levels this method can cause you to level up repeatedly, making combat more difficult. | USKP |
Skyrim:Swindler's Den | If you side with Kematu in the quest In My Time Of Need, he will still appear at the back of this cave, even after he has supposedly left for Hammerfell. | USKP |
Skyrim:The Whispering Door | Hulda is necessary for this rumor to unlock. Ysolda can take over as publican of The Bannered Mare if Hulda dies, but will not give the rumor. | USKP |
Skyrim:Unfathomable Depths | Due to a spelling error in the game code, the final scene near the Centurion will never play as intended. | USKP |
Skyrim:Exquisite Sapphire | Because Glover's Letter respawns, you can obtain unlimited Exquisite Sapphires by repeatedly giving Sapphire the letter. | USLEEP |
Skyrim:Frost Breath | The third version of this shout is affected by Fortify Destruction effects from Potions, while the first two versions are not. | USLEEP |
Skyrim:Beyond Death | After you kill Durnehviir, there will be a prompt to search him but it is impossible to do so. | USSEP |
Skyrim:Nightingale Blade | The blade is not affected by any smithing perks. | USSEP |